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Za one Kalifornije čitanje, osobito one na jugu, držati oko na ovom lijepom malo pauka, Latrodectus geometricus – smeđa udovica. Arachnologists at UC Riverside are monitoring the spread of this invasive species. Ironično se ispostavi da ne bude tako opasno kao naše rodnoj crne udovice. Ipak, it is not from ’round these here parts (should be said in your best southern twang). If you find a specimen, especially if you’re not in LA/Orange/SD counties, you should contact the team at UCR.

Mora biti spor vijesti dana…

S Koreja kolebanje na rubu vrućeg rata, ekološku katastrofu bez proporcija i građanskih nemira u Jamajci (netko harshed svoje draži) – da spomenemo samo neke od današnjih naslova iz drugih izvora – CNN ima vremena herc do naslovnoj stranici.

I usually get a little excited when I come across articles like this because I always have hopes for something so ridiculous it has to be discussed. Thankfully CNN is run by teams of drunken marmosets who like to fling crap at us. Before the Skeptical Moth epoch I would share links to cover page stories on the findings of veliko stopalo, chupacabra and aliens with just a few friends or spread it around facebook. Now I can ridicule CNN on a google archived medium.

I just do not understand the point of this article. John Blake doesn’t discuss an explanation for this phenomenon, offer an opinion, or ask any questions. Svakako, he asks if God really cares who wins, but that question isn’t any more valid than asking if my dog (also fictional) cares what kind of car I drive (unless of course it is psychic! Seriouslypeople believe this). When I read articles like this I feel as if I am grading papers in a high school english class. There is no journalistic integrity, intelligent opinion or factual basis for the scribblingthere are just pretty pictures and words illustrating them. Setting the whole prayer and faith issue aside; athletes have always been known for their superstitions (another). Theacceptance speechphenomenon undoubtedly falls under this category. After achieving a statistically small outcome (vidjeti hot hands), they are afraid of forgetting God in fear of magically losing their ability (not necessarily consciously). For some reason Blake restrains this article to only sportsperhaps he is intentionally playing into the massive demographic of American sports loving, bud-light swilling, christiansbut clearly this is a reoccurring theme. At any awards ceremony God, Jesus or Allah is usually at the top of the thank-you list. Forget all that hard work and talent you might have, it was something or someone else. Abandoning all rational thought to a mystical being is a dangerous thing. This mindset is the same one that allows addicts to blame anyone but themselves (even if addiction is in part hard-wired), believe in faith healing, start a holy war, or let the Catholic church blame the devil.

CNN is flashing the lights and jingling the keys over the faces of their readers. Usually I leave it up to FOX news to insult my intelligence, but I am glad to know I have a choice in this market.

Strašan Little Butterfly


Jednom u životu pojave, a bilateral gynandromorph. Ukratko, glitch tijekom diferencijacije stanica stvara asimetrična kromosoma obrasce, što dovodi do asimetričnog ekspresiju spolnih u odraslih kukaca. Ako niste kliknuli na link iznad, učiniti, to je odličan opis s nekim strašan fotografije.

Povratak u leptira. I was in the field this March just above the middle fork of the American River on the hunt for Xanthothrix, with me was Brian Hansen and Bob Patterson. Bob and I were on a mission, to locate a remote patch of Coreopsis high on serpentine soils, and to find our rare little moth. Brian came along to enjoy the day and explore the butterfly fauna. While Bob and I hiked ahead anxious to see if the days hike would be worth it, Brian stopped frequently to net passing leps. It was probably less than an hour out from the car when we hear form behind us on the trailHey guysI think I just caught a gynandromorph!!!” u redu, I was skeptical. Bob and I approached to see Brian holding a little blue in his hand, which unmistakably, was a bilateral gynandromorph. I was blown away. Bob has over 50 years of experience as an avid lepidopterist and has never seen one of these in the wild. To make this feat even more impressive, this small blue butterfly is one of the commonest insects in the American west in the spring. Danas, they were puddling in great numbers along the trail, and I hadn’t even stopped to blink at one. Brian just netted a one in a million catch. Perhaps it is the curse of a jaded lepidopterist that will keep me from such once in a lifetime discovery; but I know I will be looking closer at even the commonest butterfly as it wings by me.

So as you can see the butterfly is exactly half male and half female (the right side is female). If you look very closely you can even see a perfect vertical line bisecting the body if the insect (looks like a photoshop edit almost), gynandromorphism after-all is expressed throughout the entire body and even the genitalia are contorted into strange shapes.

The specimen is in Brian Hansen’s personal collection, and you can find the images hosted on the Butterflies of America website.

Samo prelagano

Prirodno, it was named Phallus drewsii. This comes form the list of the top 10 species named u 2009, postupio po Arizona State University (Nije vrlo dobar popis, ako 7 mojih novih vrsta nisu bili tamo…). While I tend to avoid phallic and O’Keeffesque botany, this one I couldn’t resist because it was named after someone from my own institution. Dr.. Robert Drewes now has a small phallic fungi named after him (with permission). Taxonomy humor at work.

Moljac i ja #11

Has just been posted over at Buba u Busha. Idi i istražiti najnovije moljac karneval, okupljanje blogova koji su sadržanu moljaca na ovaj ili onaj način u posljednjih mjesec dana ili tako.

Opasno Život Lepidopterist

Novosti iz Indije, leptir fotograf je otet. Mjesni perivoj dužnosnik koji je bio u posjetu sjeveroistočnoj pokrajini Arunachal Pradesh je snimljen noću banda naoružanih Prenoćište pobunjenika. Napori da ga pronaći ometeni su na vrijeme i daljinskim terenu. Indija je nedavno postala jedna od zemalja u kojima je najteže provoditi istraživanja, a sada se svi podsjećamo na njegovu kontinuiranu povijest nasilja. Često se nalazi unutar zabačenih i divljih dijelova zemlje u razvoju u kojoj se nalaze i zadivljujuća biološka raznolikost i militantni disidenti. Dok je bila u Ekvadoru, moja je skupina pazila na kolumbijske FARC pobunjenike koji su možda zalutali preko granice; na sreću, postojala je samo minuta mogućnost da će uopće biti tamo, i ništa se nije vidjelo. Mislim da su neki od mojih najmučnijih terenskih radova bili duž američko-meksičkih pograničnih država i u samom Meksiku. Trkači drogom bi te radije upucali prije nego što zamole da im se makneš s puta, i lutajući banditi bili su odgovorni za ubojstvo kolege prijatelja u Oaxaci prije nekoliko godina. Nije iznenađujuće, mamac neiskorištene biološke raznolikosti nas stalno vuče. Budite sigurni na terenu!

Gone Prikupljanje

Tijekom dugog vikenda ću biti na terenu. Stay tuned za nevjerojatnih priča (nema hype ovdje…).

Dok sam daleko uživati ​​sljedeće od drugih odličnih blogera:

Continue reading Gone Collecting

Genius tiska, u. MI

Dobro je da se baci changeup svaki na vrijeme, and this week here is an article that is actually GOOD. Da, što ga pročitati ovdje prvi, a positive article about entomology collections. We all need a breather after that Fox news fiasco with the Michigan State collection. The Honolulu Magazine does a really great job (heyI knew that title sounded familiarit’s a book by Svibanj Berenbaum) and they actually seem to get it. There are some great quotes from Dr. Neal Evenhuis (pictured) and Shepherd Myers; go read about the Bishop Museum’s collections and the awesomeness of being an entomologist on one of the most beautiful places in the world. Zapravo, Neal, need a curatorial assistant?

Za sve vas moljci ERS

Za one koji nisu svjesni, Nova knjiga hit na tržištu krajem prošle godine. “Moljci zapadne Sjeverne Amerike“, Powell i Opler. U samo $95 to vrijedi svaki cent (ili $75 za e-knjige, ali mrzim e-knjiga). To je izvanredna knjiga i prva te vrste za zapadne države. Ne samo da je to spektakularna referenca, ali postavlja ljestvicu za sve knjige o kukcima. Ne, nije svaki moljac na zapadu unutra (to bi razbilo moj stol i novčanik 6,000 vrsta), ali gotovo jedna od svakog roda i uobičajene ili izvanredne vrste ima fotografiju, životna povijest i distribucija. Što je najvažnije, pokriva mikrolepidoptera. Odrastao sam na istočnom paru, Moljci istočne Sjeverne Amerike od strane Covell. Imao sam dva primjerka, jedan za polje i jedan za moj stol – i morao je barem jednom zamijeniti kopiju polja. Bila je to sjajna knjiga, ali Powell i Opler su trčali oko njega.

Druga dobra vijest je da sada možete pristupiti svemu 1,228 ilustracije moljca i odgovarajući podaci na mreži za besplatno. Idite na CalPhotos i potražite Powella, ili kliknite ovdje. Lijepi dio ovoga je što su nešto manje fotografije mikrolepa u knjizi dostupne u visokoj rezoluciji za bolju identifikaciju. Prekrasan dodatak referenci i lakši nego da svima pošaljete CD.