Key est ad Canada Lepidoptera

A few months ago a magnificent key to the Lepidoptera of Canada (omnes, inquam,) was published by Jason Dombroskie – Phylologiae a U. de Alberta. Duis sit amet nisi fenestris users explorare, non tamen occasio esset – but the PDF is available online and covers the same material. All known Canadian Lepidoptera are included in this key and most of them down to subfamily or even tribe! Sunt 222 taxa, 73 characters and 266 character states that help narrow things down. This is the first reference of its kind to accurately and completely cover the fauna of an entire country and the first to use a well illustrated and interactive key. It’s surprising how well known the leps are yet how few good references exist, almost none of which have a usable key. For everyone out there who has struggled to identify leps before this will be an incredibly helpful resource. Dato, there are likely a few US moths that could throw a wrench into the flow of things, but by and large I doubt there will be many problems.

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Lune Moth

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Par Gnophaela vermiculata


Hoc est a tinea Monday Arctiinae, Gnophaela vermiculata. These beautiful day flying moths were abundant on yellow Helianthus flowers around 9000′ in National Santa Fe, Novum Mexicum. Et bruchus vescuntur bluebells, maxima est in malo, sed in adultis nectar ex area, – which fortunately makes for easy and attractive photo subjects.

Era est finis

Today marks a sad day in Physics history, in Tevatron accelerator at Fermi Lab in Batavia Illinois was powered down for the last time. Once the second most powerful accelerator in the world (and most powerful in the USA), the new LHC has made this beautiful machine obsolete. I can only assume the teams of scientists working at Fermi were hopeful for further funding, but the grand oldays of big-budget physics was crushed by congress in 1993 with the cancelation of the SSC. Off to Europe our physicists go!

I have many fond memories of visiting Fermi with my grade school science class. Every year Mr. House would take us to explore the physics and nature surrounding the lab. I recall a feeling of privilege when you visited a real working lab where there were no public displays with cute goggly-eyed atoms, just chalk boards full of Feynman diagrams and 3 day old cups of coffee. But it was probably the fully restored big bluestem prairie that grew on and around the 4 mile collider ring was where I had the most fun and is what left a lasting impact on my scientific career.

And so it goes, the evolution of science in the US. I have noticed this particular trend: 1) An active science facility with lots of research has a tiny museum for public tours. 2) The research loses funding and the tiny museum takes over. 3) The museum is renovated to be more “familia” friendly andinteractive”, while science is pushed into the basements. 4) Whatever scientists are left (or students hired to act like scientists) are put under glass for the public to watch like strange creatures; all while true research fades into memory.

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Tevatron at Fermi: Reidar Hahn/Fermilab

Lorem Ipsum, Lorem cervisiam utres

In 2011 Ig Nobel caerimonia facta hesterno die apud Theatrum Harvardinum. Retributa est improbabile sponsored Lorem ipsum, an aliquid habeant quod teneant ordinem, impar, et exultemus in idea, quae mihi minus hilares research papers, quod scientia non sit amet. Inter recipientes hoc anno insignes fuit conservus entomologus et blogger David Rentz, qui IgNobel in Biologia pro a . accepit inventa in * 1983 cum collega Darryl Gwynne in Australiae outback. Multum mirantur quidam modus fuscus utrem cum fuluum ad basin (“stubbies”) probatum est inexsuperabilis generis masculini de Buprestid beetle Julodimorpha bakewelli Julodimorpha saundersii (video fons charta ac comment infra).


Gratulationes Dave et Darryl!


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Julodimorpha bakewelli conanti utrem cervisiae copulare. Photo by D. Gwynne

Uolat microcosmum

[youtube kZyIN23Cy4Y 480 360]

Quod minimum animal, mundus est, longe aliam, quam in nostro, et raro illud datur in prospexissent. Partim ad cameram gravis ratio et phantasma Fuga Artists project investigatores filmed in minutis (1mm!) Trichogramma vesparum (Chalcidoidea) in fugam. Haec insecta sunt ovum parasitos Lepidoptera (haud dubie in aliis coetibus) et uti potest effective biocontrol agentia. Youll 'animadverto ut video, in ea, quae didicit quod hos crabrones hitchhike diu expectans et ova recentia in adulta Lepidoptera, sed non nostis, etiam si forte illuc volitans super adultum exercituum. Stunningly, hoc wasp, fugatque alis ad CCCL temporum ~ per secundum, ad aliquem motum mira facinora fecere:. The biomechanics huius pinna mechanism est fascinating.

Scroll to ante 1:07 Commercio duo antecessores et vigilate – alter ad sinistrum flips qui moves tam prodigiosum illud oppanditur: unde habet similitudinem malus CGI. EGO certus sperare memorant species minutis volucribus!

Lune Moth

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converte nigrorufa (Megalopygidae)


This is a tinea Monday attonitus feminae quae sunt Neotropical Megalopygidae – converte nigrorufa. Et hoc specimen in homilia de Ross Ed Schlinger collectis in Peru 1955, et ego non audivi praeter plura quae de his heroicos expeditione. Nequeo satis putent via incedens nave oneraria, being gone for six or more months at a time and relying mostly on hand written correspondance. It must have made the world feel like a much larger place than it is today.

Genius Press XXI

Hoc est pulchellus heroicis deficere. Ego coniecto the “iuvenis adultus” editae guidelines sunt minus stricte cum “veritates”.


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Gratias Richard Lee Brown ad primum posting hoc in Facebook.

Lune Moth

Oops, Praeterito Lunae die scriptor I praetermittere tinea, Ecce duos! Hi sunt quidam ex stunners CAS Philippines expeditionem et docuisse me existimo figuratum, nomina eorum. Quod si nosti melius,, placere corrigere me.


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Parasite dharma (Limacodidae)


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Parot marginata (Crambidae)


Butterfly vindicta:

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I Sam plebe

Nos viderent omnes dies veniens, in ortum papiliones, eo die nos vindicabit. Et non ambulabunt, et circumvolitare passive eorum loca, ut sint pro bulldozed malls et polluta runoff. Unum praecipue iratus Karner Blue cesserit epistolam ad Cepa admonens nos quod tempus nostrum est de sursum. Lycaenidae parvae periclitetur manus iungent et veniant post nos noctem aliquam quietam dum in cubilibus nostris dormimus. Nos apud Lepidopterists’ Societas etiam suum album fecit ut minus agendi. Simul agere debemus ante tempus est – praevenientes feriant ante ortum Venetorum. Servo familiae tuae! Styrofoam vasa illa combure, sternat prairies, pellite in via vehiculis et resistite his phantasiis volitantibus!

(aut sicut potuimus salva eos…)

Mulieres in Scientia

Non fuit sermo per hos annos continue cur tam pauci Mulieribus in scientia. Dum hic mitto enim intendere in eum locum,, potes invenire magnas discussiones hic, hic, hic et hic. Non tamen quisquam intrare scientia argumentatur circa primum quod foeminae non, praesertim cum videris talia. Via imprimendi animam illam opprimendi stereotype rectum in fronte filiarum tuarum shirt, JCPenny.

(via Skepchick)