mariposa de la semana

No es la típica mariposa. – pero esta es la estructura de plegamiento de proteínas de una fiebre hemorrágica sudamericana – el virus machupo. El artículo fue encontrado en Ciencia diaria. Un parecido sorprendente con una mariposa., tal vez incluso un Hesperiidae (foto de Mariposas de América).

Los médicos están fuera.

Cogí una breve emisión de la serie de TV “Los Doctores“, el episodio de hoy se titula “Emergencias Médicas No se puede ignorar”. En su mayor parte regurgitan afirmaciones de salud médica positivos. También balbucean en sobre “saludable” los alimentos y las cosas que son buenas para usted y el “peligros” of all kinds of common household bacteria/chemicals and everything else. By and large nothing apocryphal.

But then Dr. Lisa Masterson opened her mouth with this advice for people looking to quit smoking (paraphrased from memory) “You can try these, it is called EZ-Quit spray. They are HOMEOPATHICYou should still consult your doctor because, you know, some of these ingredients can be strong”. The ingredient list is Antimonium crudum 5C, Caladium seguinum 5C, Ignatia 5C, Lobelia inflata 5C, Nux vomica 5C, Tabacum 5-7-9C. Inactive ingredients: Purified water, alcohol 20%.

Primero, let’s understand the “do” scale of potency measurement. A 1C potency is one part ingredient diluted in 100 parts water, un 1:100 ratio. A 5C solution is equivalent to 10^-10 power dilution or .0000000001mg ofactiveingredient. So drink up, you would need to drink one of these to get enough active ingredient:

But thats the whole point! In homeopathy, the single molecule of ingredient that comes in contact with water MAGICALLY imparts its power to the water molecules. When asked to explain this most homeopaths invoke quantum mechanics. Good to know they are totally ignorant of science. The basic principle of homeopathy states that the MORE diluted something becomes the MORE powerful it is. The standard dilution is 30C or 10^-60 , but it does go up to 10^-1500. You would literally need to consume a sphere of water the size of our solar system two billion times for one single molecule of ingredient. And thank god there is .0000000001mg of Nux vomica in the solution because that is commonly known as strychnine, an incredibly powerful alkaloid toxin with an LD50 of 10mg. In doses of less that 5mg it acts as a powerful stimulant and was used historically for stomach aliments and even for doping by athletes. Strychnine hasn’t been used since the invention of safer medicines.

Homeopathy is absolutely bullshit. There is zero supporting evidence, in fact in the UK they finally agreed to stop funding this insanity; which is no surprise since any intelligent person who understands the true principals of homeopathy should know better. En realidad, anyone who creates a homeopathic medicine that is scientifically proven, can apply for the JREF million dollar challenge. Is it any surprise that it remains unclaimed?

Dr.. Lisa is a complete moron and a quack. It is scary to think she spreads this misinformation on public TV, but not all that surprising. She should issue an apology for recommending homeopathy and the california medical board should consider disciplinary action or pull her license. Of course this won’t happenBut think of the potential dangers, consider the case of the parents that killed their daughter with homeopathy.

Ahora, enjoy James Randi explaining Homeopathy:


Comprar todos los nuevos tónico sanador de Chris!

Bien, Apuesto a que si yo estaba vendiendo algo se mostraría muy muy bajo en esta tabla. A continuación se pueden ver diferentes remedios alternativos clasificados de acuerdo a su eficacia científica. Siga el enlace para una explicación más completa de las clasificaciones, pero los recursos se clasifican en base a cada reclamación – el té verde para las tasas de instancia muy mal para el cáncer, pero muy bien para el colesterol. Tome nota de lo mucho que está por debajo del “vale la pena” línea.

Continue reading Buy Chris’s all new healing tonic!

Afortunadamente, No soy un escarabajo

Because I would have been subjected to esta. Talk about animal cruelty! Aceptar, just kidding, but this story is a bit ridiculous. The article states that the scientists had used the voice of Limbaugh because it wasreadily available”, not because they hated him. Well that turns out not to be true, they chose Rush because it was the most annoying sound [they] could think of. Not too surprising that the liberal entomology agenda hates Rush (joke), but I know I sure do. If you blared that blabbering buffoon at me for an hour I’d Plath myself.

It turns out these guys were on the right path however. While Limbaugh perhaps predictably had no effect on the insects, sounds recorded of the bark beetles did. When recordings of the sounds made of the beetles in their tunnels were fired back into the trees they observed the insects flying into a fury and killing each other. Sounds like it may be a useful tool if they can find a way to deliver this to trees without wiring each one with speakers. I don’t think that blasting these recordings Apocalypse Now style into forests will be plausible or effective so hopefully they can think of something else clever.

The story might be amusing but I think does a disservice to their cause in general. Using Rush was nothing but an attempt to grab press, which is clearly working. Would anyone have read a story about bark beetles otherwise? I probably wouldn’t have even given it a look. In the end the takeaway story for me is that I think to myselfinteresting, they found a potentially useful tool against bark beetles”. But to the less science literate or politically motivated they likely think “genial, more liberal scientists wasting our tax dollars playing music to beetles”. We already know what republicans think about science. Please, let’s not throw more fodder into the backwards minds of the anti-science republican agenda (Aceptar, admittedly, fundamental republican fiscal policy is something I can understandbut they are a pack of morons the rest of the time). I don’t believe that Limbaugh has commented on this specific story, but is it difficult to imagine what he has to say?

All my friends are insects

Rivers Cuomo wrote me a song. Not bad, but now I think I want that mantis costume for Halloween. And of course I am obliged to point out that earthworms are not insects


The genius of the press

Came across esta article today care of Doug Yanega at UC Riverside, which spurred the search for further information. Who can tell me what thoseflowersactually are? 10 points to the first to guess correctlyor maybe some awesome prize?

Un poco de música de la mañana


Te voy a dar mi Ken Griffey Jr. para…

Esto es algo que nunca he visto antes. Al crecer, yo siempre he tenido alguien darme algún objeto kitsch con insectos en ellos, incluso jugando a las cartas. Bueno, incluso el año pasado conseguí otro lazo temático de insectos. (Yo no tengo la rareza de PZ Myers y su lazo impresionante.) Sino, todos fueron imágenes del supuesto impresos. La novedad de este año a partir de Upper Deck, tarjetas de entomología! Si se desplaza por la página nota algo sorprendente – no son imágenes, pero los insectos reales. Aquí está una imagen desde el enlace de arriba:

Guau- y seguir este enlace a Facebook para ver más de lo que está por venir. Supongo que se trata de una versión moderna de la “tarjeta de tabaco”, que fue una tarjeta de coleccionistas adicional insertado en paquetes de tarjetas regulares. El año pasado la empresa se desmayó tarjetas de reembolso que le permitirían ser devuelto para la cosa real se ve arriba. De acuerdo a ESPN, estas tarjetas van por más $100 a personas que no tienen idea de lo que los insectos pueden llegar. Una rápida buscar en e-bay Encontré una oferta actualmente para $87.00. Ir figura. En total, Upper Deck planea lanzar 30 diferentes tipos de insectos. En el reverso de cada tarjeta hay un período antiguo “mapa de distribución” y breve reseña sobre el insecto. Son también “certificado” como genuina, sea ​​lo que sea. ¿Tienen una consultoría taxónomo? Apuesto mis tarifas por hora serían inferiores a quienquiera que tienen ahora…

Las mariposas me agrieta para arriba, son sólo muestras cerrados establecidos de su lado. Yo pensaría que un espécimen difundir sería más atractivo, pero tal vez no había nadie en la cubierta superior se da cuenta de esto es la forma en que deben estar preparados. Quien les está dando sus mantis aunque están tomando mucho tiempo para hacerlos mirada de lujo. Me pregunto cuántos de éstos se están haciendo, obviamente esto no podía sostenerse en cualquier gran número. Supongo que al final esto hace un muy interesante tema de conversación entre personas que nunca podría mirar dos veces a un insecto, y especialmente como algo de colección. Me pregunto qué piensa PETA… Aceptar, nosotros saber que mucho ya.

Domingo noche diatriba: las cosas deben trabajar.

Me encontré con esta article today and it put a smile on my face. Un investigador de la malaria viajar se encontró con un “repelente de mosquitos electrónico” a la venta en su catálogo en vuelo. Siendo un hombre inteligente, se dio cuenta de esto fue total y absoluta BS. He also realized this product probably sells best while in-route to malaria ridden countries; and that there were naive tourists walking around with $23 worthless pieces of crap on their belts feeling protected. The airline, KLM, had likely been selling the item with no second though whatsoever, just part of the standard issue crap-on-a-plane shopping selection. So as soon as Bart Knol returned home he began to dig deeper. He contacted KLM and tried to figure out why they were selling this item. Politely, the airline offered a response from the manufacturer backing up the efficacy of the deviceand stated that they sell over 1,000 a month. Clearly that couldn’t be acceptablein fact there has been research conducted to test just this sort of machineall of which showed zero effect. Again Knol informed KLM of this fact, with evidence in hand, and received a surprising reply. “The product will no longer be for sale on KLM aircraft from March onwards“.

Son-of-a-bitch. He confronted a company that was selling a scientifically falsified device. Instead of blowing this scientist offthey looked at the evidenceand acted logically. Within 2 months Knol had KLM pulling the product from its shelves. The airline should give Knol a lifetime supply of vouchers for his suggestion. Imagine if you will: a gullible tourist headed to Africa for your first safari. Wanting desperately to avoid the sometimes horrible side effects of anti-malaria medication they see this miracle product that will keep them safe instead. Bien, the product failed to work, and he contracts malaria while running from elephants in Kenya. Attempts to sue the company failed since they were based in Sri Lankabut not to worry, KLM has vast and deep pockets. 10,000,000 euro later, KLM pulls the product form the shelf and the dead tourists kids replace everything they own with gold.

But no, instead, a vigilant skeptic stepped up and saved the day! Thanks for your skepticism Knol, you get a high-five. The action he took provided KLM with evidence they were conducting a wrongdoing. Had the airline been sued in the future and this prior knowledge had come to light, they would have lost. I wish KLM could appreciate it just as much as I do, but at least they took the proper action. Fly KLM.

It’s always nice to see a story like this because this is certainly not how things usually happen. Take for instance the dowsing for bombs scandal brought to our attention by the JREF. I guess it’s a bit difficult to call it a scandal because the press only briefly covered it here in the US. Quickly: A British based company was selling dowsing rods, that consisted of nothing more than metal rods and handles, as bomb, gun, knife, drug and even body detectors. The major buyer was the Iraqi government in around tens of millions of dollars. People bet their life on this machine; and it failed, 100% of the time. Even today the Iraqis swear by this device.

But let’s not forget the history of this detector, which is basically the same as theQuadro Trackerbought by OUR government in the late 90’s. At least in the QT issue we only purchased 1,000 units and quickly tested them to discover the fraud. The resultthe FBI issued a warning against it. The company promptly picked up shop and moved to the UK to re-invent this device sold to Iraq (amongst other countries). Thankfully the scammer, Jim McCormick, was recently arrested in Britain for fraud and the item has been banned for export.
Why did it take so long for this to happen?! Why did the US government not pursue legal actions and let this guy walk? Lives of OUR troops in Iraq may have been lost because of this exact device. I can’t help but to see too many similarities between mosquito repellers and bomb dowsers. Both rely on magic and both are total crap. Perhaps I am stretching the connection, but people may die because they drop their guard and fail to take proper precautions when at risk. At least these aren’t being handed out in Africa, are they?

Go find your own MozStops, Pest Repellers, SunBeams and SOLAR powered mosquito repellers (hey you can be green while being a sucker) and take that store to task! Seriously, this crap is everywhere and it’s 100% fraud.

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