Arizona swiv

Map /% mete ajou jen 20, 6pm.

Updates kat ak ekspansyon pousantaj yo yo te fè pi bonè pòs mwen. Isit la se yon kat jeyografik nan dife a boule nan 4yèm SE Arizona, la Dife moniman. Sa a yon sèl se sèlman 10% 17% 15% 27% genyen epi li boule nan pwent sid mòn Huachuca nan Meksik. Mwen tou jis resevwa nouvèl la tris ke kay la nan Noel McFarland te reklame pa dife a. Noel se yon entomologist byen li te ye ak respekte ki te fè yon enpak masiv nan jaden an mit. Pandan ke mwen pa gen tout detay yo (epi mwen pa kwè pèsonn te blese nan dife sa a); li posib ke koleksyon bòn li a nan dè santèn de milye Lepidoptera te pèdi. Mwen swete Noel bon chans, epi yo ka sèlman espere pèt la pa t 'total.



Arizona sou dife

Kat/kontinasyon % mete ajou: 16 Jen

Kòm Jiyè apwoche mwen ke yo te gade pou pi devan pou reyinyon Kòt Pasifik la nan Lepidopterists yo’ Sosyete. Ane sa a li pral pran plas nan Prescott Arizona, sou 2 èdtan nan nò Phoenix. And as of this moment it is one of the few places in Arizona pa on fire. I’m sure you have all heard of the massive fires right now, but here is an update from a slightly biological standpoint. Most importantly we should all be thankful for the firefighters risking their lives to battle these wildfires.

For some reason I couldn’t link to the interactive maps directly from the InciWeb site, but please follow the links to explore further. While there are good interactive maps of these fires on Google Maps, they are a few days old. Below are screen-captures of maps less than 12 hours old.

Ponpye 1: The biggest one, The Wallow Fire se 20% 29% contained, human caused and has been burning for over 15 jou. I had been hoping to go collecting around the town of Greer and Alpine, but both have fire quickly encroaching. The White Mountains region of Arizona is a fascinating blend zone between southern desert species and Rocky Mountain onesthe rare moth I was hoping to find here, Alexicles aspersa, will likely evade me yet again this year.



Continue reading Arizona on Fire

Pran sa, vètebre!

Mwen te konnen pou yon ti tan ke insect ak lòt envès detanzantan gen vertebre nan meni yo, men mwen pa t vrèman konnen ki jan gwo bèt yo te kapab soumèt! Menm lè mantis enpè a pwan yon kolibri diferans nan gwosè a pa menm sibstansyèl jan yo montre anba a.. Videyo enpresyonan sa a te pibliye dènyèman nan gratis sou entènèt la jounal Zookeys.


Isit la se youn nan figi yo soti nan papye a, ilistre plis insect ki manje sou plizyè espès Anfibyen!




Gil Wizen, Avital Gasith (2011). Predasyon anfibyen pa insect carabid nan genus Epomis yo te jwenn nan plenn kotyè santral pèp Izrayèl la. Zookeys, 100, 181-191 : DOI:10.3897/zookeys.100.1526

Lendi vè

Whoops, it’s almost Tuesday! Above is Schinia ligeae (Slide) resting on its host plant Xylorhiza tortifolia, la Mojave Aster. I photographed this about three weeks ago outside the town of Big Pine, California. The asters were thick in the valleys below the snow capped Sierra, and the moths were abundant. Somehow these medium-sized Schinia get away with being conspicuous and lazy, you don’t even need a net to collect them. Just walk up and tip them into a jarI guess the pressure to evolve a more cryptic or evasive behavior is lacking.

Speaking of conspicuously lazy, I have been gone for much of May and hence the lull in blogging. Now that the weddings and spring field season are over, I’ll be back at the desk and back to blogging!

Arachnologist yo te ateri

OK, pa yon ensèk...


Pou twa semèn kap vini yo, kòlèg mwen yo nan laboratwa araknoloji nan Kalifòni Akademi Syans yo nan Filipin.! (non, pa jalouzi ditou…) Vwayaj la fè pati ekspedisyon CAS Hearst la, yon efò masiv ki kouvri tout depatman rechèch nou yo pou sondaj lanmè fon yo, lanmè fon ak anviwònman tèrès nan Luzon. Dr. Charles Griswold te pote de nan etidyan PhD li yo – Hannah Wood ak Natalia Chousou Polydouri – ede kolekte areye ak ensèk. Patikilyèman, Mwen ap tann Lepidoptera ke Natalia pral pote tounen! (Mwen te ba li yon kou rapid sou jaden kolekte papiyon). Malerezman mwen pa la pou m foto ak kolekte divèsite sa a tèt mwen; men nou tout ka gade anvyeman kòm ekip yo poste mizajou sou pwogrè yo nan mwa kap vini an sou blog ekspedisyon an. Gen deja anpil gwo antre ak imaj ki soti nan moun akwatik yo – rete branche pou ensèk yo.

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Jeni nan laprès XVIII


Ki moun ki ka di m 'sa ki mal anba a? Se pa sèlman pwoblèm nan foto evidan, men otè atik la pran kèk franchi lojik pou sipòte premis li a. Ki moun ki ka di m 'ki sa ki fo lojik li yo? I won’t link to the entire article quite yet because a well known Lepidopterist has already commentedso resist googling the article for the easy answer.


Mecoptera nan Amerik di Nò

Tubèrkul Merope

Nouvo sou entènèt la semèn sa a se yon resous ekselan sou la Mecoptera nan Amerik di Nò. Dr. Norm Penny te mete ansanm yon gid ilistre pou tout espès Amerik di Nò ak imaj abitid ak jenital. Pandan ke pa trè divès, Mecoptera a pwouve yo dwe yon gwoup enigm ak kaptivan. Pran yon ti moman pou eksplore sit la epi idantifye espesimèn ou yo!

Sou entènèt jwèt Misyon Blue Papiyon an


Gason - Marin Headlands

Like so many other urban animals, the Mission Blue Butterfly (Plebejus icarioides missionensis) is one that is gravely imperiled. This small blue lives in tiny fragments of habitat alongside multi-million dollar development in and around the San Francisco Bay. A century ago this butterfly was already starting to decline, with hundreds of acres of beautiful seaside morphing into sprawl. Today the coastal sage scrub has nearly vanished and what little remains is infested with invasive plants and animals.

The Mission Blue was one of the first animals listed on the Endangered Species Act, acchieving offical protection in 1976. Efforts over the last few years have focused on restoring the habitat and the blue within itwith limited success. Anvan 2009 the last blue seen within the city limits was on Twin Peaks in 1997 (and possibly the 1970’s before that). Today the SF Recreation and Parks Department along with Bay Nature has somewhat re-established the Mission Blue on Twin Peaks from healthier populations in the Marin Headlands and San Bruno Mountain (the only other locations the butterfly is known from). I believe last year they had around 30 individuals flying on Twin Peaks. This year the numbers are down, but on Friday I found three females ovipositing on lupinewhile these females were probably transplanted a few weeks ago, it is hope for the future. Unfortunately the only males I saw were up in the Marin Headlandsand hopefully males were seen on Twin Peaks this year (pending 2011 data).

Not surprisingly, it turns out that reintroducing a species is a complicated game. The Mission Blue utilizes three host lupine species, Lupinus albifrons, formosus and variicolor. Yet maintaining these native species amongst the invasives requires radical measures including heavily applications of herbicides (against fennel, pampas grass and french broombut including 136 other invasive plants (Marin Flora)). It is unknown what effect the herbicides have on developing larvae (sèlman 17% success from egg to caterpillar) or what it does to native ant populations that tend the caterpillars of the blue. Without native ants the caterpillars are much more likely to be predated, but even native ants are falling to the invading hoards of Argentine ants. And yet another key player is a newly found fungus that is killing lupine plantsdevastating butterfly numbers in 2010.

If you compare this subspecies to other members within the icarioides complex there is a striking difference in abundance. Plebejus i. moroensis from the central coast is an incredibly abundant butterfly within good habitat. It is highly restricted, but not facing nearly the difficulties the Mission Blue is. I hold out hope for one of our last San Francisco bluesif the invasive species can be controlledit won’t go the way of the Xerces.

Demenaje fi - Twin Peaks SF

(more images below)

Continue reading The Mission Blue Butterfly

Ap grandi malèz

Padon pou D 'a etranj sou de jou ki sot pase yo – Sid Fried Rezo a te gen bèl bagay kwasans ki te grav papye ekri serveurs nou an. Trafik segondè Sa te rive koresponn ak yon mouvman nan serveurs fizik nou lame a te antreprann. The result was corrupted files that ended with our account placed on suspension.

Problem fixed! Pages back up, account upgraded, things should be running faster than ever. I’m still having problems resolving my pagesyou might notice some 404 errors until I figure out what’s going on with those

Dimanch vè


Tout moun abitye ak pi popilè a tèt lanmò hawkmoth, men mwen panse li se yon wont nou te vulgarize sa yo yon karaktè macabre. Pi wo pase se yon pi plis ge Neotropical Arctiinae soti nan franse gwiyane ki sanble ak li a espòtif yon figi kloun. Malerezman sa a se pa foto m ', men ou ta dwe pran yon ti moman yo eksplore Lepidopterists yo an Frans sit entènèt. Foto yo soti nan ekspedisyon anyèl yo fè m 'fè jalouzi!