Butterfly tedna

Not the typical butterflybut this is the protein folding structure from a South American hemorrhagic feverthe Machupo virus. The article was found on Science Daily. A striking resemblance to a butterfly, maybe even a Hesperiidae (photo from Metulji Amerike).

Zdravniki so ven.

Ujel sem kratek zračenje TV show “Zdravniki“, današnja epizoda je bil naslovljen “Nujne medicinske pomoči, ne morete prezreti”. Za večino del pa Izprazniti pozitivne medicinske zdravstvenih trditvah. Prav tako Mehur na približno “zdravo” živila in stvari, ki so dobre za vas in “nevarnosti” vseh vrst skupnem gospodinjstvu bakterij / kemikalij in vse ostalo. V glavnem nič apokrifni.

Ampak potem Dr. Lisa Masterson odprla usta s tem nasvete za ljudi, ki želijo prenehati s kajenjem (parafraziral iz pomnilnika) “Lahko poskusite teh, se imenuje EZ-Quit spray. So HOMEOPATSKA … Morate vedno posvetovati s svojim zdravnikom, ker, veš, nekatere od teh sestavin je lahko močna”. Seznam sestavina je “Clem 5C, Caladium seguinum 5C, Ignacija 5C, Lobelia inflata 5C, Nux vomica 5C, Tabacum 5-7-9C. Neaktivne sestavine: Prečiščena voda, alkohol 20%.”

Prva, kaj je razumeti “C” lestvica za merjenje jakosti. 1C potenca je en del sestavino razredčen v 100 delov vode, a 1:100 Razmerje. Rešitev 5C je enakovreden 10 ^ -10 moči redčenja ali .0000000001mg “aktivna” sestavina. Torej, popij, bi morali piti eno od teh, da bi dobili dovolj aktivno sestavino:

Ampak to je bistvo! V homeopatiji, posamezna molekula sestavine, ki pride v stik z vodo čudežno daje svojo moč, da vodne molekule. Ko je prosil, da pojasni to večina homeopati sklicevati kvantno mehaniko. Dobro je vedeti, da so popolnoma neveden znanosti. Osnovno načelo homeopatije, navaja, da MORE razredčena nekaj postane močnejša je. Standard za redčenje je 30C ali 10 ^ -60 , vendar to ne gre do 10 ^ -1500. Ti bi dobesedno morali zaužiti krogle z vodo, velikost našega sončnega sistema two bilijon krat za eno samo molekulo sestavine. In hvala bogu, da je .0000000001mg Nux vomica v raztopini saj, ki je splošno znan kot strihnin, neverjetno močan alkaloid toksin s LD50 10mg. V odmerkih manj kot 5 mg deluje kot močan stimulans in je bila uporabljena v preteklosti pri želodčnih aliments in celo za doping športnikov. Strihnin ni bila uporabljena od izuma varnejših zdravil.

Homeopatija je absolutno sranje. Obstaja nič dokazila, v resnici v Veliki Britaniji so na koncu dogovorili, da ustavi financiranje to norost; kar ni presenetljivo, saj bi morala vsaka inteligentna oseba, ki razume prave principov homeopatije bolje vedeti. Dejansko, vsakdo, ki ustvarja homeopatsko zdravilo, ki je znanstveno dokazano, lahko zaprosijo za JREF milijonov dolarjev izziv. Ali je kateri koli čudno, da je še vedno neprijavljenih?

Dr.. Lisa je popoln bedak in kvak. To je strašljivo, da misliš, da širi to dezinformacije o javni televiziji, vendar ne vse, kar presenetljivo. Ona bi morala izdati opravičilo za priporočanje homeopatijo in california zdravniške komisije bi morale razmisliti o disciplinski ukrep ali vleči svojo licenco. Seveda se to ne bo zgodilo… Toda pomislite na morebitne nevarnosti, preuči primer staršev, da ubil svojo hčerko s homeopatijo.

Zdaj, uživajte James Randi razloži homeopatija:


Kupi Chris je vse novo zdravilni tonik!

Dobro, I bet if I was selling something it would show up pretty damn low on this chart. Spodaj si lahko ogledate različne alternativne sredstva uvrščeni v skladu z njihovo znanstveno učinkovitosti. Sledite povezavi za obsežnejšo razlago ocen, vendar so sredstva uvrstila na osnovi vsakega zahtevka – green tea for instance rates very poorly for cancer but very well for cholesterol. Take notice of just how much is below theworth itline.

Continue reading Buy Chris’s all new healing tonic!

na srečo, I’m not a beetle

Because I would have been subjected to to. Talk about animal cruelty! v redu, just kidding, but this story is a bit ridiculous. The article states that the scientists had used the voice of Limbaugh because it wasreadily available”, not because they hated him. Well that turns out not to be true, they chose Rush because it was the most annoying sound [they] could think of. Not too surprising that the liberal entomology agenda hates Rush (joke), but I know I sure do. If you blared that blabbering buffoon at me for an hour I’d Plath myself.

It turns out these guys were on the right path however. While Limbaugh perhaps predictably had no effect on the insects, sounds recorded of the bark beetles did. When recordings of the sounds made of the beetles in their tunnels were fired back into the trees they observed the insects flying into a fury and killing each other. Sounds like it may be a useful tool if they can find a way to deliver this to trees without wiring each one with speakers. I don’t think that blasting these recordings Apocalypse Now style into forests will be plausible or effective so hopefully they can think of something else clever.

The story might be amusing but I think does a disservice to their cause in general. Using Rush was nothing but an attempt to grab press, which is clearly working. Would anyone have read a story about bark beetles otherwise? I probably wouldn’t have even given it a look. In the end the takeaway story for me is that I think to myselfinteresting, they found a potentially useful tool against bark beetles”. But to the less science literate or politically motivated they likely think “Super, more liberal scientists wasting our tax dollars playing music to beetles”. We already know what republicans think about science. Please, let’s not throw more fodder into the backwards minds of the anti-science republican agenda (v redu, admittedly, fundamental republican fiscal policy is something I can understandbut they are a pack of morons the rest of the time). I don’t believe that Limbaugh has commented on this specific story, but is it difficult to imagine what he has to say?

Vsi moji prijatelji so žuželke

Rivers Cuomo mi je napisal pesem. Ni slabo, zdaj pa mislim, da hočem tisti kostum bogomolke za noč čarovnic. In seveda sem dolžan poudariti, da deževniki niso žuželke…


Genij tiska

Came across to article today care of Doug Yanega at UC Riverside, which spurred the search for further information. Who can tell me what thoseflowersdejansko are? 10 points to the first to guess correctlyor maybe some awesome prize?

Malo jutro glasba


I’ll give you my Ken Griffey Jr. za…

This is something I’ve never seen before. Growing up I have always had someone give me some kitsch object with insects on them, even playing cards. Well even last year I got another insect themed tie. (I don’t have the whimsey of PZ Myers and his awesome tie.) Vendar, they were all printed images of course. New this year from Upper Deck, entomology cards! If you scroll down the page you notice something strikingthey aren’t pictures, but actual insects. Here is an image from the link above:

Wow- and follow this link to Facebook to see more of what is to come. I guess these are a modern version of thetobacco card”, which was an extra collectors card inserted into regular card packs. Last year the company passed out redemption cards that would allow it to be returned for the real thing seen above. According to ESPN, these cards are going for over $100 to people who have no idea what insect they may get. A quick look on e-bay found one currently bid to $87.00. Go figure. In all, Upper Deck plans to release 30 different types of insects. On the back of each card there is an old-timeyrange mapand short blurb about the insect. They are alsocertifiedas being genuine, whatever that means. Do they have a taxonomist consulting? I bet my hourly rates would be less than whoever they have now

The butterfly ones crack me up, they are just closed specimens laid on their side. I would think a spread specimen would be more appealing, but maybe no one at Upper Deck realizes this is how they should be prepared. Whoever is giving them their mantids though are taking lots of time to make them look fancy. I really wonder how many of these are being made, obviously this could not be sustained in any large number. I guess in the end this makes a very interesting conversation starter among people who might never look twice at an insect, and especially as something collectible. I wonder what PETA thinks… v redu, we know that much already.

V nedeljo zvečer rant: kako stvari morajo delovati.

Sem prišel čez to article today and it put a smile on my face. Potujejo malarija raziskovalec naletel “Elektronska repeller komarjev” za prodajo v svojem katalogu med letom. Biti inteligenten človek, je spoznal, da je to skupna in izreči BS. He also realized this product probably sells best while in-route to malaria ridden countries; and that there were naive tourists walking around with $23 worthless pieces of crap on their belts feeling protected. The airline, KLM, had likely been selling the item with no second though whatsoever, just part of the standard issue crap-on-a-plane shopping selection. So as soon as Bart Knol returned home he began to dig deeper. He contacted KLM and tried to figure out why they were selling this item. Politely, the airline offered a response from the manufacturer backing up the efficacy of the deviceand stated that they sell over 1,000 a month. Clearly that couldn’t be acceptablein fact there has been research conducted to test just this sort of machineall of which showed zero effect. Again Knol informed KLM of this fact, with evidence in hand, and received a surprising reply. “The product will no longer be for sale on KLM aircraft from March onwards“.

Son-of-a-bitch. He confronted a company that was selling a scientifically falsified device. Instead of blowing this scientist offthey looked at the evidenceand acted logically. Within 2 months Knol had KLM pulling the product from its shelves. The airline should give Knol a lifetime supply of vouchers for his suggestion. Imagine if you will: a gullible tourist headed to Africa for your first safari. Wanting desperately to avoid the sometimes horrible side effects of anti-malaria medication they see this miracle product that will keep them safe instead. Dobro, the product failed to work, and he contracts malaria while running from elephants in Kenya. Attempts to sue the company failed since they were based in Sri Lankabut not to worry, KLM has vast and deep pockets. 10,000,000 euro later, KLM pulls the product form the shelf and the dead tourists kids replace everything they own with gold.

But no, instead, a vigilant skeptic stepped up and saved the day! Thanks for your skepticism Knol, you get a high-five. The action he took provided KLM with evidence they were conducting a wrongdoing. Had the airline been sued in the future and this prior knowledge had come to light, they would have lost. I wish KLM could appreciate it just as much as I do, but at least they took the proper action. Fly KLM.

It’s always nice to see a story like this because this is certainly not how things usually happen. Take for instance the dowsing for bombs scandal brought to our attention by the JREF. I guess it’s a bit difficult to call it a scandal because the press only briefly covered it here in the US. Quickly: A British based company was selling dowsing rods, that consisted of nothing more than metal rods and handles, as bomb, gun, knife, drug and even body detectors. The major buyer was the Iraqi government in around tens of millions of dollars. People bet their life on this machine; and it failed, 100% of the time. Even today the Iraqis swear by this device.

But let’s not forget the history of this detector, which is basically the same as theQuadro Trackerbought by OUR government in the late 90’s. At least in the QT issue we only purchased 1,000 units and quickly tested them to discover the fraud. The resultthe FBI issued a warning against it. The company promptly picked up shop and moved to the UK to re-invent this device sold to Iraq (amongst other countries). Thankfully the scammer, Jim McCormick, was recently arrested in Britain for fraud and the item has been banned for export.
Why did it take so long for this to happen?! Why did the US government not pursue legal actions and let this guy walk? Lives of OUR troops in Iraq may have been lost because of this exact device. I can’t help but to see too many similarities between mosquito repellers and bomb dowsers. Both rely on magic and both are total crap. Perhaps I am stretching the connection, but people may die because they drop their guard and fail to take proper precautions when at risk. At least these aren’t being handed out in Africa, are they?

Go find your own MozStops, Pest Repellers, SunBeams and SOLAR powered mosquito repellers (hey you can be green while being a sucker) and take that store to task! Resno, this crap is everywhere and it’s 100% fraud.

New page!

Look above, I’ve created a new page for techniques. Ever wonder how something is done? Ask me how and I will illustrate.