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Ive 'animadverto ut Im' certus vos fuerunt rerum hic illicque per duos nouissimos menses quietum. Maxime autem satagebat circa motus Ianuariis, a San Francisco ad Chicago. Donec alebat opus fundamentum ad California ad Academiae Scientiarum et dignitate aliqua fiebat eget diam dignissim. Sed etiam quod non aliqua CAS layoffs in viam me manere in museo – talis est mundus investigationis sumptu res transeuntes immersi. I miss the prodigiosus amicos qui feci, et in California pulchra landscape, volat ille per certa annorum in a mico. Sine dubio non invenietis in diuturnum tempus (mihi si nosti omnia!). Ego interea meum photo dolor in experimentum factum orci codicibus illis quae pendent circum questus nimium diu.

Ver / Chicagoland turbine et in tempore est, ut opinor, in domo Tutus est hujusmodi homines rei praeteritae scaenae. Subsisto tuned pro regularis updates, photographs new, et, quo id quod moveatur ad next!


Tinea National Hebdomadae 2012

The first annual Tinea National Hebdomadae will be this summer, July 23-29, 2012! Hoc est primum in genere eventus US (it has been popular in the UK for quite some time) caput extra incitant atque conatum saepe neglecti tinea fauna et exploraret. The US has an impressive moth diversity with over 11,000 described species, most of which people can’t name two of. As a citizen science project there will be teams of people submitting their records (photographs or lists) of moths found in yards across the country. If you read this blog you probably have enough interest to participate! This map lists events that are currently registeredhave one in your area? Contact that person and join in! There is also lots of room to set up your own event. I’ll register in a few months when I figure out where I’ll be, but you can count on it being BYOB (beer est a critical field supply).

Coincidentally the Moth Week corresponds with the Lepidopterists’ Society National Meeting being held this year in Denver, Adipiscing. Naturaliter, everyone will be headed out at night to look for moths. If you’re in Denver and want to see what it is we do, please get a hold of me, I will probably be attending the meeting this year.

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Votum pro Conservationem PISTRIS!

Conservus network blogger David Shiffman esse in ultima gremiis of a * $10,000 doctrina provocatione. Pecunia non solum in blogging auxilium David in Scientia Australi Fried!, sed turpis investigationis conservationem (in certamine nominare turpis ipse mos tag cum pecunia). Accipies momentum et suffragium pro eo, cum omnibus 24 horae! Plumbum cum honesto sit amet %3 margin, illud ita teneamus.


Sed leo est, aes Amphitruo

Caeruleum enim quod videtur omnibus et intentionum papilio (ut in subfamily Polyommatinae)… suus ', et nimis omnibus. Sed ex colore, ut adducerem te sumpserit, non recta via,; quasi species electri, fit quidem hoc papilio. Sunt subtilis differentia in cornu speciem et probabiliter venationem, but when I first saw these butterflies I assumed they were a sub-species of Plebejus icarioides (quod were quoque flying at this location on the Kaibab Plateau). But then I began seeing female butterflies (infra) interacting with these blues and then it dawned on meblue copperLycaena heteronea austin (Lycaenidae: Lycaeninae)!

This subspecies was originally described in 1998 by the late, great George T. Austin as In. heteronea rutila. Given however that rutila more or less = rutilus, it was later determined rutila was actually unavailable and the subspecies name was changed to austin in honor of George.

Grinter Lycaena heteroena austin

male Lycaena heteroena austin (Lycaenidae)

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female Lycaena heteroena austin


Bugs in Reno: HOC 2011

I’ve just returned from the annual Flora Americae conference in Reno, Nevada! It’s the largest meeting of its kind in the world, cum super 4,000 attendees from all walks of insect research life. My interests are in the systematics, evolution and biodiversity talksand I’ll try to recap a few of the fascinating presentations I attended over the next few weeks.

Of particular note was a wonderful talk given by the acclaimed bug blogger, Bug Pupa! It was wonderful to meet her in person and hear about her own experiences as a blogger. I encourage you to watch the draft of her talk yourself, if you haven’t already!


[youtube watch?v=0bmtLlJcEtA&feature=channel_video_title]

Felix natalis, Carolus.

We should all celebrate this day with an act of science or skepticism. Plant the seed of inquiry and critical thinking, or take a moment to broaden your own horizons. I was up before dawn this morning and watched the morning stars fade behind the light of the rising sun. It brought to mind my elementary school science classroom and the scratchy VHS recordings of Cosmos we frequently watched. I have since been rapt by the wonder of our universe and our place amongst the stars.


[youtube wupToqz1e2g 640 480]

Distinctio tinearum cum dentibus

ResearchBlogging.orgVerisimile est omnes notum esse exemplar vexillum cum tinea vel papilio – palea proboscis ad nectar intus absconditum. Plurima maior pars Lepidopterarum circa radios angiospermorum variavit, de diversissimis et copiosissimis vitae ordinibus fiens in terris. Hoc autem paradigma Micropterigidae non competit, quae non solum lepidissima Lepidoptera, sed sunt una e tribus familiis quae mandibulas retinuerunt ad molendum pollinis vel sporis et bryophytis innitentes., deficiens organici materia vel fungi in larval exercitum. Priores suppositiones secundum diversitatem huius globi fundatae sunt in immensa aetate progenitae (110 decies annos) et buildup de antiquis generibus. A recens charta in Iaponica species Micropterigidae per Yume Imada et collegae eius in Kyoto University argumenta contrariis praebet et technicis hypothesibus hypothesin allopatricae speciationis sine iussione temptandi applicat..

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Auctores iter ad 46 loca trans Iaponica Archipelago collecta omnia 16 nota species endemicae, paucae novae species, et fortasse novum genus. In his silvestribus tineis repertis non tam difficile est si scis habitationem invenire et quam non scopulos lubricos cadere.; sed semel inveneris tineae abundare. Micropterigidae sine arte coniunguntur cum bryophytis suis, quae in locis humidis per rivos et fluvios occurrunt. Ipsa natura animalis mobilis et tardioris in loculis solitariis accommodat se ad speciationem allopatricam. Multa microlepidoptera ex planta hospitii vix avolant et etiam cum nota sunt, per longum intervallum dispersa sunt. Pluribus generibus et speciebus per Iaponiam penitus segregatae sunt paucae instantiae ubi genus Paramartyria occurs in multitudines Issikiomartyria. Dum prorsus ignoratur quomodo hae species suas facultates partiri possint, verisimillimum est temporalem differentiam in vitae cyclis esse. Hic in California multa turbatio implicata est Apodemia papiliones, quae paucis speciebus ac (utique) species quae in eadem planta partita vernis temporibus feturae cadunt.

graviter, omne micropterigid colligi larvae solum in Knowphalum conicum species de liverwort, non obstante exsistentia usque ad quatuordecim alias species bryophytae in eodem habitaculo. Micropterigidae Asiaticae in liverworts pasci diu intellexerunt, sed amplitudo exercitus eorum specifica numquam fuit quanta. Mores pascendi idem esse videtur per omnes species lustratae, in summitate bryophytes erucae pascentes in superiori texturae stratis.

Analysis phylogenetica COI, 18S et EF-1α genes generatae arbores valde congruentes utentes pluribus modis analyticis. Videtur quod genera Iaponica endemica et the knowphalum pascens belli formant bene munitum cladem monophyleticam (in viridi). Quid multa?, radiatio Micropterigidae hostiae specialium coincidit cum separatione, sublevo, et solitudo Iaponica landmass roughly 20 decies annis ago. Hypothesin proponere difficile non erat, diversitatem Micropterigidae Iaponicae tam antiquam esse quam in ipsa insula.; ac etiam hodie acceptum est quod speciatio allopatrica communius quam semel cogitatio fit. Has autem speculationes quantitare et quomodo et quare hoc fiat, ipsa scientia est.

Litterae Citation

Imada Y *, Kawakita A, & Kato M (2011). Distributio allopatrica et diversificatio sine ordine transpositio bryophyte pascens tinea basali (Noctuidae: Micropterigidae). Acta. Scientiae biologicae / Societas Regia, 278 (1721), 3026-33 PMID: 21367790

Scoble, MJ. (1992). et Diptera: forma, officium, et diversitatem. Oxford Univ. Press.


Occupatus quasi moth

Id est quomodo dictum est, dextra? Two weeks ago I participated in the 5th annual National Geographic BioBlitz over in Saguaro National Park in Tucson, Turpis. Magna erat excusatio in campum recipiendi et com- me primum Arizonam in ruinam collegi. Temps were still pushing the mid 90’s but things had been dry and the impressive abundance of the monsoon season was long gone. In total my moth colleagues and I collected around 140 species of Lepidoptera, 56 of which were microleps! Sadly though it seems that either other insects were far and few inbetween, or other entomology teams didn’t carefully tally everything they saw. Only 190 arthropods were counted in totalwe lost to vascular plants (325 species) and even fungi (205)!


Hic est a short interview with me in a vere hot tent with lots of kids (who must have given me this cold I now have). Perhaps my wild estimate of a possible 15,000 species in the US is on the high side, but it’s not impossibile.



Lune Moth

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Marroga setiotricha (Xyloryctidae)


Alius ingens Australian “microlep”, (probabiliter) Marroga setiotricha: Xylorictidae – mensuræ apud 60mm. Sic alas formidolosas facere volaces. Secundum Xyloryctinae diarii Australiae tineae larvae sunt caules perforati in Acacia sp. (Mimosaceae). Hoc specimen colligebatur mense Nov 1962 by Ed Ross in Canoona, Queensland.

Foetore Bug foetore

Nunc rhoncus tincidunt eros in bandwagon laetabundus ex scientificis sumptu FOX-esque bashing. Erin Burnett AUCTOR “rumoribus” in foederati sumptu de $5.7 million pupa ad auxilium pugnam in Psidium Brown Marmorated foetore Bug (Halyomorpha Halyn flumen traicerent,). Burnett sarcasm quod est paene tam densæ, ut nulla alia in SNL DERIDICULUM, but she seems genuine in her distain for this story. It’s clear that in her mind the $5.7mil has been wasted on methods to keep these bugs away from overly sensitive suburbanites and out of your hair. A quick Google search for this insect yields a very informative page from PennState as result #1, and it even has great images of the damage these bugs can cause to crops. Back in reality, it is not surprising that the government would fund research on a potentially critical new invasive species, one that has already proven to be highly destructive to some of our nations most important (and lucrative) crops.