Aquamoth部分 2

我碰到全文PDF的兩棲蛾文章摘錄顯示此品種群的輻射和可能演化的兩棲性狀樹. 值得注意的情況下形狀, 每個蛾特有自己的火山在夏威夷群島.

這是EF1-α構成的三基因系統發育的貝葉斯分析, CAD和COI. 如果有人想在紙的副本, 給我一張紙條. 從拉: 魯比諾夫D。, 施米茨體育, 多水生入侵的一種地方病, 地面, 夏威夷蛾輻射. 美國國家科學院院刊月 2010.




You can read all about his story from the NY Times. 我想想這整個虐囚醜聞的最可怕的事情 (scandalsssss) 是,教會實際上認為,這是撒旦的工作 – 個別人的不扭曲的心靈. 是, “the Devil is at work inside the Vatican”, so why punish a man who just needs the devil vanquished? Oh wait, they don’t even exorcise priests because it is just atemptationwith young, deaf, boys. Then how is it that these priests who are so easily tempted left in positions of power? The answer is easyjust like any government, the Catholic church is profoundly incompetent.


對於所有那些誰投了棄權票 (我要承擔一些讀者一定知道我們的神秘毛蟲的身份, 但都懶得回應), 這裡就是答案 (突破後).

Continue reading Answer to last week’s Genius of the Press


另一個驚人的動物從夏威夷 – 一個完全 兩棲毛毛蟲 (在3月公佈 22 美國國家科學院院刊). 雖然有幾個水產鱗翅目, 所有的人都讓他們限制水的魚鰓 (介意你, 我們只談幼蟲階段). 如果他們的流乾涸, 這樣做的毛毛蟲. 這些昆蟲的新適應能力是舒適生活的能力, 並且顯然是無限期的, 在乾燥的土地上 浸沒在淡水中 – 這些人的獨特特徵 12 新物種的 低滲透壓 (天蛾科). 這不僅是昆蟲所獨有的, 但對於所有已知的動物. 有, 當然, 兩棲動物. 但與這些毛毛蟲不同的是,它們需要水分才能生存,並且通常會迅速乾燥. 低滲透壓在類似沙漠的條件下茁壯成長, 或淹沒數週. 不僅是 12 發現了不同的物種 (這也是已知的第一批吃蝸牛的毛毛蟲), 但這種兩棲能力似乎已經進化了三次. 顯然,這些地區的小型鱗翅目動物面臨著極大的選擇壓力.

鱗翅目作為一個整體已經進化出了全方位的適應能力, 包括寄生物種, 有害的, 食菌的, 內食性的, 食肉的 (也在夏威夷), 水生,現在完全兩棲. 嗯嗯, 聽起來像一首糟糕的歌 (對這音樂). 清楚地, leps 比任何其他訂單都涼爽.

也許如果我是魯比諾夫,我可能會命名一隻飛蛾 水母. 當然, 海王在這片土地上一文不值… 所以也許它應該是 ħ. potioaquamana (喝- 來自拉丁語,表示更高級或更有效).


春天已經到了加州北部和飛蛾都在翼. 我花了一個快速訪問最多的塞拉利昂山麓週末和徒步爬上陡峭的山坡上面的美洲河. Above is pictured Xanthothrix ranunculi f. albipuncta (夜蛾科: Stiriinae). It happens to be sitting on a beautiful california poppy. The hostplant, 然而, 是 Coreopsis stillmanii and grows in small patches of serpentine soils on southern facing slopes along the central valley. 這裡是一個 Xanthothrix sitting on the host.

This moth was originally described as a form of 點¯x. ranunculi 在 1925 (form roughly equals subspecies today), and then completely forgotten about and unseen until 1990. It was left out of a major revision of the subfamily, so the legitimate status as a subspecies or full species remains unknown. Stay tuned.

全國聯保新聞, v.III

我最喜歡的系列又一分期付款, 新聞界的天才. This article comes from ABC news, 誰可以識別這個毛毛蟲? It is decidedly a gypsy moth.

Fellow entomology blogger Myrmecos had a similar story last week.



君主們已經開始向北遷移,你甚至可能 很快看到一個 (不精彩,如果你住在佛羅里達州或喜那裡有全年居民, 或CA那裡有單獨的越冬地點). 從墨西哥的冬季位置報告卻是慘淡; 可能是自 70 年代發現殖民地以來的最低人口規模. 蝴蝶路線內和沿線的一些惡劣風暴, 加上棲息地破碎化和伐木, 可能已經殺了 50-60% 墨西哥君主人口 (根據以下報導).


這有什麼特別值得關注的嗎? 我不這麼認為. 天氣是今年創紀錄的低人口的關鍵因素, 我可以想像在我們人類出現之前,蝴蝶已經看到了這麼糟糕的數字. 我敢打賭未來幾年人口會復蘇, 不需要跑來跑去尖叫, 今年夏天和明年,君主會在你的花園裡.

君主很漂亮,孩子們喜歡他們, 所以不用想太多就可以弄清楚為什麼要花這麼多精力來監控它們. 但作為鱗翅目昆蟲, 沒有什麼比另一份關於 “困境” 君主的 嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚. 我傾向於認為有更緊迫的問題需要關注, 例如在科學無知面前生物多樣性喪失速度加快. 君主作為公共吉祥物,甚至作為有助於保護珍貴棲息地的有名無實的物種,確實發揮著重要作用 – 但讓我們把它們當作進一步教育的大門. 是, 在 帝王蝶基金, 正在努力保護棲息地和可持續發展. 好東西. 我明白這會取得積極的成果, 但為什麼只以君主的名​​義? 這似乎是科學教育的絕佳機會,它剛剛四捨五入為 “拯救君主”. 這些森林不僅僅是一種蝴蝶物種的庇護所,甚至超過 “重要的碳彙和氧氣發生器”.


相反,我建議這樣做. 到目前為止, 數量級, 更有意思的:

[youtube= = eGYAMDGMraA&hl = en_US&fs=1&]

記者天才, 第二部分

Published in the Santa Barbara News Press, 冬季 2009. Who can tell me what’s wrong with these captions?

Page scan credit: Stuart Wilson.


彷彿教育水平還不夠糟糕,在這個國家, Texas has decided to make them worse. 最近推從一個保守的學校董事會已重新編寫歷史, 從字面上. 邏輯可能有點難以跟進, 但他們試圖 “平衡” 歷史上注入更多的保守理念 (介意你, no one is a historian on the board). What is to be changed:

  • Adding confusion on separation of church and state – (是, we know it’s not literally in the constitution. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.)
  • Discussing how christian ideals helped to found our country.
  • Conservative resurgence in the 80’s and 90’s, including the Moral Majority and the NRA.
  • Discussing the violent nature of some civil rights movements and republican support of congressional civil rights votes.
  • Adding that Germans and Italians were interned as well, not just the Japanese during WWII.
  • Adding how senator McCarthy was correct in being paranoid over communism.
  • Replacing the wordcapitalismwithfree-market enterprise”.
  • Removal of Thomas Jefferson from sections of the book.

This entire change is ghastly. I don’t have a problem mentioning some republican presidents and their positive role in history, or the role of the GOP. History may be written by the victors, but it should strive towards fair and balanced. The alterations made above are absolute bullshit and only serve to further their conservative, religious, agenda. What really pisses me off is the alteration of the civil rights movement and Japanese internment. Just because a bunch of old, fat, white men in congress realized they better pass civil rights laws does not mean they should deserve credit for it. 和, are they really expecting us to believe that internment was not focused on the Japanese? That entire chapter in our US history is undeniably horrible and shameful, it was also fueled by racism. I do not understand how supporting bigotry and racism is considered a conservative value. Why must they unashamedly, and ignorantly, re-write history to further their agenda? The poisoning of the GOP and conservative values by religion is all to clear in this case. The bread and butter of religious fundamentalism is inculcating the youth. This strategy is very successful when you encourage large families and insane devotion. Now that the majority of conservatives are religious they are spinning their webs onto our children (以及, your children).

The worst is yet to come. Texas and California are the largest textbook markets in the country. If they pass legislation mandating the alteration of texts then the publishing companies must fall into line. Since printing different versions of books for different states is financially unfeasible, then only ONE book gets printed for US schools. If Texas successfully adds this BS to the history books then every public school in the US gets force fed (or as republicans like to sayrammed down our throats) these books.

What is a conservative today if not religious? What is coming next: insertion of morebalancedideals of global warming, cloning and evolutionary biology. Stay tuned.

Fail to Texas.


我張貼別人的. 跨越這一系列的PZ邁爾斯來到講座, pretty entertaining and you should go check out Mr. Deity yourself.

[裂紋SRC = / P / Mr._Deity / Mr._Deity_and_the_Messages.swf&FV = ID%3D2021384%26mu%3D0%26ap%3D0]