
對於很少再次發生測驗系列, 這裡是一個新的形象. 這是誰的蛾?


對於加州人閱讀, 特別是在南方, 留意這個美麗的小蜘蛛, 幾何海蜇 – 褐寡婦. 加州大學河濱分校的蜘蛛學家 正在監測這種入侵物種的傳播. 諷刺的是它原來並不像我們本土的黑寡婦一樣危險. 儘管如此, 它不是來自這些這裡的部分 (應該用你最好的南方口音說). 如果你找到一個標本, 特別是如果您不在 LA/Orange/SD 縣, 你應該 接觸 UCR 的團隊.


隨著韓國搖搖欲墜的邊緣熱戰, 在牙買加前所未有的比例和內亂的生態災難 (有人harshed醇香) – 只是今天的頭條新聞,僅舉幾例從其他來源 – CNN需要時間來絨毛頭版.

我平時有點興奮,當我遇到 像這樣的文章 因為我總是有希望如此荒謬的東西,它要討論. 值得慶幸的是,CNN是誰喜歡一扔廢話,我們隊醉酒狨猴運行. 懷疑蛾劃時代之前,我會分享鏈接封面故事的結果 大腳, 卓柏卡布拉 外星人,只是幾個朋友或傳播圍繞Facebook. 現在,我可以嘲笑CNN一個谷歌的歸檔介質.

我只是不理解本文的重點. 約翰·布雷克不討論這種現象的一個解釋, 提出意見, 或問任何問題. 肯定, 他問,如果上帝真的關心誰贏了, 但問題是,沒有任何更有效的不是問如果我的狗 (還虛構) 關心我開什麼樣的車 (除非 當然,這是通靈! 認真地…人們相信這一點). 當我讀到這樣的文章,我覺得如果我在高中英語課的分級文件. 有沒有新聞的完整性, 智能意見或事實根據的塗鴉 – 只是漂亮的圖片和文字說明. 除了設置整個禱告和信心的問題; 一直被稱為他們的運動員 迷信 (另一). 該 “接受提名的演講” 現象無疑屬於這一範疇. 在實現一個統計學的結果 (看 熱手), 他們害怕忘記上帝在恐懼中神奇地失去自己的能力 (不一定自覺). 出於某種原因,布雷克約束本文僅運動 – 也許他是故意打成了美國體育愛的大規模人口, 芽光狂飲, 基督徒 – 但很明顯,這是一個重複出現的主題. 在任何頒獎典禮神, 耶穌或安拉通常是在感謝信列表的頂部. 忘掉所有的勤勞和智慧,你可能有, 這是一件別人. 放棄所有的理性思維,以一個神秘的存在,是一個危險的事情. 這種思維方式是一樣的,讓痴迷者責怪任何人,但自己 (,即使成癮是部分硬接線), 相信信仰療法, 啟動一個神聖的戰爭, 或讓天主教教會 責備魔鬼.

CNN是閃爍的燈光和叮噹作響的鑰匙交給他們的讀者面. 通常我離開了福克斯新聞侮辱我的智商, 但我很高興知道我有一個在這個市場上的選擇.



在一生中發生一個曾經, 一 bilateral gynandromorph. 在短, 在細胞分化的一個小故障造成的非對稱染色體模式, 這導致不對稱性表達在成年昆蟲. 如果您還沒有點擊上面的鏈接, 這樣做, 這是一個很好的說明了一些真棒照片.

回到蝶. I was in the field this March just above the middle fork of the American River on the hunt for Xanthothrix, with me was Brian Hansen and Bob Patterson. Bob and I were on a mission, to locate a remote patch of Coreopsis high on serpentine soils, and to find our rare little moth. Brian came along to enjoy the day and explore the butterfly fauna. While Bob and I hiked ahead anxious to see if the days hike would be worth it, Brian stopped frequently to net passing leps. It was probably less than an hour out from the car when we hear form behind us on the trailHey guysI think I just caught a gynandromorph!!!” 行, I was skeptical. Bob and I approached to see Brian holding a little blue in his hand, which unmistakably, was a bilateral gynandromorph. I was blown away. Bob has over 50 years of experience as an avid lepidopterist and has never seen one of these in the wild. To make this feat even more impressive, this small blue butterfly is one of the commonest insects in the American west in the spring. 今天, they were puddling in great numbers along the trail, and I hadn’t even stopped to blink at one. Brian just netted a one in a million catch. Perhaps it is the curse of a jaded lepidopterist that will keep me from such once in a lifetime discovery; but I know I will be looking closer at even the commonest butterfly as it wings by me.

So as you can see the butterfly is exactly half male and half female (the right side is female). If you look very closely you can even see a perfect vertical line bisecting the body if the insect (looks like a photoshop edit almost), gynandromorphism after-all is expressed throughout the entire body and even the genitalia are contorted into strange shapes.

The specimen is in Brian Hansen’s personal collection, and you can find the images hosted on the Butterflies of America website.


自然, it was named Phallus drewsii. This comes form the list of the top 10 species named 在 2009, 由亞利桑那州立大學遵守 (不是一個很好的列表,如果 7 我的新物種是不存在…). While I tend to avoid phallic and O’Keeffesque botany, this one I couldn’t resist because it was named after someone from my own institution. 博士. Robert Drewes now has a small phallic fungi named after him (with permission). Taxonomy humor at work.

飛蛾和我 #11

Has just been posted over at 甲蟲在布什. 走在探索的最新蛾狂歡, 對那些在這種或那種方式,在過去一個月左右的特色飛蛾博客聚會.


來自印度的消息, 蝴蝶攝影師被綁架. 當地的一個公園官員誰訪問了東北省阿魯納恰爾邦採取了夜間武裝青年反叛團伙. 努力尋找他而受到阻礙的天氣和地勢偏僻. India has recently become one of the most difficult countries to conduct research in, and now we are all reminded of its continuing history of violence. Often it is within the remote and wild portions of a developing country that harbors both stunning biodiversity and militant dissidents. While in Ecuador my group kept an eye out for Columbian FARC rebels who may have strayed across the border; thankfully it was only a minute possibility they would be there in the first place, and nothing was seen. I think some of my most harrowing field work has been along the US-Mexican boarder states and in Mexico itself. Drug runners would rather shoot you before asking you to move out of their way, and roaming banditos were responsible for a murder of a colleagues friend in Oaxaca years ago. 毫不奇怪, the lure of untapped biodiversity keeps pulling us in. Stay safe in the field!


在一個長週末我會在現場. 請繼續關注令人難以置信的故事 (這裡沒有炒作…).


Continue reading Gone Collecting

全國聯保新聞, 在. WE

這是很好的拋出的每一個變速的同時,, and this week here is an article that is actually GOOD. 是, 你讀它第一次在這裡, 一 positive article about entomology collections. We all need a breather after that Fox news fiasco with the Michigan State collection. The Honolulu Magazine does a really great job (heyI knew that title sounded familiarit’s a book by 5月貝倫鮑姆) and they actually seem to get it. There are some great quotes from Dr. Neal Evenhuis (pictured) and Shepherd Myers; go read about the Bishop Museum’s collections and the awesomeness of being an entomologist on one of the most beautiful places in the world. 其實, Neal, need a curatorial assistant?


對於那些誰不知道, 一本新書投放市場,在去年年底. “北美西部的飛蛾“, 鮑威爾和奧普勒. 只有 $95 這是值得每一分錢 (或 $75 對於電子書, 但我討厭電子書). It’s a remarkable tome and the first of its kind for the western states. Not only is it a spectacular reference, but it sets the bar for all insect books. 沒有, not every moth in the west is in there (that would break my desk and wallet at over 6,000 種), but almost one of every genus and common or remarkable species has a photograph, life history and distribution. Most importantly it covers microlepidoptera. I grew up on the eastern counterpart, Moths of Eastern North America by Covell. I had two copies, one for the field and one for my deskand had to replace the field copy at least once. It was a great book, but Powell and Opler have run laps around it.

The other good news is you can now access all 1,228 moth illustrations and corresponding data online for 自由. Go to CalPhotos and search for Powell, 或 click here. The nice part about this is the somewhat smaller microlep photos in the book are available in high-resolution for better identification. Beautiful addition to the reference and easier than sending everyone a CD.