
对于很少再发生问答系列, 这里是一个新的形象. 这是谁的蛾?


对于那些读加州, 尤其是在南方, 留意这个美丽的小蜘蛛, Latrodectus geometricus褐寡妇. Arachnologists at UC Riverside are monitoring the spread of this invasive species. 讽刺的是它原来并不像我们本土黑寡妇一样危险. 然而, it is not from ’round these here parts (should be said in your best southern twang). If you find a specimen, especially if you’re not in LA/Orange/SD counties, you should contact the team at UCR.


与韩国蹒跚地走在热战的边缘, 前所未有的比例和内乱在牙买加的生态灾难 (有人harshed他们的醇香) – 只是仅举几个今天的头条新闻从其他来源 – CNN花费翘起的头版时间.

I usually get a little excited when I come across articles like this because I always have hopes for something so ridiculous it has to be discussed. Thankfully CNN is run by teams of drunken marmosets who like to fling crap at us. Before the Skeptical Moth epoch I would share links to cover page stories on the findings of 大脚, chupacabra and aliens with just a few friends or spread it around facebook. Now I can ridicule CNN on a google archived medium.

I just do not understand the point of this article. John Blake doesn’t discuss an explanation for this phenomenon, offer an opinion, or ask any questions. 确定, he asks if God really cares who wins, but that question isn’t any more valid than asking if my dog (also fictional) cares what kind of car I drive (unless of course it is psychic! Seriouslypeople believe this). When I read articles like this I feel as if I am grading papers in a high school english class. There is no journalistic integrity, intelligent opinion or factual basis for the scribblingthere are just pretty pictures and words illustrating them. Setting the whole prayer and faith issue aside; athletes have always been known for their superstitions (another). 该 “acceptance speechphenomenon undoubtedly falls under this category. After achieving a statistically small outcome (看 hot hands), they are afraid of forgetting God in fear of magically losing their ability (not necessarily consciously). For some reason Blake restrains this article to only sportsperhaps he is intentionally playing into the massive demographic of American sports loving, bud-light swilling, christiansbut clearly this is a reoccurring theme. At any awards ceremony God, Jesus or Allah is usually at the top of the thank-you list. Forget all that hard work and talent you might have, it was something or someone else. Abandoning all rational thought to a mystical being is a dangerous thing. This mindset is the same one that allows addicts to blame anyone but themselves (even if addiction is in part hard-wired), believe in faith healing, start a holy war, or let the Catholic church blame the devil.

CNN is flashing the lights and jingling the keys over the faces of their readers. Usually I leave it up to FOX news to insult my intelligence, but I am glad to know I have a choice in this market.



一生一次的事件, á 双侧雌雄同体. 在短, 细胞分化过程中的故障会产生不对称的染色体模式, 这导致成虫的性别表达不对称. 如果您还没有点击上面的链接, 这样做, 这是一个很好的描述,有一些很棒的照片.

回到蝴蝶身边. 今年三月,我在美国河中叉上方的田野里 在寻找 Xanthothrix, 和我在一起的是布赖恩汉森和鲍勃帕特森. 鲍勃和我正在执行一项任务, 找到一个遥远的金鸡菊高地 蛇纹石土壤, 并找到我们稀有的小飞蛾. 布赖恩来享受这一天并探索蝴蝶动物群. 鲍勃和我急切地想看看这几天的远足是否值得, 布赖恩经常停下来净传球. 当我们在小路上听到身后的声音时,距离汽车可能不到一个小时 “大家好… 我想我刚刚抓到一只雌雄同体!!!” 行, 我很怀疑. 鲍勃和我走近看到布赖恩手里拿着一个小蓝, 毫无疑问, 是双侧雌雄同体. 我被吹走了. 鲍勃已经结束了 50 多年的狂热鳞翅目昆虫经验,从未在野外见过其中之一. 为了让这一壮举更加令人印象深刻, 这只蓝色的小蝴蝶是美国西部春天最常见的昆虫之一. 今天, 他们在小径上成群结队地打滚, 我什至没有停下来眨眼. 布赖恩刚刚钓到了百万分之一. 也许是厌倦的鳞翅目昆虫的诅咒使我无法在一生中发现一次; 但我知道我会仔细观察即使是最普通的蝴蝶,因为它在我身边飞翔.

所以你可以看到蝴蝶是半公半母的 (右边是女性). 如果你仔细观察,你甚至可以看到一条完美的垂直线将身体一分为二,如果昆虫 (看起来几乎像 Photoshop 编辑), 雌雄同体毕竟表现在全身,甚至生殖器都扭曲成奇怪的形状.

该标本在布莱恩·汉森的个人收藏中, 你可以找到托管在 美国网站的蝴蝶.


自然, it was named Phallus drewsii. This comes form the list of the top 10 species named 在 2009, 遵守由美国亚利桑那州立大学 (不是一个很好的列表,如果 7 我的新物种是不是在那里…). While I tend to avoid phallic and O’Keeffesque botany, this one I couldn’t resist because it was named after someone from my own institution. 博士. Robert Drewes now has a small phallic fungi named after him (with permission). Taxonomy humor at work.

蛾与我 #11

刚刚发布在 甲虫在布​​什. 走过去探索最新的飞蛾嘉年华, 在过去一个月左右以某种方式展示飞蛾的博客聚会.


新闻来自印度, 蝴蝶摄影师被绑架. 当地的一个公园官员谁是来访的东北省阿鲁纳恰尔邦是采取在夜间武装青年反叛团伙. 努力找到他受到阻碍的天气和地势偏僻. India has recently become one of the most difficult countries to conduct research in, and now we are all reminded of its continuing history of violence. Often it is within the remote and wild portions of a developing country that harbors both stunning biodiversity and militant dissidents. While in Ecuador my group kept an eye out for Columbian FARC rebels who may have strayed across the border; thankfully it was only a minute possibility they would be there in the first place, and nothing was seen. I think some of my most harrowing field work has been along the US-Mexican boarder states and in Mexico itself. Drug runners would rather shoot you before asking you to move out of their way, and roaming banditos were responsible for a murder of a colleagues friend in Oaxaca years ago. 这并不奇怪, the lure of untapped biodiversity keeps pulling us in. Stay safe in the field!


在一个长周末,我会在现场. 令人难以置信的故事,敬请关注 (这里没有炒作…).


Continue reading Gone Collecting

全国联保新闻, 在. 我们

这是很好的抛出一个变速每个人在一段时间, and this week here is an article that is actually GOOD. 是, 你读它第一次在这里, á positive article about entomology collections. We all need a breather after that Fox news fiasco with the Michigan State collection. The Honolulu Magazine does a really great job (heyI knew that title sounded familiarit’s a book by 贝伦鲍姆五月) and they actually seem to get it. There are some great quotes from Dr. Neal Evenhuis (pictured) and Shepherd Myers; go read about the Bishop Museum’s collections and the awesomeness of being an entomologist on one of the most beautiful places in the world. 其实, Neal, need a curatorial assistant?


对于那些谁不知道, 一本新书冲击市场在去年年底. “北美西部的飞蛾“, 鲍威尔和奥普勒. 仅在 $95 这是值得每一分钱 (或 $75 对于电子书, 但我讨厌电子书). It’s a remarkable tome and the first of its kind for the western states. Not only is it a spectacular reference, but it sets the bar for all insect books. 别, not every moth in the west is in there (that would break my desk and wallet at over 6,000 种类), but almost one of every genus and common or remarkable species has a photograph, life history and distribution. Most importantly it covers microlepidoptera. I grew up on the eastern counterpart, Moths of Eastern North America by Covell. I had two copies, one for the field and one for my deskand had to replace the field copy at least once. It was a great book, but Powell and Opler have run laps around it.

The other good news is you can now access all 1,228 moth illustrations and corresponding data online for 自由. Go to CalPhotos and search for Powell, 或 click here. The nice part about this is the somewhat smaller microlep photos in the book are available in high-resolution for better identification. Beautiful addition to the reference and easier than sending everyone a CD.