
這個星期一我要離開通常的牛蒡子,去做一些完全不同的事情 – 小腿! 這是鼴鼠科, 紅花柱頭菌, 它以驚人的速度測量 6 毫米. 我不能因為傳播這種飛蛾而受到讚揚 – 我拍攝的所有 nepticulids 都來自加州科學院,由 Dave Wagner 傳播,當時他正在這裡攻讀博士後職位.

毛毛蟲在樹葉的上部開採 犀牛屬 並且僅在加利福尼亞州內華達山脈的山腳下為人所知. 如果您願意,該屬的北美物種的修訂是自由的 在這裡可用 (.PDF).


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紅花柱頭菌 (Nepticulidae)


它已經從上次共和黨挑戰一小會兒, 但 這是一個壘球. 我希望他們只是懶得找一個更合適的圖像…



耶穌, 過道 4

耶穌會怎麼做,如果他有一些空閒時間 – 也許治愈疾病, 結束戰爭, 或餵挨餓 – 但羅, 大家看到未來. 為什麼不驚世駭俗的核心 – 燃燒你的臉在沃爾瑪收據! 至少, that’s what a couple in South Carolina believe to have found, 一 Walmart receipt with Jesus’s face on it. This isn’t exactly new or exciting, humans have a wonderful ability to recognize a face in just about anything. Jesus and other charactersappearon random things all the time, and even in 2005 a shrine was built to the Virgin Mary around a water stain in a Chicago underpass.

空想性錯視 anyone? 其實, that face looks pretty convincing, I’m not too sure this wasn’t just faked orenhanced”. The closeups even look like there are fingerprints all over it. Since I don’t have a walmart anywhere near me or a walmart receipt on hand I can’t determine how sensitive the paper is and how easy it would have been to dobut how long do you think before it shows up on ebay? 在任何情況下, it looks much more like James Randi to me than Jesus (at least we actually know what Randi looks like!).


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from CNN



論節肢動物, 同SFS的博客邁克爾·博克共享的形象,他的場加為好友, Plugg的綠色樹蛙. My first thought was of a similar tree frog that haunted welcomed me everywhere I went in Santa Rosa National Park, 哥斯達黎加. 不用說,, Costa Rica instills a sudden habit of double checking everything you are about to do. This species is known as the milk frog (Phrynohyas venulosa) for their copious amounts of milky white toxic secretions. One of the first stories Dan Janzen told me while while I was with him at Santa Rosa was about this speciesand accidentally rubbing his eye after holding it. Thankfully the blindness and burning was only temporary.

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Milk Frog: Phrynohyas venulosa


I’ll keep the ball rolling with Arctiinae and post a photo today of Ctenucha brunnea. 這種蛾在高大的草可以通用,從舊金山到洛杉磯沿海灘 – 雖然在近幾十年來,這種蛾的數量一直在下降,棲息地破壞和入侵的海灘草 (Ammophila根結​​線蟲). But anywhere there are stands of giant ryegrass (Leymus condensatus) you should find dozens of these moths flying in the heat of the day or nectaring on toyon.

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Ctenucha brunnea (蚯蚓科: 牛蒡科)


好吧,你可能已經猜到了這個問題並不像震撼我的標題所暗示的, 但我忍不住從衛報的文章紡. 我真的覺得搞笑,當我遇到任何事情,說科學家 “震驚”, “百思不得其解”, “震驚”, “疑惑”, – 我想這是另一次的話題… 然而有一個 酷蝶已經出現在 “聳人聽聞的蝴蝶” 展覽在倫敦的大英博物​​館 – 雙邊gynandromorph! 衛報報導 今天,這種試樣的 美鳳蝶 剛剛興起,並開始吸引遊客的小觀眾. 我知道我很樂意看到這些活著的人再 – 雖然動物園的情況會帶走頗有幾分興奮. 我覺得唯一比看到其中一個更精彩 住在該領域 將是淨賺一個自己!

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一個小東西絆倒我持懷疑態度的傳感器,這是報價從蝴蝶的策展人所採取的文章的結尾, 布蘭卡爾塔斯. “該gynandromorph蝴蝶是一個迷人的科學現象, 並且是複雜的進化過程的產物. 這是夢幻般的發現了1孵化博物館理由, 特別是因為他們是如此罕見。”

良好, 我沒有具體了解這些是 “產品 … 進化過程” 因為如 所有 生活 所有 形式是進化的產物. 這些都是不育 “毛刺” 這是很酷, 但不是任何已專門進化或反對. 或許,這將是更擅長這個叫遺傳學的一個引人入勝的過程 (該文章描述了實際的精度). 還 – 蝴蝶脫穎而出,成為成人和孵化的毛毛蟲 – 不過這只是我被挑剔.




今天的蛾是一個美麗和稀有物種從東南亞利桑那州和墨西哥: Lerina體現 (蚯蚓科: 牛蒡科). 像其他許多天飛行的物種是,顏色鮮豔,很可能aposematic. 畢竟, 寄主植物是馬利筋和毛毛蟲一樣驚人 (下面).

Grinter Lerina incarnata Arctiidae

Lerina體現 (蚯蚓科: 牛蒡科)


This image of an old, spread specimen hardly does the animal justice, but one lucky photographer found a female ovipositing at the very top of a hill outside of Tucson, 亞利桑那. While you’re at it go check out some of Philip’s other great photographs on SmugMug.

Lerina體現 - Philip Kline, BugGuide

As I mentioned above this moth also has an equally impressive caterpillar that feeds on Ascleapias linaria (pineneedle milkweed).

所有新, 攻擊蛾!

這好像是一個都市傳說優勢,涉及昆蟲爬行到我們的臉上,而我們睡覺. 沿線最著名的神話是什麼 “你吃 8 蜘蛛一年睡覺時“. 其實,當你谷歌認為,取值範圍為 4 8… 最多一斤? 意料之中的事情變得這麼誇張在線, 特別是當它涉及到以往任何時候都如此受歡迎蜘蛛恐懼. 我懷疑不是幾個蜘蛛美國人的平均吃更在其整個生命週期; 你的家根本不應該與他們在你的嘴,每天晚上結束了這麼多蜘蛛爬行! 類似的神話仍然是一個神話,但有一定道理的 – 那蜈蚣鑽進你的大腦在夜間產卵. 這是不正確的,蠼螋是人體重要寄生蟲 (感激地), 但他們有一個傾向爬進緊, 潮濕的地方. 這是可能的,這是一個頻繁發生足以在 葉奧爾德英格蘭 該蜈蚣獲得了這個惡名. 蟑螂也被記錄為耳spelunkers – 但是,很可能對我們在夜間行走任何癢癢昆蟲可以想見,在我們的孔一個結束.

我已經但是從來沒有聽說過的蛾爬行到耳朵,直到我碰到 今天這個故事! 我想一個迷茫中夜蛾這個男孩的耳朵莫名其妙地結束, 雖然我不禁懷疑自己是否把它放在那裡自己… 飛蛾通常不登陸的人,而他們都睡著了,也不是說容易找到受潮, 緊點. 但話又說回來一切皆有可能, 一些夜蛾做樹皮下面爬或離開白天的安全的藏身. 我甚至碰到 另一個故事 穗蛾的形成英國 (不是每日郵報是有信譽的來源).

自然, 一些懶惰的新聞來源 使用文件照片 “飛蛾” 而不是複製從原來的故事照片. 這是額外的熱鬧,因為所使用的圖片之一是描述蛾的新物種 去年由布魯斯·沃爾什 在亞利桑那州. 隱雕leeae 已收錄在我的博客之前兩次, 但從來沒有像這!

在一個閉注這裡是一首詩由羅伯特盤帶 (也是在以上的圖像 被找到).

考慮這個: 飛蛾飛入一個男人的耳朵

當飛蛾擊敗它的翅膀, 所有的風
地球聚集在他的耳朵, 咆哮像什麼
他聽說過. 他搖搖和奶昔
他的頭, 有他的妻子深挖他的耳朵
用Q-尖端, 但怒吼不會停止.
他從未有過控制, 但他可能忽略
從來沒有住它. 他的身體不再
似乎他自己; 他在痛苦的尖叫聲淹沒
從他耳朵裡的風, 和詛咒神教,
誰, 小時前, 是一個良性的泛化

在去醫院的路上, 他的妻子停止
汽車, 告訴她的丈夫出去,
坐在草地上. 有沒有汽車燈,
沒有路燈, 沒有月亮. 她拿
並保持他的耳朵旁邊,, 令人難以置信,
該蛾走向光明飛. 他的眼睛
濕. 他覺得好像他突然一個朝聖者
當他回到位於在草地上, 他是個男孩
再次. 他的妻子高照手電筒
他從來沒有聽說過, 和小路上

- 羅伯特盤帶, 共同生活: 詩 (李堡: CavanKerry新聞, 2006), 29-30.



Micronecta scholtzi PLoS

Micronecta Scholtz

歐洲鄉村的山是活的風情合唱團, 尖叫, 男水生蟲子. 小昆蟲以上, Micronecta Scholtz (螻蛄科), measures in at a whopping 2.3mm and yet produces a clicking/buzzing sound easily audible to the human ear above the water surface. 為了讓大家有個觀點: trying to hear someone talk underwater while standing poolside is nearly impossible, yet this minute insect generates a click loud enough to be mistaken for a terrestrial arthropod. While that doesn’t sound too impressive when we are surrounded by other loud insects like the cicada, 中號. scholtzi turns out to be a stunningly loud animal when you take into consideration the body size and medium the sound is propagating through to reach our ear. Put into numbers the intensity of the clicks underwater can reach up to 100 dB (Sound Pressure Level, SPL). Shrink us into the insect world and this sound production is equal to a jackhammer at the same distance! So what on earth has allowed this little bug to make this noise and get away with it in a world full of predators?

The authors naturally point out how surprising these results are. The first thing that becomes apparent is that the water boatmen must have no auditory predators since they are basically swimming around making the most noise physically possible for any small animal anywhere. Really this isn’t too surprising since most underwater predators are strictly visual hunters (dragonfly larvae, water bugs and beetles etc…). It is very likely that sexual selection has guided the development of these stridulatory calls into such astounding levels. The second most surprising thing is clear once you graph just how loud these insects are relative to their body size. At the top of the graph is the bottlenose dolphin (牛逼. truncatus) with its famous sonar. But the greatest outlier is actually our little insect in the bottom left with the very highest ratio between sound and body size (31.5 with a mean of 6.9). No other known animal comes close. It is likely though that further examination of other aquatic insects may yield similar if not more surprising results!

To be more accurate about the “尖叫”, the bugs (bugs in this instance is correct; the Corixidae belong to the order Hemipterathe true bugs) are likely to be stridulatingrubbing together two parts to generate sound instead of exhaling air, drumming, 等等… In the article the authors speculate that the sound is produced by rubbing a pars stridens on the right paramere (genitalia appendage) against a ridge on the left lobe of the eighth abdominal segment [15]”. Without pulling up their citation, it appears that stridulation by males in the genus is well documented for mate attraction. And as you would expect, news outlets and science journalists readgenitalia appendageand translate that to penis: and you end up with stories like this. The function of the parameres can be loosely translated to similar to mandibles in that they are opposing structures (usually armed with hairs) for grasping. 該 exact use of them may differ by species or even orders, but they are very distinct form the penis (=aedeagus) since they simply help facilitate mating and don’t deliver any sperm. So in reality you have genitalclaspers” 有 “pars stridens”. And the best illustration of a pars stridens is over on the old blog Archetype. This structure is highlighted below in yellow (and happens to exist on the abdomen of the ant). 但是在短 – it’s a regular grooved surface akin to a washboard. In the end the sentence quoted above should be translated totwo structures at the tip of the abdomen that rub together like two fingers snapping”.

Pars stridens

Detail of the pars stridens (in yellow) on the forth abdominal tergite in a Pachycondyla villosa worker (Scanning Electron Micrograph, Roberto Keller/AMNH)

Continue reading The incredibly loud world of bug sex


我要扑騰這一系列,並嘗試使其更經常. 我也將重點放在突出一個新的物種從大量的集合,在這裡每個星期加州科學院. 這應該給我足夠的材料… 至少有幾百年.

Grinter Grammia edwardsii

番荔枝 (蚯蚓科: 牛蒡科)

本週的標本是虎蛾 番荔枝. 直到幾年前,這個蛾科還被認為與夜蛾科分開 – 但最近的分子和形態分析表明它實際上是夜貓子. Erebidae 科從 Noctuidae 中抽出,而 Arctiidae 被置於其中, 將它們變成亞科 Arctiinae. 好無聊的分類法 – 總而言之, 這是一隻美麗的飛蛾,幾乎一無所知. 該標本採集於舊金山 1904 – 事實上,幾乎所有已知的這個物種的標本都是在世紀之交的時候在這座城市收集的. 雖然這種飛蛾看起來與數量眾多且分佈廣泛的飛蛾非常相似 華麗的語法, 仔細分析眼睛, 翼形和触角表明這實際上是一個獨立的物種. 我相信最後一個標本是在 1920 年代左右收集的,從那以後就再也沒有見過. 不幸的是,這種蛾子可能在上個世紀滅絕了 100 順豐灣區域多年發展. 格萊美, 和一般牛科動物, 不以高水平的宿主特異性而聞名; 他們往往像小奶牛,幾乎吃任何擋在他們路上的東西. 因此,為什麼這種蛾子今天沒有棲息地仍然令人費解, 即使在一個如此混亂的城市. 也許這種飛蛾專門生活在海灣周圍的鹽沼地區 – 由於房地產填埋場,這些都被消滅了 (1/3 整個海灣的損失都無法填補). 或者也許這種飛蛾直到今天仍與我們同在,但從未被收集,因為它是一種躲避日間飛行的物種. 我總是在春天的公園裡留意橙色的小模糊…