Aquamoth qhov 2

Tuaj nyob rau daim ntawv nyeem tas PDF npauj amphibious tsab xov xwm thiab muab rho tawm ntawm tsob ntoo uas qhia tawg rau ntawm pawg hom thiab tam evolution ntawm amphibious lub sijhawm. Interesting nco ntsoov rau lub rooj sib hais zoo, thiab txhua npauj yog teb rau nws tus kheej roob hluav taws nyob rau Hawaii lub archipelago.

Qhov no nws yog tus tsom Bayesian ntawm tus phylogeny ua tau lub tsev nrog EF1-alpha peb noob, CAD thiab COI. Yog leej twg xav tau ib daim qauv ntawm daim ntawv, xa kuv ib. Rho tawm: Rubinoff D., Schmitz P., Ntau tsum invasions los ntawm ib tug twg, terrestrial, Npauj Hawaii tawg. Lub peb hlis ntuj PNAS 2010.

Nyob rau hauv the name of lub…


Tsis muaj ib yam uas tsim kev cai dab qhuas…

Koj yuav nyeem txog nws cov dab neeg los ntawm cov Lub sij hawm NY. Kuv xav tias qhov scariest txog no tseem tsim txom scandal (scandalsssss) Yog tias lub tsev teev ntuj yeej ntseeg hais tias tias qhov no yog qhov chaw ua hauj lwm ntawm dab ntxwg nyoog – tsis lub twisted minds ntawm ib tug tib neeg. Yog, “dab ntxwg nyoog yog tom chaw ua hauj lwm hauv lub Vatican”, li ntawd, vim li cas thiaj tsim txom ib tug txiv neej uas nyuam qhuav xav tau dab ntxwg nyoog vanquished? Huag tos, lawv tsis txhob txawm exorcise txiv plig los cuag vim nws yeej ib “temptation” cov hluas, lag ntseg, cov tub hluas. Ces yuav yog nws qhov uas cov txiv plig los cuag uas thiaj yooj yim txhob tshuav rau lub luag hauj lwm ntawm hwjchim? Nws yog ib qho yooj yim… ib yam li tsoom fwv, kuag tooj kuag hlau profoundly lub tsev teev ntuj Kas Thaus Liv yog.

Teb rau lub limtiam tag los tus ntse heev ntawm qhov xovxwm

Rau tag nrho cov abstained los voting (Kuv xav kom muaj kev pov plob tej nyeem yuav tsum tau paub hais tias peb tsis cov kab ntsig, tab sis yog tub nkees heev tuaj tawm tswv yim), ntawm no yog cov lus teb (tom qab tus so).

Mus nyeem teb rau lub limtiam tag los tus ntse heev ntawm qhov xovxwm


Tsiaj ntawm Hawaii amazing – ib tug kiag li amphibious kab ntsig (luam tawm nyob rau hauv txoj kev mus kotaw 22 PNAS). Txawm tias ob peb tsum Lepidoptera, tag nrho cov neeg uas lawv muaj gills kom nws tau txwv kom cov dej (mloog koj, peb tham no tsuas hais txog cov menyuam kab txoj kev nyob ntev). Yog hais tias lawv cov kwj dries, yog li no tus kab ntsig. Tus tshiab adaptation hauv cov kab no muaj peev xwm nyob zoo, thiab thaj indefinitely, nqhuab los sis submerged hauv dej tshiab – muaj kev zoo losis phem yus no 12 hom kab tshiab ntawm Hyposmocoma (Cosmopterigidae). Qhov no tsis tsuas rau kab, tab sis rau tag nrho cov paub tsiaj. Muaj cov, tau mas, amphibians. Tab sis, tsis zoo li cov kab lia lawv yuav ya raws ciaj sia thiab feem ntau desiccate loj. Hyposmocoma nyiam nyob hauv suab puam xws li tej yam kev mob, los yog submerged rau lub lis piam. Xwb tsis tau 12 yam pheej nrhiav tau lwm hom (uas yuav tsum tau cov thawj paub kab lia noj qwj), tab sis nws txawm zoo nkaus li txhais tau hais tias no muaj peev xwm amphibious tau evolved peb dua lwm zaus. Meej cov xim pressures rau me me lepidoptera ntawm cov chaw no heev huab.

Cov Lepidoptera ua ib cov tau evolved ib txhia long-term, xws li hom cab, detritivorous, fungivorous, endophagous, noj nqaij (tseem nyob Hawaii), tsum thiab tam sim no mas amphibious. Hummm, suab nrov zoo ib yam li tsis zoo nkauj (rau qhov lub suab seev). Hais meej, leps no cia txias tshaj lwm yam yuam.

Kab tias yog kuv Rubinoff kuv yuav muaj npe hu ua ib tug npauj Hyposmocoma aquamana. tau mas, Aquaman tau zoo nkauj worthless khom lub teb chaws… tej zaum nws yuav tsum tau H. potioaquamana (potio- los ntawm Latin superior los yog pib siv ntau tshaj).

Caij nplooj ntoos hlav California

Caij nplooj ntoos hlav tuaj qaum teb California thiab npaub yog nyob tis. Kuv muab ib qho chaw twg ceev ntawm lub Sierra foothills lub asthiv thiab hiked los lub ntseg slopes dlua tus American dej. Saum toj noj yog pictured Xanthothrix ranunculi f. albipuncta (Noctuidae: Stiriinae). Nws tshwm sim mus zaum rau hauv lub xeev california poppy zoo nkauj. Lub hostplant, Txawm li cas los, yog Coreopsis stillmanii thiab hlob zoo rau me thaj ua rau thaj serpentine xau rau yav qab teb txojkev slopes nyob rau central valley. Ntawm no yog ib tug Xanthothrix zaum ntawm lub party.

No npauj tau muas thaum chiv thawj piav raws li lub hom X. ranunculi nyob rau hauv 1925 (daim roughly subspecies kom muaj hnub no), thiab ces yuav tsis nco qab lawm txog thiab unseen mus txog 1990. Nws yog nyob ntawm tus kho nqi lus loj ntawm cov subfamily, thiaj li paub tseeb raws li txoj cai rau ib tug subspecies los yog tas nrho cov hom tshua. Nyob tuned.

Ntse heev ntawm qhov xovxwm, v.III

Tau ib phuv rau kuv nyiam series, cov ntse heev ntawm qhov xovxwm. Qhov tsab xov xwm no tawm los ntawm ABC xov xwm, leej twg muaj peev xwm qhia kab ntsig no? Nws yog decidedly TSIS ib gypsy npauj.

Koj txog haujlwm entomology blogger Myrmecos muaj ib zaj dabneeg zoo ib yam li xya hnub.

So uas muaj hau!

(Diam duab daim credit)

Cov monarchs muaj pib lawv lub caij nplooj hlav migration north thiab koj txawm yuav pom ib tug ntev (exciting tsis yog hais tias koj nyob hauv IBCE lossis HI qhov muaj yog year-round tuaj, los yog nyob rau CA qhov muaj ntau dua lwm overwintering dab tsi). Cov ntaub ntawv los ntawm cov chaw khiav hauj lwm caij ntuj no hauv Mexico tab sis ua phem heev; muaj peev xwm tsim ntawd qis pejxeem luaj li cas txij thaum lub colonies nyob sab hauv 70's. Ob peb phem los nag rau thiab raws lawv tus npauj npaim, coupled nyob fragmentation thiab logging, muaj tej zaum raug tua 50-60% tus huab tais Mev no (raws li hais hauv qab no).

(daim credit)

Yog qhov no tshwj xeeb yuav tsis txhawj txog dab tsi? Kuv tsis yog raug xav hais tias. Huab cua yog cov tseem ceeb neeg uas ua ntawv hauv xyoo ntawv uas tsis muaj neeg nyob, thiab kuv yuav xav txog tej yam lub butterflies tau pom cov zauv no phem ua ntej peb tib neeg nyob ces suav cia. Kuv yuav bet dab tsi rau cov pejxeem ua rov qab ib lub xyoo yuav tuaj, tsis xav tau los khiav ib ncig screaming, tus huab tais yuav nyob hauv koj lub vaj no lub caij ntuj sov thiab lwm.

Monarchs mas zoo nkauj thiab cov tub ki hlub lawv, li ntawd, nws tsis noj ib ncab ntawm lub tswv yim los xyuas seb yog vim li cas siv zog npaum no muab tso rau hauv lawv xyuas. Tiam sis yog ib tug lepidopterist, tsis muaj dabtsi yuav boring ua tau lwm daim ntawv qhia txog qhov “plight” ntawm qhov monarchs Zzzzzzzzzzzz. Kuv yuav hais tias muaj ntau tshaj nias teeb meem thiaj txhawj txog, xws li tsis pom qab biodiversity in the face of kev ignorance accelerating npaum li cas. Monarchs ua si ib txoj kev muaj nqi uas ib tug pej xeem mascot thiab tej zaum tseem yog ib hom figurehead uas pab khaws cia precious tej vaj tse – tab sis wb siv raws li tus taw ntawm lub qhov rooj rau kev kawm ntawv further. Yog, tus Huab tais npauj npaim Fund, yog striving rau tej kev tiv thaiv thiab sustainability. Tus zoo tshaj plaws. Kuv to taub tias qhov no achieves lub sij hawm zoo, tab sis vim li cas thiaj tsuas lub cheeb tus huab tais? Qhov no xws li ib tug spectacular sij hawm rau kev kawm ntawv uas nyuam qhuav tau npawv nqes mus nkawd “tseg tus huab tais”. Cov forests pab ntau ntau tshaj li ib chaw rau npauj npaim ib hom thiab tej zaum tseem ntau tshaj li “qhov tseem ceeb cov dab dej thiab cov pa generator”.

Kuv txhais lus.

Xwb kuv hais no. Nws tseem nyob deb ntawm, txiav txim of magnitude, nthuav ntau:

[youtube = = eGYAMDGMraA&hl = en_US&FS = 1&]

Ntse heev ntawm qhov xovxwm, Part II

Luam tawm hauv qhov raug Barbara xov xwm xovxwm, Lub caij ntuj no 2009. Leej twg thiaj paub kuv yog dab tsi uas cov captions?

Daim credit scan Page: Wilson Stuart.

Lub sij hawm cia Texas rov muab nws lub teb chaws

Txhais tau hais tias kev kawm tsis phem txaus hauv lub teb chaws no, Texas xam pom kom lawv loj tuaj lawm. Lub laub ntawm ib lub tsev kawm ntawv board txhag cia tsis ntev los no tau rov sau keeb kwm, cia. Tus logic yuav nyuaj ua raws li lub, tab sis lawv tau sim “tshuav” keeb kwm ntawm hno txhag cia li ideals (mloog koj, tsis muaj leej twg yog tus historian ntawm lub Rooj Tswjhwm Saib). Dab tsi yog yuav tau hloov:

  • Ntxiv tsis meej pem txog kev sib cais los ntawm lub tsev teev ntuj thiab hauv lub xeev – (yog, peb paub tias nws yuav tsis cia hauv txoj kevcai tswj. Tsis txhais hais tias nws tsis nyob ua ib ke.)
  • Pab tawm tswv yim txog li cas christian ideals pom peb lub teb chaws.
  • Txhag cia resurgence 80's thiab 90's, xws li cov ntsiab lus zaj dabneeg feem ntau thiab lub NRA.
  • Tawm tswv yim txog qhov xwm tsausmuag ntawm tej taw txog neeg cov cai thiab republican yug ntawm cai congressional votes.
  • Ntxiv tias Germans thiab cov Italians muaj interned thiab, tus Japanese tsis yog thaum WWII.
  • Ntxiv li cas senator McCarthy heev heev yog noob paranoid communism.
  • Hloov lo lus “capitalism” nrog “tsis pub luam enterprise”.
  • Raug tshem tawm ntawm Thomas Jefferson hauv khej ntawm phau ntawv.

Kev hloov tag nrho no yog ghastly. Kuv tsis muaj ib qho teeb meem mentioning tej presidents republican thiab lawv tes dej num zoo nyob yav dhau los, los yog lub luag hauj lwm ntawm lub GOP. Yav dhau los tej zaum yuav sau los ntawm tus victors, tab sis, nws yuav tsum siv zog ntawm kev ncaj ncees thiab kuas. Lub alterations los saum toj no yog txog bullshit thiab tsuas pab ntxiv nws txhag cia, kev cai dab qhuas, txheej txheem. Zoo li cas tiag pisses kuv yog cov kev hloov ntawm cov cai no thiab cov Japanese internment. Vim ib Rev tsawv old, rog, txiv neej dawb hauv congress pom tau hais lawv zoo tshaj civil rights cai tsis txhais hais tias lawv yuav tsum tsim nyog daim credit rau nws. Thiab, yog lawv yeej expecting peb ntseeg hais tias internment twb tsis teem rau lub Japanese? Ntawd tag nrho tshooj nyob rau peb yav dhau los hauv Teb Chaws Asmeskas no undeniably phev heev thiab shameful, nws twb tseem fueled ntawm racism. Kuv tsis to taub li cas txhawb bigotry thiab racism yog saib muaj nqis txhag cia. Vim li cas yuav tsum lawv unashamedly, thiab ignorantly, rov sau keeb kwm los ntxiv cov txheej txheem? Cov raug kev GOP hab txhag cia qhov tseem ceeb ntawm kev cai dab qhuas yog tag nrho mus tshem qhov no. Lub khob cij thiab butter ntawm kev cai dab qhuas fundamentalism inculcating cov hluas. Qhov zoo yog zoo heev thaum koj xav kom tsev neeg loj thiab insane devotion. Tam sim no tias feem ntau cov conservatives cov kev cai dab qhuas lawv tseem spinning lawv webs mus rau peb cov me nyuam (zoo, koj cov me nyuam).

Qhov phem yog tau tuaj. Texas thiab California yog tus ntau tshaj ntawv ciaj uas muag nyob rau hauv lub teb chaws. Yog lawv kis tau tsim mandating cov kev hloov ntawm cov ntawv ces cov tuam txhab publishing uas muag yuav poob rau hauv kab. Txij thaum luam ntawv versions txawv ntawm phau ntawv rau ntau lub xeev yog kev unfeasible, ces tsuas muaj ib phau ntawv twg thiaj li raug sau tib si rau Teb Chaws Asmeskas lub tsev kawm ntawv. Yog Texas ntse ntxiv no BS cov phau ntawv keeb kwm ces txhua lub tsev kawm ntawv pej xeem hauv Teb Chaws Asmeskas twg thiaj li raug quab yuam tej yam ua kua (los yog raws li republicans xav hais – rammed cia peb qa) cov phau ntawv no.

Dab tsi yog ib tug txhag cia hnub no yog hais tias kev cai dab qhuas tsis? Dab tsi yuav los tom ntej no: zoo muaj ntau “balanced” ideals hauv ntiaj teb no sov taus, cloning thiab evolutionary ib. Nyob tuned.

Tsis Texas.

Thaum twg kuv yog tub nkees heev yuav tau xav txog kuv cov ntaub,

Kuv rooj vag lwm tus. Tuaj nyob no series hauv lub PZ Myers qhuab ntuas, zoo nkauj entertaining thiab koj yuav tsum mus ntsuam xyuas dej Mr. Vajtswv koj tus kheej.

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