나방의 향수

박하 Pericopinae에서. 나는 몇 년 전 북부 코스타리카 현장이 녹화 된 비디오를. 나는이 나방을 데리러 아래에 도달 할 때, 이 동작을 나타 납 방지하기 어려웠습니다. 나방, 케톤 앵굴로사 (Erebidae: 페리코피나) ((Arctiidae로 사용)), 이 그룹에 대한 일반적인 방어 메커니즘을 가지고 – 그들은가 될 수도 공격자를 저지하기 위해 hemolymph을 배설. 많은 나방들이 이것을 한다., 하지만 난 그렇게 화려 표시를 본 적이 없다. 주의 깊게 귀를 기울이면 체액이 몸에서 펌핑될 때 쉿하는 소리를 들을 수 있습니다.. 가장 인상 깊었던 것은 페퍼민트 향이 강하게 나는 것이었습니다.… 강력하게 충분한 난 그저에게 바둑을 제공해야한다고. 슬프게도, 보급로는 맛을 안. 부담스럽지 않은 반면, 가장 눈에 띄는 효과는 몇 분 동안 지속 갑작스런 마비했습니다. 꽤 강력한 물건, 나는 작은 새, 포유 동물에 대한 효과가 훨씬 덜 재미있을 상상할 수.

생물 학자들이 주제를 맛의 재미있는 습관을 가지고있는 것 같습니다. 나는 최근에 독화살 개구리에 관한 herpetology 토론에 참여했습니다.. 약간의 접선에, 당신은이 유명 aposematic 개구리의 착색을 테스트 적이없는 것을 알지 못했다 최근까지? 독성이 있다는 사실은 잘 알려져 있다., 만 아무도 자신의 색이 실제로 진정한 aposematic 모델에 맞게 있는지 확인하기 위해 시간을 찍은 적이 없, 그는 – 그들은 정말 야생에서 육식 동물을 억제 않습니다? 의외로 안 나온다, 예, 그들이 무엇을. 그러나 이 오랜 주장을 뒷받침할 정량적 데이터를 실제로 가지고 있다는 것은 좋은 일입니다.. 시식으로 돌아가기 – 잘 알려진 herper 테스트 개구리 나 두꺼비 핥아을 제공하는 것입니다. 이것은 실제로 헤르페스 종을 식별하는 데 도움이 될 수 있지만, 그것은 가능성이 분야에서 오랜 시간 즐겁게 부작용 것 같다. 헤르퍼가 아니라 적용한 이름이나 그룹이 기억나지 않습니다.; 하지만 유명한 종이 맛을 설명하는 훌륭한 깊이에 들어가, 강력한 효과를 각과 관련된 잠재적 인 위험은 두꺼비 종을 핥았 (이 합법적 분류 학적 검토했다).

난 지금 생각 할 수있는 곤충에 유용 맛있는 유일한 예는 두 가지 놀랍도록 닮아 나비입니다- 파필리오 토아스/크레폰테스. 나는 당신이 신선하게 잡을 때 thoas가 달콤한 꽃 냄새를 가지고 있다고 믿습니다. (예, 하지 맛… 하지만 가까이), 그러나 나는 한번도 본적이 자신을 게시하거나에게 테스트, 그래서 출처가 의심스러운 수 있습니다. 그러나 많은 나비가 숙주 식물에서 강한 냄새를 맡는다는 것은 잘 알려져 있습니다.: 이를테면 스페에리아 코로니스 의 냄새 아포시넘 (강한 야채 냄새). 여기에 추가 조사를 위해 방 많이. 그러나 의심할 여지 없이 생물학자는 할 수 있을 때마다 자신의 다섯 감각을 모두 사용합니다..

소름 체이스의 기술

For the last four weekends now I have been on a goose chase, for one moth, Heliolonche celeris. It’s a beautiful small Noctuidae with pinkish forewings and stunning orange-red hindwings. It isn’t very often encountered and only found along the northern California mountain ranges feeding on Malacothrix floccifera a CA endemic flower. Every trip I have gotten skunked, until todayI collected two! As you may recall my first outing was about a month ago, no moth, but a beautiful series of specimens and photographs of Adela 나방. The last few trips haven’t even come close to being as productive as the Adela one. So what to do when not finding your target? Get a sun burn and take some crummy photos.

Grinter Plebejus acmon matingCaught in the act. Plebejus의 acmon

(continued below)

Continue reading The Art of a Goose Chase

분류학 실패

Recently came across some ridiculously horrible taxonomy from China (.PDF). If you scroll down a bit you can see the english translation. At first glance this looks like a standard taxonomy paper with bare-bones species descriptions. You might even think to yourself, “huh, wonder why they are describing species from only one specimen”. Not the end of the world, I’ve even done it myself. 확인, to be fair, I had complete life histories and DNA to support those decisions. 여기 – they have neither. 그리고, once you take a look at the specimen illustrations, something should become shockingly apparent. What do these specimens have in common (other than the poor image quality)?

(continued below)

Continue reading Taxonomy Fail

How easy is it

to fake a UFO encounter? I recorded this video two years ago over the desert of Arizona. To confess, it made my heart skip a beat at first. I turned around and there were three glowing lights floating silently above me. I literally thought to myselfholy s#@% I don’t believe in this crap!”. The scale is really lost in the video, but they were huge and hovering under a high cloud cover. When the video zooms in you see a small light on the ground for reference. Our brain, being so inclined, makes it appear as if these lights are linked together in a massive triangle.

I walked back to the car while keeping a careful eye out for cacti and rattlesnakes (I was photographing a mojave rattler at the time), and grabbed a pair of binoculars. With a decent magnification it was clear that these were flares. Now only could you see a flickering light on the clouds above, but long trails of smoke rising above them. As you followed the flares down they gradually winked outonly to reappear some distance away (another drop). This was then followed by a series of fighter jets flying extremely low over the desert. Basically, this is the exact same thing that caused thelights over phoenixflurry a few years ago.

그래서, I uploaded this video to Youtube and didn’t call it a UFOjust some mysterious lights. Will it be adopted as UFO proof? I sure hope so. Not only that, I hope it appears on some UFO documentary in the future. It’s not ascompellingas other “UFO” videos, but my Canon point-and-shoot camera could only do so well.

While extra-terrestrials likely exist, there is absolutely zero compelling evidence to suggest they have visited usand thanks to the laws of Physics, it is probable that they will never be able to visit regardless of how technologically advanced they become.

New Technique Page!

I’ve just illustrated my method for spreading microlepidoptera, go explore the techniques page. Who is courageous enough to attempt it?

Happy Earth Day

With a great message from Bill Nye, the Science Guy.

We need to be conservationists to be sure, preserving wetlands, forests, open spaces and coastlines. We need to reduce our wasteplastic trash and the like. But what we really need is big, new ideas: new ways to distribute and store energy for electric power, new ways to conserve and distribute clean water for farming and gulping, and new ways get ourselves and our cargo around, so that we don’t change the Earth’s climates too much as we burn our fossil fuels.

Continue reading Happy Earth Day

Now is our chance

ㅏ 15 foot gray whale just washed up in the San Francisco Bay. Now is our chance for exploding whale part 2!

나는 바쁜 자신을 유지하는 방법

I’ve been busy spreading microleps over the last few days, and here is a small selection from my summer collecting trips. Still have at least another 200 to go before catching up on my backlog. I am working on illustrating just how to spread these moths… 그래서 계속 지켜봐.

2009 was a great season. I explored tons of new land and collected at least 6 new species. Let’s hope for twice that many in the year to come.

언론 V의 천재

그래서 아래에이 그림 잘못된 것입니다? 에서 멋진 공연을 보여 같은데 크론 온실 신시내티. 이 뉴스 기사 만든 날 그냥 좀 더 가까이보고…

복스 Populi, 볼륨 I

I’ve come across a few e-mail transcripts of questions sent into our entomology department and I can not resist sharing them. I promise these messages are (and will be) 100% real and unedited. Names have been changed or removed to protect the innocent. Hopefully, I will come across these every once in a while, and keep this as an ongoing series. Submissions of your own are encouraged!

죄송합니다, this first one is longbut well worth the read.

1 행진 2006: 3:23시.

I am sending you pictures of a spider I possess that appears to be a Zoropsis spinimana. I need more information about this spider than is what is on the internet. 또한, I do not know if this spider is male or female. I have had the spider for 2 주. It is still alive-but I am not sure what it eats. I have tried several things. If you are interested in this spider we can talk more-however, I get the feeling that this spider is not of real interest to your department. Please respond to me and examine the pictures. If you do not want me to email you again then, please tell me or I will assume that you did not get my email with the pictures. Both you and Dr. “엑스” are extremely busy and it appears that you travel a great deal. Probably with more interesting things than this spider. The pictures are below-if you cannot access them then please notify me and I will trywhat ever I can doto get these pictures to you. Thank you for any help you can give me,”

진정으로, “woman X

(more after the break)

Continue reading Vox Populi, 볼륨 I