由克里斯·格林特, 10月4日, 2011 几个月前,一场盛大的 加拿大鳞翅目的关键 (所有这些) 出版者: 贾森·多姆布罗斯基 – 从U博士生. 阿尔伯塔. 该程序可用于Windows用户只所以我还没有一个很好的机会去探索它尚未 – 但 PDF 可以在线获取并且涵盖相同的材料. 所有已知的加拿大鳞翅目都包含在此索引中,其中大多数可细分为亚科甚至部落! 有 222 类群, 73 字符和 266 性格状态有助于缩小范围. 这是同类文献中第一个准确、完整地涵盖整个国家的动物区系的参考文献,也是第一个使用图文并茂的交互式密钥的参考文献。. 令人惊讶的是,leps 如此出名,但好的参考资料却很少, 几乎没有一个有可用的密钥. 对于在此之前努力识别 leps 的每个人来说,这将是一个非常有用的资源. 授, 可能有一些美国飞蛾可能会破坏事物的流动, 但总的来说我怀疑会有很多问题.
由克里斯·格林特, 10月3日, 2011 Gnophaela vermiculata对
这周一蛾是一种Arctiinae, Gnophaela vermiculata. These beautiful day flying moths were abundant on yellow Helianthus flowers around 9000′ 在圣达菲国家森林公园, 新墨西哥州. 幼虫取食风信子, 但大人更喜欢在该地区最优质的蜜源 – which fortunately makes for easy and attractive photo subjects.
由克里斯·格林特, 9月30日, 2011 在物理学的历史,今天是一个悲伤的日子, 在 Tevatron accelerator at Fermi Lab in Batavia Illinois was powered down for the last time. 一旦第二个在世界上最强大的加速器 (和最强大的美国), the new 大型强子对撞机 has made this beautiful machine obsolete. I can only assume the teams of scientists working at Fermi were hopeful for further funding, but the grand ol’ days of big-budget physics was crushed by congress in 1993 with the cancelation of the SSC. Off to Europe our physicists go!
I have many fond memories of visiting Fermi with my grade school science class. Every year Mr. House would take us to explore the physics and nature surrounding the lab. I recall a feeling of privilege when you visited a real working lab where there were no public displays with cute goggly-eyed atoms, just chalk boards full of Feynman diagrams and 3 day old cups of coffee. But it was probably the fully restored big bluestem prairie that grew on and around the 4 mile collider ring was where I had the most fun and is what left a lasting impact on my scientific career.
And so it goes, the evolution of science in the US. I have noticed this particular trend: 1) An active science facility with lots of research has a tiny museum for public tours. 2) The research loses funding and the tiny museum takes over. 3) The museum is renovated to be more “家庭” friendly and “interactive”, while science is pushed into the basements. 4) Whatever scientists are left (or students hired to act like scientists) are put under glass for the public to watch like strange creatures; all while true research fades into memory.
Tevatron at Fermi: Reidar Hahn/Fermilab
由克里斯·格林特, 9月30日, 2011 该 2011 Ig Nobel ceremony took place yesterday at Harvard’s Sanders Theatre. 该奖项是不大可能的研究赞助, 迷人的组织收集, 奇, 彻头彻尾的热闹胜利的想法,并不是所有的科学是枯燥的研究论文,. Among this year’s distinguished recipients was fellow entomologist and blogger 大卫Rentz, who received the IgNobel in Biology for a discovery made in 1983 with colleague Darryl Gwynne in the Australian outback. Much to their surprise a certain style of brown bottle with indentations at the base (“stubbies”) proved to be irresistible to males of the Buprestid beetle Ĵulodimorpha bakewelli Julodimorpha saundersii (看 source paper and comment below).
Congratulations Dave and Darryl!
Julodimorpha bakewelli attempting to copulate with a bottle of beer. Photo by D. Gwynne
由克里斯·格林特, 9月19日, 2011 [youtube kZyIN23Cy4Y 480 360]
微观昆虫世界是一个非常不同的一个,从我们的,我们很少给出瞥见了进去. Thanks in part to the impressive Phantom camera system and the Flight Artists project researchers have filmed the minute (1毫米!) Trichogramma wasp (小蜂总科) 在飞行中. These insects are egg parasites of Lepidoptera (amongst other groups undoubtedly) and can be used as effective biocontrol agents. As you’ll see in the video it’s been long understood that these wasps hitchhike on adult Lepidoptera waiting for fresh eggs, but it wasn’t know how they got there and if they were even flying onto the adult hosts. Stunningly, this wasp flaps its wings at ~350 times per second to achieve some astounding feats of movement. The biomechanics of this wing mechanism must be fascinating.
Scroll ahead to 1:07 and watch the interaction of the two wasps – the one that flips off to the left of the screen moves in such a bizarre way it looks like bad CGI. I sure hope they record more species of minute flying insects!
由克里斯·格林特, 9月19日, 2011 黑木豆 (巨猿科)
这周一蛾是新热带Megalopygidae的壮丽女 – 黑木豆. 埃德·罗斯和EV Schlinger收集这个标本在秘鲁 1955, 我听说过这些史诗般的探险故事多. 我真的不能想象,通过货轮行驶, 而走了6个月或以上的时间和上手写的对应关系主要依靠. 它必须让世界觉得自己像一个更大的地方比今天.
由克里斯·格林特, 9月13日, 2011 This is a pretty epic fail. 我猜 “年轻的成年” 那么严格的出版指引 “事实”.
Thanks to Richard Lee Brown for first posting this on Facebook.
由克里斯·格林特, 9月12日, 2011 哎呀, 我跳过了上周一的蛾, 所以这里有两个! 这些都是从CAS菲律宾远征队尤物,我想我已经找到了他们的名字. 如果你知道更好, 请大家指正.
停止佛法 (刺蛾科)
PAROT marginata (蟹科)
由克里斯·格林特, 9月4日, 2011 Plebejus塞缪尔
我们都看到了这一天的到来, 蝴蝶的崛起, 一天,他们将采取报复我们. 他们将不再被动地飞来飞去,因为它们是用推土机推平它们的栖息地的商场和径流污染. One particularly angry Karner Blue has submitted a letter to the Onion warning us that our time is about up. Endangered little Lycaenidae will join hands and come after us some quiet night while we’re asleep in our beds. We at the Lepidopterists’ Society have even made their list for failing to take action. Together we should act before it is too late – let us preemptively strike before the rise of the blues. Save your families! Burn those styrofoam containers, pave the prairies, drive your off-road vehicles and take a stand against these fluttering fanatics!
(or we could just save them…)
由克里斯·格林特, 8月31日, 2011 目前已经在过去的几年中为什么很少有女性留在科学持续讨论. 虽然我不打算潜入该主题在这里, 你可以找到很棒的讨论 这里, 这里, 这里 和 这里. 但我并不认为任何人争辩为什么女人不摆在首位进入科学, 尤其是当你看到这样的事情时. 在你女儿衬衫的正面印上那种令人心碎的刻板印象的方法, 杰西尼.
(通过 Skepchick)