By Chris Grinter, nyob rau lub ob hlis ntuj 25, 2013
Lub hnub no npauj yog ib hom ntawm tus mob Rocky roob lwm Denver zoo nkauj, Epermenia stolidota (Epermeniidae). Yog ua tau ib tug loj mus tshaj tias zoo li no, li 20mm ntawm wingtip los wingtip. Cov tsa ceg, darkened, tufts ntawm dos nyob ntawm ntug qhov forewing posterior yog cov ua cim rau cov tsev neeg no zoo kawg thiab, raws li cov tawv ntawm tus ncej qab tibia bristles (kuj pom dog dig no). Muaj cov 11 hom rau 2 genera nyob rau hauv lub tebchaws United States, muaj tej zaum ob peb tshaj ntawd yuav tsum sab. Koj txog haujlwm curatorial lwm David Bettman keyed no hom tawm siv kho cov nqi lus ntawm hom kab Nearctic: PDF ntawm no.
By Chris Grinter, nyob rau lub ob hlis ntuj mus. VIII, 2013
By Chris Grinter, nyob rau lub ob hlis ntuj 11th, 2013
Lub lim tiam no kuv yog koom ib me quav, scruffy, thiab ib hlis ob zaug competently kis Nepticulidae nyob hauv lub genus Stigmella los ntawm tib lub teeb ntxiab ntawm Prescott Arizona li ntawm lawm ob peb hnub Monday npaub. Kuv mas tsis muab ib Diam duab ntawm npauj uas tsis yog rau tus mob zoo tshaj, tab sis kuv tabtom siv qhov no ua ib qho piv txwv ntawm cov txheej txheem. Xwb tsis yog no 4 hli npauj ntawv rho tawm hauv qab ntawm lub teeb ntxiab, tab sis nws twb teb pinned thiab ziab rau dua ib xyoo thiab ib nrab hnub. Kuv yeej ib txwm hnov tias nws yuav luag yuav tsis kam nrog qhov tsawg tshaj plaws ntawm tus choj; thiab kuv tsis tau mus tshaj tshuab. Kuv los xav hais tias koj xav tau kev ntes lawv off of ib lub teeb ntawv tseem ciaj sia nyob rau hauv ib lub vial thiab euthanize moments ua ntej yuav kis tus kab mob siv, tas thaum lub yeej tsis, puas pub tus ntsis noj qhuav hais paub ua ntej. Tiam sis thaum nws puv, koj yuav tau tseg nrog ib tug dlej tshem me me los ntawm relaxing 24 sij hawm thiab kev kis tus kab mob ntxeev tiaj kus. Tiv thaiv yog tias koj muaj ib tug tshiab txawm mus uas zam rau rab ntawm thoob-ntxiab nws yuav ua rau ib tug mus deb superior. Tsis tau zoo, koj rho tau daim nplooj muaj kuv thiab reared tau tus npauj muaj koj tus kheej. Feem ntau ntawm cov Nepticulidae yog cov tswv tsev qhia tseeb thiab miv deb tshaj li uas peb tau muab lawv daim credit. Kuv yeej hnov tej zaum yuav muaj tsawg 100 tshiab hom awaiting foundations nyob rau hauv Teb Chaws Asmeskas ib leeg.
By Chris Grinter, nyob rau lub ob hlis ntuj 7, 2013 Zaj dabneeg uas muaj ntau San Francisco butterflies yeej paub zoo thiab depressing. Tsam tau raug hnyav ncawv nyob rau ntawm tib neeg txoj kev loj hlob rau ntau tshaj li ob centuries thiab yog ib lub tsev mus thawj paub tias piv txwv txog kev tu noob npauj npaim American infamous, tus Xerces xiav. Hos lwm butterflies uas nws muaj dai rau, los yog nrhiav kev pab los dai rau xav tus Lub hom phiaj xiav, qee yam zoo ib yam li cov Bay Checkerspot muaj tseem tsis kam dua cov kev siv zog rau reintroduction valiant. Hnub no, qhov tsuas paub colony ntawm lub Bay Checkerspot yog li raug Clara County rau ntawm ib qhov chaw hu ua hma caj. Nees nkaum ib xyoos ntawm txoj kev tshawb ntawm cov checkerspot muab siab kho nyob rau hauv cov 1960's thiab 70's los ntawm tus biologist nto moo tsaus Paul Ehrlich uas yog muab cov impetus rau tsoom fwv teb chaws cov qhia nyob rau hauv 1987. Li ntawm 1998 colonies qhov nws kawm tau txij thaum ncaim ploj tag lawm. Ntawm no yog ib qho excerpt ntawm ib 1980 ntawv nyob ntawm phau ntawv Journal ntawm lub Lepidopterists’ Haiv neeg “Ob California Checkerspot npauj npaim hom, Ib tug tshiab, Ib tug ntawm cov Verge ntawm Extinction” (.pdf).
“Tus Bay Checkerspot twb yog tus npauj npaim endangered. Meem tu siab no yog tag nrho qhov ntau distressing vim nws ceev yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws paub tias cov – ecologically thiab txhob kaw – cov kev invertebrate. Peb yuav sim tau xeem cov kev tiv thaiv rau E. E. bayensis thiab vim muaj ib co thwmsim los recolonize cov chaw uas tsim tej vaj tse uas tam sim no tsis muaj.”
Tag nrho cov kev siv zog hum no npauj npaim muaj tejyam, thiab lub neej tom ntej no cov tsiaj tsis nrhiav kaj.
Thiab ua li ntawd, raws nraim li no lub npe creatures? Nyob rau hauv 1937 Robert F. Sternitzky piav seb nws xav li cas yuav tsum muaj ib cov npauj npaim San Francisco overlooked “Euphydryas editha var. bayensis“. Hnub no lub subspecies roughly tshaj cov kawmntawv variations thiab Asxis thaum ntxov yog – thiaj li tseem tshuav tus npauj npaim bayensis xyoo lawm los ua ib tug mascot rau kev txuag. Tab sis, qhov twg yog qhov kawg thawj Euphydras editha ntawm thiab seb puas tau rau San Francisco bayensis txawv? Hmoov tsis tau hauj lwm tus yuavtsum yog vague thiab cias collecting tas nyob li “California”, thaum muaj tus cwj pwm tsis muaj hmoo ntawm Boisduval leej twg piav tus npauj npaim 1852. Tiam sis txhua vam cia yuav tsis poob lawm vim cov Fabkis Lepidopterist muaj koob npe yog coj nrws xa rau nws los ntawm lub xeev California earliest Lepidopterist, Pierre Joseph Michel Lorquin. Tus xav ua kub prospector thiab npauj npaim collector, Lorquin kwv tij California ntawm 1849 mus 1858 thiab ua dua 1869. Txhua npauj npaim uas lawv twb muab xa rov tuaj rau Fabkis yog ib hom kab tshiab thiab tom qab piav los Boisduval – leej twg tau kawg hu ua ib qho ntawm California qhov zoo nkauj tshaj butterflies tom Lorquin.
Sau Emmel, Emmel thiab Mattoon rau 1994 uas tau sau ntawv rau Systematics of Western North American Butterflies. In the Process of tu pem qhov mess ntawm thaj no hom thaum lawv yuav tau me ib Lectotype rau E. editha editha vim koj yeej tsis Boisduval tas ib Holotype nyob rau hauv 1852. Yeej tseem zoo nws npe hu ua ib tus tshiab hom tsis muaj designating tus taxonomic cov txheej txheem rau cov pab pawg, ua hauj lwm rau yav tom ntej tsis meej xwm rau taxonomists. Thankfully lub tsev ntawm cov Lorquin muaj roughly lawm yav tas los thiab peb yuav ascertain tau tias nws yuav tsum tau nyob San Francisco ib ncig 1849. Counselor ntawm lub nrws mus rau lub Checkerspot Bay yuavtsum ua rau kev nyuaj siab loj rooj plaub uas nws tau no npauj npaim tuaj rau Fabkis ntawm lub xyoo pua puv 19. Yog li ntawm no nrhiav is lub Bay Checkerspot Euphydryas editha bayensis ua synonymy uas muaj lub npe laus Euphydryas editha editha. Lub npe bayensis dissappeared zoo vim nws twb rov piav txog ib tug npauj npaim ntawd twb paub tias.
Euphydryas e. Editha thaum nws puv tau paub los ntawm xeev California nqaum los ntawm thaj av ntawd bay mus San Luis Obispo – thiab kom voila, cov kab kev los ntawm cov kev Checkerspot Bay xwb pob tawg lawm. Tab sis, tiv thaiv cov dab neeg tsis yog tej yam uas yooj yim thiab tus npauj npaim tsis tau zoo magically muaj npe hloov. Kev txuag pawg ecologist ncaws thiab screamed thiab tsis kam txais txoj kev hloov, Txawm tias cov Lub neej Xerces Ius dhia ntawd rau board nrog rau kev pom zoo ntawm taxonomists los tsis ua li cas kuv thiaj tsuas muaj kev pov plob no ntshai yuav pom tias lawv tus npauj npaim no lawm lawv.
Kuv mam li feem ntau hais tias qhov no tsis txhais tias coob hauv cov bay yog tsis raug teeb meem – tseem xav kom tiv thaiv cov kev ceev biologically tseem ceeb li ho tsis. Yeej thoob thaj av ntawd muaj txojkev ntshai heev txawm mus tsis tu ncua thiab pernicious (pdf). Nyob rau txhua lub npe hloov yog tsis tseem ceeb, peb yuav tam sim no hu tau rau Edith Checkerspot tus Bay Checkerspot, thiab tseem sib ntaus kev tiv thaiv no npauj npaim. Kuv xav paub tseeb tias yuav tsum kho lub teb chaws register, thiab yog hais tias nws yog cov tau tsim kev tiv thaiv ntawm tus tsiaj ntawd nyiam no tsis rov petitioning ua hom kab endangered. Saib tsam ces kuv yeej to taub txog qhov kev khaw cov kev hloov npe vim sab nraud nws zoo li cov kab no lawm lawv. Rau lwm cov tes, qhov no kuj yuav coj kom coob txog ib tug npauj npaim uas muaj tau overlooked xyoo lawm.
Ntau tsaug John Pelham rau conferring nrog kuv nyob no mob taub hau taxonomic.
By Chris Grinter, nyob rau lub ob hlis ntuj 4, 2013 Cas txog lwm lam Gelechiidae los ntawm tib qho chaw li qhov dhau mus (nr. Prescott Arizona). Kuv tabtom noj ib nkaug ntawm no npauj nyob hauv lub genus Chionodes – thiab nws yog hom kab superficially zoo C. continuella. Thankfully yog ib monograph ntawm pawg (Npaub of America North of Mexico, fascicle 7.6) thiab kuv yuav tau txiav tawm thiab hopefully txog ntawm tus kom zoo. Lub genitalia ntawm npaub wonderfully yog lug sclerotized uas yuav muab tau ib wealth cov cim qhia kom paub siv. Kuv yuav tau nco ntsoov muab cov dluab ntawm dab lub genitalia zoo tsis ntev!
By Chris Grinter, nyob rau lub ib hlis ntuj 7, 2013
No npauj yog ib tug piv txwv zoo txog dab tsi ntau kuv npaub no lub caij – lam! Qhov no yeej muaj Gelechiidae, koj saib tau upturned lub palps loj loj nyob rau hauv cov taub hau, thiab ib tug zoo li tus ntiv tes projection ntawm lub tswv yim ntawm cov hindwings. Nyuam qhuav txog ib tug yooj yim neeg microleps paub. Thiab los ntawm ib cov gestalt xwb saib tsam no yog nyob hauv lub Gnorimoschemini? Yog hais tias ib tug neeg paub no me ntsis los txiv leej tub thov qhia rau kuv paub, txwv tsis pub kuv yuav tua tau cov ntawv nyeem los sim thiab teev cia lub npe. No cov zoo nkauj npauj no ntawm toj siab lwm Prescott, AZ – Lub Xya hli ntuj 2010. Theej enjoyably, yeej muaj coob tus microlepidoptera uas yuav tsis yooj yim.
By Chris Grinter, rau hlis ntuj nqeg 20th, 2012 Koj yuav muaj twb hnov lub moo shocking txog cov tab tom yuav hloov ntawm cov teb tsev cia puav pheej of Natural keeb kwm nyob Chicago. Hauv ntej, cov tsev khaws puav pheej yog nyiaj txiag ntsoog thiab hloov loj heev yuav tau siv los ntawm tus thawj coj tshiab, Cai Richard Lariviere. Zaum ntawd txog li ib nrab ntawm cov neeg ua hauj lwm hauv kev tshawb (xws li tenured curators) yuav raug nteg raug tshem tawm thiab kev soj ntsuam tag nrho huv yuav ua neej rau hauv “kev kawm thiab kev kawm”. Nyiaj yuav muaj siv pheej yuav teev cia, tas thaum lub gutting rau tub ntxhais kev rau lub tsev khaws puav pheej.
By Chris Grinter, rau hlis ntuj nqeg 16th, 2012 Ob peb lub hlis dhau los koj ntau zaum dawm hla no meme – tus naas ej Poodle npauj! Thiab xwb rau qhov cov tshuab qhov qhia tau dlej half. Yog, Nws yog tiag. Yog, Nws yog ib tug npauj. Yog, yog zaum ib hom nyob hauv lub Lasiocampidae (tejzaum nws tus genus Artace) thwj li taw tes qhia raws li Dr. John Rawlins.
Kuv xav pom no kom tau txhua yam zoo thiab zoo, hav muaj tons of acute npaub tawm muaj thiab nws yog hais txog lub sij hawm uas lwm tus neeg pom! Kuv tsis looj koov nyeem tsab xov xwm txog thaum ib tug colleague khaw tseg nws rau ntawm kuv lub “Cosmic cav txog“. Cas kuv pom nyob horrifying lom zem heev. NBC vim txiav txim pabneeg ib cryptozoologist uas yog ib tug thawj neeg kom thaj Blog los txog no npauj thiab koj sim qhia hais tias nws (incorrectly, tab sis tsis muaj phem dag zog rau tus uas tsis yog-entomologist). Ho cov dab neeg zoo li no tuaj rau hauv cov Christian ncej pib popping pem qhov txhia chaw: Venezuelan Poodle npauj Confuses zaum. Vim txhua yam lawv nyiam siv cov kab li “Cov soj ntsuam ntawm mystifying”, los sis “zaum baffling”. Kuv tabtom yuav amused tau txais lo lus siv hauv cov zajlus ua li no – thiab tsis tshua to taub vim lawv yuav nrov heev. Kuv twv txhua zaus muaj tus paub txog hais tias “me tub no yog nthuav” nws misinterpreted tau raws li lawv tau baffled; uas ua rau kuv xav tias tus reporter yuav txaus siab rau knocking kev kawm off of nws xav txog tej yam ivory ntauwd thiab thaum lawv tau hais “hav look tej zaum ruam tsis tseem paub lub teb”. Thiab thaum peb feem ntau tsis paub cov lus teb (Nws yog peb haujlwm tsawm tsawv thiab yuav nrhiav tau cov lus teb), txhais tias tsis yog peb nyob nraum stumped. Tshwj xeeb tshaj yog nyob rau hauv cov ntaub ntawv no, Nws yog ib tug npauj ntxuav xwb.
Tsis muaj mob tiag tiag, tab sis ntawd tseem cryptozoology uas tau kuv mus riled. Kuv xav tias nws tsis muaj hmoo tias ib cryptozoologist nabbed heev tshaj li thiab yog tham txog rau ib tug lag nyiaj ntawm credibility.
Yog cryptozoology tsis muaj kev kawm, tsis tau yuav. Thaum cryptozoology no los xij uas muaj kev kawm ntawd yog hu ua ib.
Yog muaj cov ceev muaj sia uas ntseeg tau tias tej uas lawv tsim yog science tiag tiag, tom qab uas siab ntshuas tales nyob rau hauv lub voj thiab lub tsev sib tsub sib nias ntawm anecdotal “pov thawj” uas yeej tsis zoo li raug truths. Yog tseem sib txawv me ntsis ib tus paub txog thiab ib pseudoscientist cas. Hais tias muaj tus paub txog hnov ib tus khib tsiaj nyob rau hauv cov qhov nqus jungles – embark ntawm kev ntoj ke mus kawm (tom qab begging rau nyiaj) ua rau lub zog ua hauj lwm ntawm piecing ua ke hauv cov dab neeg thiab trekking cov jungles lossis nyiab loj tus oceans thiaj nrhiav tau lub nrws. Ces lawv coj cov tsev nrws, txiav tawm rau txhua txhua yam, thiab luam tawm tsab soj ntsuam rau ib tug phooj ywg los rov journal. Yog tsis muaj lub nrws nyob nyob ces ntawd tus paub txog mus tsev nchuav tag tso thiab rethinks mythical no zeej tshiab tseem. Nyaj ntau tshaj cov nyiaj pab yuav pub rau lawv cov sij hawm ntau nyob rau lub teb… (Nco ntsoov cov lus teb, txoj cai?) Tab sis cov dab neeg no muaj xaus, tsis muaj pov thawj tus tsiaj ntawd tsis nyob ua ib ke. Qhov no yog qhov chaw uas cryptozoology sia ncaim ntawm los ntawm science tiag tiag – lawv yuav khaw anecdotal tales li fact thiab yeej tsis lees swb. Nessy tshwm sim vim cov neeg saib nws. Piav tsis tau tejzaum nws yuav kev loj array plausible ntau txoj… vim hais tias lub ntiaj teb ib cryptozoologist nyob hauv yog mythical thiab fundamentally tsis muaj tiag.
Txaus ranting OK, wb cia li vam rau ntau adorable npaub los tsoo lub moo to!
By Chris Grinter, rau hlis ntuj nqeg 10, 2012 Txais tos lub tsev tshiab rau lub Skeptical npauj! Kuv paub tias kuv muab kho dua blogrolls tsis yog tag nrho li kev lom zem, tiam sis ua tsaug rau koj raws li cov nrog kuv. Thiab vim nws yog hnub Monday – ntawm no yog ib qho Automeris rhuav tshem cov ntaub (Saturniidae) ntawm yav qab teb Illinois, Tej zaum 2012.
Cheers thiab nyob zoo xyoo tshiab!
By Chris Grinter, rau hlis ntuj nqeg koob thib 3, 2012 Lub hnub no npauj yog ib tus stunning micro thiab lwm zeej ntawm Barb Bartell qaum tsev nyob hauv lub Rockies. Raws li kuv paub nws yog ib hom Mompha (Coleophoridae), tej zaum claudiella,tab sis, kuv tsis muaj ib daim ID uas zoo rau hauv no tiam sis tsis tau. Thaum kuv pib khawb mus txog cov micros ntawm cov qhov Web site no muaj cov paub hais tias yuav surprises!