这难得的美景,以前只从分散的地方被称为整个西部山区,只有少数人,其他季节. That is until Denver Museum volunteer Barbara Bartell began inventorying moths on her property near Golden Gate Canyon State Park in the Rocky Mountain front range. 超过8,000′ 这些飞蛾是一个常客,她的客舱黑光灯,现在我们有这个美丽的物种已知的最大的系列 (完美的策划!).
不是一种罕见的蛾, 但一位杰出的寻找. This is伊利亚Catocala (蚯蚓科) ((以前夜蛾)), 它助长了一把奥克斯. 它进入了我的光上周末在南伊利诺伊, 倒在眼泪国家森林步道. As with so many other moths this widespread species has a number of variations which may turn out to be distinct – 待一本专着的品种…
在轻快的 37 在北伊利诺伊程度的早上,我决定重温我的相机和探索的进展 “春天”. I hitRollins Savanna Forest Preserve由 6:30上, 正好赶上第一道曙光融化霜斑片状. A week and a half ago temps were pushing the upper 80’s and summer felt in full swing. In typical Chicago fashion things didn’t last long, the weather returned to its fickle spring form with storms and (what now seemed like) bitter cold.
Despite a 3 hour hike I only came across one butterfly – a red admiral, 凡妮莎亚特兰大, and about a half-dozen dog ticks (Dermacentor sp.). Beggars can’t be choosers, there was hardly a single insect out. I might as well take photos of birds…
The very first and most abundant birds were the Tree Swallow, Tachycineta bicolor. These two were just greeting the dawn and stretching out their little legs. They seemed to be rather patient subjects, a good first-bird-to-ever-photograph!
A prairie isn’t complete without a chorus of Redwinged-Blackbirds.
Despite my best efforts this is one of the better Sandhill Crane images I could get. If you click through my Flickr set you’ll find one more, but sneaking up on them in the marsh was rather difficult. I don’t get birds yet…
This Coyote let me get pretty close, looks like they are fed well in suburbia.
备份周一蛾! This beautiful insect isStiria dyari (滑动) 二月行程以外的Cataviña收集, 墨西哥下加利福尼亚州. 我相信寄主植物都还是未知数, but all of the moths in the genusStiriahave these brilliant yellow forewings that help camouflage them on the stem of a yellow flowered plant. 有 7 currently described species most of which are found in the SW United States and northern Mexico, 但 Stiria rugifronsmakes it into the great plains. All of the species have poorly defined and often overlapping ranges, not to mention the genitalia can highly variable. It’s very likely the final word has not been written about these beautiful noctuids quite yet.