Perfum d'arna

From a peppermint Pericopinae. I recorded this video on-site in northern Costa Rica a few years ago. When I reached down to pick up this moth, it was hard to avoid noticing the behavior. The moth, Chetone angulosa (Erebidae: Pericopina) ((used to be Arctiidae)), has a common defensive mechanism for this groupthey excrete hemolymph to deter would-be attackers. Lots of moths do this, but I have never seen it so spectacularly displayed. If you listen carefully you can hear the hissing sound as the fluid is pumped form the body. What was most impressive is how strongly it smelled of peppermintstrongly enough that I just had to give it a go. Sadly, it didn’t taste as advertised. While it wasn’t excruciating, the most noticeable effect was an abrupt numbness that lasted for a several minutes. Pretty potent stuff, and I can imagine the effect on a small bird or mammal might be far less amusing.

It seems like biologists have a funny habit of tasting their subjects. I recently sat in on a herpetology talk regarding poison-dart frogs. On a slight tangent, did you know that the coloration of these famously aposematic frogs has NEVER been tested until recently? The fact that they were poisonous is well known, but no one ever took the time to see if their colors actually fit a true aposematic model, això és – do they really deter predators in the wild? Turns out not surprisingly, si, they do. But it’s nice to actually have quantitate data to support this long held assertion. Back to tastinga well known herper test is to give the frog or toad a lick. While this can actually help to identify the species of herp, it more likely seems to be an amusing side effect of long hours in the field. Not being a herper I can’t recall the name or group this applied to; but a famous paper went into great depths to describe the tastes, potent effect and the potential dangers associated with each licked toad species (this was a legit taxonomic review).

The only example for useful tasting in insects that I can think of right now is for two strikingly similar butterflies- Papilio thoas/cresphontes. I believe thoas has a sweet flowery smell when you catch it fresh (si, not a tastebut close), however I’ve never seen this published or tested it myself, so it may be apocryphal. It is however well known that many butterflies smell strongly of their hostplant: tal com Speyeria coronis smelling of Apocynum (strong vegetable odor). Lots of room for further investigation here. But without a doubt a biologist uses all five of his senses whenever he can.

L'art d'una recerca inútil

Durant els últims quatre caps de setmana ara que he estat en una recerca inútil, per a una arna, Speedy Heliolonche. És una bella petita Noctuidae amb ales anteriors de color rosat i unes ales posteriors de color vermell ataronjat. No es troba molt sovint i només es troba al llarg de les serres muntanyoses del nord de Califòrnia alimentant-se Malacothrix floccifera – una flor endèmica CA. Cada viatge m'he enganxat, fins avui – N'he recollit dos! Com recordareu, la meva primera sortida va ser fa aproximadament un mes, cap arna, però una bonica sèrie d'exemplars i fotografies de l'Adela arnes. Els últims viatges ni tan sols han arribat a ser tan productius com el d'Adela. Què fer, doncs, quan no trobeu el vostre objectiu? Feu-vos una cremada de sol i feu unes fotos de mal humor.

Grinter Plebejus acmon matingAtrapat en l'acte. Plebea ACMO

(va continuar a continuació)

Continue reading The Art of a Goose Chase

Taxonomia Falla

Recently came across some ridiculously horrible taxonomy from China (.pdf). If you scroll down a bit you can see the english translation. At first glance this looks like a standard taxonomy paper with bare-bones species descriptions. You might even think to yourself, “huh, wonder why they are describing species from only one specimen”. Not the end of the world, I’ve even done it myself. Okay, to be fair, I had complete life histories and DNA to support those decisions. Herethey have neither. I, once you take a look at the specimen illustrations, something should become shockingly apparent. What do these specimens have in common (other than the poor image quality)?

(va continuar a continuació)

Continue reading Taxonomy Fail

How easy is it

to fake a UFO encounter? I recorded this video two years ago over the desert of Arizona. To confess, it made my heart skip a beat at first. I turned around and there were three glowing lights floating silently above me. I literally thought to myselfholy s#@% I don’t believe in this crap!”. The scale is really lost in the video, but they were huge and hovering under a high cloud cover. When the video zooms in you see a small light on the ground for reference. Our brain, being so inclined, makes it appear as if these lights are linked together in a massive triangle.

I walked back to the car while keeping a careful eye out for cacti and rattlesnakes (I was photographing a mojave rattler at the time), and grabbed a pair of binoculars. With a decent magnification it was clear that these were flares. Now only could you see a flickering light on the clouds above, but long trails of smoke rising above them. As you followed the flares down they gradually winked outonly to reappear some distance away (another drop). This was then followed by a series of fighter jets flying extremely low over the desert. Basically, this is the exact same thing that caused thelights over phoenixflurry a few years ago.

Així, I uploaded this video to Youtube and didn’t call it a UFOjust some mysterious lights. Will it be adopted as UFO proof? I sure hope so. Not only that, I hope it appears on some UFO documentary in the future. It’s not ascompellingas other “OVNI” videos, but my Canon point-and-shoot camera could only do so well.

While extra-terrestrials likely exist, there is absolutely zero compelling evidence to suggest they have visited usand thanks to the laws of Physics, it is probable that they will never be able to visit regardless of how technologically advanced they become.

Nova tècnica de pàgina!

Acabo d'il·lustrar el meu mètode per propagar microlepidòpters, aneu a explorar la pàgina de tècniques. Qui té prou valentia intentar-ho?

Feliç Dia de la Terra

Amb un gran missatge de Bill Nye, l'individu de la ciència.

Hem de ser els conservacionistes per assegurar, preservar els aiguamolls, boscos, espais oberts i les costes. Hem de reduir els nostres residus — escombraries de plàstic i similars. Però el que realment necessitem és gran, noves idees: noves formes de distribuir i emmagatzemar energia per a l'energia elèctrica, noves formes de conservar i distribuir aigua potable per a l'agricultura i empassant, i noves formes d'arribar a nosaltres mateixos i la nostra càrrega al voltant, de manera que no canviem els climes de la Terra massa, ja que cremem els nostres combustibles fòssils.

Continue reading Happy Earth Day

Ara és la nostra oportunitat…

La 15 foot gray whale just washed up in the San Francisco Bay. Now is our chance for exploding whale part 2!

How I keep myself busy

I’ve been busy spreading microleps over the last few days, and here is a small selection from my summer collecting trips. Still have at least another 200 to go before catching up on my backlog. I am working on illustrating just how to spread these mothsso stay tuned.

2009 was a great season. I explored tons of new land and collected at least 6 espècies noves. Let’s hope for twice that many in the year to come.

Geni de la premsa V

So what is wrong with this illustration below? Sounds like a great show at the Krohn Conservatory in Cincinnati. Això news story made me look just a little closer

Més a prop, volum I

M'he trobat amb un parell de transcripcions de correu electrònic de les preguntes enviades al nostre departament d'entomologia i no puc resistir-me a compartir-. Et prometo que aquests missatges són (i serà) 100% real i sense editar. Els noms s'han canviat o eliminat per protegir els innocents. Esperem, Vaig a venir a través d'aquests cada tant en tant, i mantenir-ho com a sèrie en curs. Es recomanen els vostres propis enviaments!

Ho sentim, aquest primer és llarg – però val la pena llegir-lo.

1 Març 2006: 3:23am.

“Us envio fotos d'una aranya que tinc i que sembla ser una Zoropsis spinimana. Necessito més informació sobre aquesta aranya de la que hi ha a Internet. També, No sé si aquesta aranya és mascle o femella. He tingut l'aranya per 2 setmana. Encara està viu, però no estic segur de què menja. He provat diverses coses. Si estàs interessat en aquesta aranya, podem parlar més, però, Tinc la sensació que aquesta aranya no interessa realment el vostre departament. Si us plau, responeu-me i examineu les imatges. Si no voleu que us torni a enviar un correu electrònic, si us plau, digueu-me o suposaré que no heu rebut el meu correu electrònic amb les imatges. Tant tu com el Dr. “X” estan molt ocupats i sembla que viatgeu molt. Probablement amb coses més interessants que aquesta aranya. Les imatges es mostren a continuació; si no hi podeu accedir, aviseu-me i ho intentaré “el que puc fer” per fer-te arribar aquestes imatges. Gràcies per qualsevol ajuda que em puguis donar,”

Sincerament, “dona X”

(més després del descans)

Continue reading Vox Populi, volum I