
我一直有點失職在發布定期挑戰, 所以我會盡量加快腳步. 誰可以告訴我任何關於這個蝴蝶? 你得到的最多的是,它是從西方美國的一半. 信用為家庭, genus or species and ridiculous credit for subspecies and where it is from.

Euphydryas anicia cloudcrofti

攤曬 managed to pretty quickly ID this lep with stunning accuracy for a beetle-guy. You lep-ers reading this should hang your head in shame for not jumping on it faster.

As mentioned in the comments, this butterfly only flies around the resort town of Cloudcroft, New Mexico in the Sacramento Mountains. For years they have been fighting to have this listed as an endangered species, but have failed at every attempt (the most recent rejection was August 2009). The town relies almost exclusively on winter ski resorts and developers have put up a successful fight against protection. The entire area is within the Lincoln National Forest, but they have only closed the area to butterfly collecting, not development. When asking the forest service about this butterfly they unequivocally state that the checkerspot is endangered (even though it’s not). Of course they do not want you to collect itbut if you offered a few million to develop its habitat, that’s a different story.

獲取生活, 發現

我在電視機前坐著全神貫注在週日觀看了BBC /探索系列的最新分期付款 “生活”. 這使我想到的第一件事… “奧普拉就是為什麼選擇敘述!?” 自然, 我等待著昆蟲特別的空氣在我的博客上講述這個, but having to listen to Oprah for the last few weeks has been scratching at the back of my eyes. I guess I could have gone out and purchased the BBC version with the iconic voice of Sir David Attenborough instead

To get a better grip of just how obnoxious Oprah is, you can watch the same clip on Discovery. I have never considered Oprah to be anything close to scientifically mindedand her lavish support of Jenny McCarthy proves the point. For those who are not up to dateMcCarthy is the leading proponent of the anti-vaccination movement. You can even go as far as attributing her PR campaign to preventable deaths. I’ll have to return to this subject another time.

Back to the topic at hand. There was some incredibly stunning insect footage, and a few vignettes about insect life I might not have otherwise ever seen. It seems like the US version of Life has been slightly re-written with zero factual contribution. Basic lines are changed fromshe was not in the mood” 至 “uh-oh, looks like a headache”. Seems like a step down to me, albeit a tiny one. I was also a little annoyed with the continual focus on vertebratesbirds that eat flies, bears that eat honey, lizards that mimic Carabidsand anthropomorphizing intention, e.g. the antscrowning achievement of large complex communitiesthe closest thing in nature to human cities”. While it may be true that giant ant colonies superficially resemble human cities, I wouldn’t call them thecrowning achievement of insects”. Mind boggling in complexity, 是 – but overshadowing other non-social adaptations? This all boils down to a false premise that evolution is striving for human-like qualities and is directional.

But nothing to be overly critical about. Given the diversity and complexity of the insect world, I wouldn’t have even been happy with two weeks of solid footage. I would love to see what was left on the cutting room floor!


這是一個美好的一天今天在灣區, 所以我為首的納帕和教皇谷. 我偵察了一些新的領土小花蛾, Heliolonche celeris, ,顯然正在等待更多的連續天氣晴好湧現. 本賽季已經因為所有的寒冷和雨水的有點緩慢, 但我抱出來的希望在幾個星期內成功回訪. 然而, 我也碰到過了一把漂亮的microleps的. 所有這些飛蛾是在屬 阿黛拉 和家人 Adelidae (或者有些人會說 ncurvariidae). 它們通常被稱為 “仙蛾” 因為他們似乎在跳舞的花補丁 – 這顯然仙女喜歡做的事. 它看起來像男生被防守的小區域, 有兩到三個在同一時間, 各地各-捻轉等幾英寸以上的櫻花. 我認為這些舞蹈都是領土,因為沒有交配觀察. 而女性有長觸角, 男性服用過量. 我收集了一個不錯的系列,但我 還沒有確定下來的物種尚未 – 有多少你看? 值得慶幸的是, 所有的 Adelidae 覆蓋在 1969 本文由傑里·鮑威爾, 誰也恰好住在街上的我.

後通過集合在這裡看著中科院, 和閱讀專著, 它看起來像極了這些 阿黛拉trigrapha. 它是舊金山灣區的共同Adelid,大部分加州海岸山脈. 變化注意是相當大, 與破碎,完整的樂隊,以及紅色的變化對冠. 另Adelid容易ID'd到 阿黛拉flammeusella.

阿黛拉trigrapha 澤勒 1875


Continue reading Moth tasting in Napa

全國聯保新聞, 在. 四

新聞天才的另一個分期付款, 也許有點壘球. (哎呀,這些都是很容易找到) Who can tell me whats wrong with 本文?


雲層今天下午在舊金山和太陽開始發光. 即將到來的溫暖的天氣引發的一切太熟悉的感覺, 一個,我應該出收集的昆蟲,而不是坐在室內! 雖然我已經去過幾個地方,今年春天, 我有收集提前一個漫長的賽季. 展望未來我不由得反思過去兩年壯觀年西部給了我. 為了說明我的癮, 這裡是我的谷歌地球GPS點的標題.

每個標誌代表了一個單獨的事件收集 (無視黃色銷), 秋季之間 2007 冬季 2009. 我沒有保持軌道英里專用收集之旅 (也許是為了避免衝擊), 但它必須是接近 30,000. 我的本田雅閣可能不是一個典型的汽車領域, 但它使距離基本上更實惠. 當然,兩個扁平輪胎和擋風玻璃裂不幫. 您可以輕鬆地告訴大家,我住在南加州有標誌的巨型一滴. 其中大部分都集中在聖巴巴拉縣, 這產生了兩個新的物種和幾十個縣紀錄. 亞利桑那州是第二兩個 10 一日遊每天晚上在不同的位置. 後來我掙脫了西南去年夏天,並通過在中西部兩個過程半星期開車很長的循環. 我拉到身邊 4,000 鱗翅目和剛開始把收尾的最後一個標本. 到目前為止, 只有一個新物種 – 來自得克薩斯州西部的一個小Acrolophidae唯一標本 (彼得跳是誰寫的MONA分冊上的組確定). 很多留下來還是ID.

在板今年: 有一次去萊文沃思, 華盛頓的 2010 鱗翅目’ 學會會議. 兩週收集之旅將拍攝北至華盛頓向東然後遍歷愛達荷州, 猶他州和內華達州在回家的路上. 然而,總是, 亞利桑那州和墨西哥的信標. 而現在,我住在伯克利,我將不得不進入塞拉利昂今年幾次!



我真的在理解虧損又一 積極的針灸研究 這是因為精心設計的我八年級的科學展覽項目. 授, 我是一個書呆子科學小子, 但我可以做的更好喝. 我想我應該進行後續研究中,我測試豪豬的功效拋在身後. 這肯定會更有趣; 和全只是盡可能多的科學價值. 更何況, 豪豬都還挺可愛.


  • 非盲
  • N = 15. 他們X²測試可能導致顯著回應, 但在任何宇宙中沒有想像中不 15 任何人口等於一個統計顯著採樣, 任何地方.
  • 沒有陰性對照. 他們對待所有的患者進行針灸或維生素. 複合維生素B是一種治療 (仍然是一個非常糟糕的支持1), 只有陽性對照. 其說氣味不自然改善在研究過程中? 作者不能.

所以我的問題是, 什麼都不可能這樣做的動機研究? 我能想像這是怎樣想出了, 周圍的彩色書籍1天 “嘿,醫生朱莉婭, 針灸確保工作吧?” “為什麼是它的同胞白痴, 讓我們創建一個非常糟糕的研究表明這一點!”. 一起來看看 我的大針後 更多的聯繫,為什麼中國古代中醫多一點的討論是浪費金錢. 當然,如果你測試 15 人們可以湊一個積極的結果幾乎任何. 但是當你開始引入更大和更嚴格的控制研究的積極效果開始萎縮.

可笑. 而現在,我看它, 我八年級的科學展覽項目有兩套控制進行, 失明, 並有樣本大小 18 (廚房清潔劑的抗菌效果). 謝謝, 我好心把我的位置在科隆大學醫學中心的現在.

Aquamoth部分 3

的aquamoth系列的繼續, this time with video from Science Friday! 是, 我有連結,因為WordPress不會嵌入… 感謝特德, 想通了!


一些圖片從我的週末mothing一趟下來殼牌溪, 聖路易斯奧比斯波縣. 早春沿中央海岸是驚人的, 而後面的道路上擠滿了花觀察家. 有數十輛汽車的家庭佔據了一個週末驅動器, 許多人外帶午餐,坐看花成長. 雖然我很高興看到人們享受自然之美, 這是很難看到他們的傷害踐踏可引起. 然而, 如果有更多的人能走出來欣賞大自然, 也許它會更容易保護. 花是如此明亮,密集,很難專注於飛蛾, 而幾個小時後,我開始去了一點雪盲 (或者應當永遠現已知, 花盲). 這裡有一些微弱的嘗試捕捉美麗.

Grinter Shell Creek


Continue reading Rivers of Gold



These pieces of art are the creation of Robert J. 長. 機會是,如果你已經看到了一些瘋狂的摺紙比他們自己的創作. 是, 這些實際上是從一整塊未切割的紙做的. 他為他的大多數設計摺痕圖案, but actually folding something from that pattern has to be nearly impossible without knowing the sequence. It’s very impressive, but if you’re a bit lazier, you can cut and fold out your own simple insects 而不是.


對於那些誰看到了FOX採訪了密歇根州立大學昆蟲學家博士. 小舅子 (行, 對於那些誰沒有, 這裡是), 你會有興趣聽他的一面之詞.


採取註冊時間 (遺憾, 這很煩人,但我找不到它任何地方) 讀面試通過醫生的回應. 小舅子, 這裡. In summary, he basically confirmed what was suspected, that they weren’t 100% straightforward with him in the first place and only gave him about six hours to prep. It is nice to hear that Tucker Carlson was actually interested in the entomolgy collection (although, perceived interest is a key tactic in the reporters tool-belt to disarm his interviewee…). 儘管如此, Cognato did a good job battling off the mindless, anti-science, right wing, propaganda machine. It is clear that he was put in a difficult situation, FOX came to him and wanted to discuss the collection. He knew he wasn’t going to be the best prepared for the interview (I know I sure wouldn’t be either!), but had to stand up for the collection in fear that they might have trampled on it without any fair rebuttal. It is sad we have almost no source of unbiased news nowadays. If you followed this story you should take the time to read about how it really happened.