

源: 維基百科

原來,理查德·布蘭森有了一個新想法; 儲存環尾狐猴 (狐猴catta) 由 importing them to his private British Virgin Island. 正如文章指出布蘭森,花了數百萬磅,多年的努力把進島 “the most ecologically friendly island in the world”. But it appears Mr Branson has decided to forgo conservation science and rewrite it in a more PR friendly way. In come the lemurs despite the cautions of his own ecological assessment because he wants “…to create a second island habitat and the conditions on Moskito are perfect.Perhaps Branson has a bizarro world dictionary where the definition of the word perfect issomething completely dissimilar from the original”.

OK sure, at first the idea sounds like a fine onethe lemurs are endangered, why not try to give them a second wild refuge? 良好, Dr James Lazell of the Conservation Agency has had 31 years experience in the Virgin Islands and has pointed out thatLemurs are agile, dexterous, aggressive, omnivorous animals that could have a detrimental effect on these simple island ecologies. They eat absolutely everything – lizards, fruit, roots, 昆蟲, birdseggs.Oh but don’t worry, nothing bad can happen when you introduce primates to an island (introduced primates devastate Florida Key). Branson knows that the lemurs will onlytake the odd gecko” (like the rare endemic dwarf-gecko Sphaerodactylus parthenopion), not to mention they probably won’t spread to other islands since theyhate swimming” (ring tailed lemur swimming).

So why then the ring-tailed? Not because it is the most endangered (有 很多 of other more endangered lemurs), but because it is the most iconic. That is what really drives me up the wall about this ridiculous idea. Not only is he naively introducing a possibly invasive species into a sensitive island habitatbut because he is spreading a false message of conservation. Like a slow child Branson has rushed to the ring-tailed to save it while completely missing the entire idea behind conservation. The ring-tailed is a flagship species, one that draws attention to the devastation that is occurring in Madagascar. One cute cuddly animal to represent the staggeringly unique and diverse habitats of its homeland. But not if Richard Branson has anything to say about it. Why bother protect Madagascar when you can swoop in and create a new home for a primate everyone loves? 唷, crisis averted. Richard fiddles while Madagascar burns.

I suspect this freakish island zoo is simply masquerading as conservation and the real incentive behind it is commercial. Over the next few years there will be a handful ofluxury, carbon-neutral homes built on the island”. A pretty brilliant scheme to incentivize the purchase of homes that undoubtedly will cost tens of millions of dollars eachand you can pretend to feel good about protecting the world while you do it. After all the Virgin Islands lack any charismatic wildlife; nature sure does a terrible job of creating a billionaires wonderland. What comes next to the island?

Maybejust maybeBranson has Dr. Moreau moving in first.


幾個星期前,我被邀請參加一個大學伯克利分校昆蟲學類在外地度週末. Our destination was the 藍橡牧場儲備; 最新的儲備,加州大學系統位於郊外聖何塞山漢密爾頓之一 (下面地圖). It was a joint spider and beetle class trip, hosted by Charles GriswoldDave Kavanaugh respectively. And despite a frost on Saturday night we managed to find some interesting insects. You’ve already seen my images of the 菱角魚 (步甲科), but here is a larger set of images from both myself and colleague and fellow blogger 塔馬斯Szuts.

Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae?

Pholcidae : likely Pholcus sp.

Salticidae: Phidippus sp.

Continue reading Blue Oak Ranch Reserve


行 – 幾個道歉不具有完全的圖像*尚未*幼蟲問題 (我會在幾天內!). 上週末我是山哈密爾頓和博士候選人梅根卡皮普的一組大學伯克利分校的學生收集了一些種的Scaphinotus和一些幼蟲! So the specimen from Monday was indeed the larvae of a Scaphinotus beetle feasting inside the shell of a native terrestrial snail. This challenge was a hard one since these predatory Scaphinotus larvae are rarely encountered and there are zero images of out thereand none of them feeding. Better luck next time!

For now, here is an undetermined Scaphinotus species. In the coming weeks I will have 4-5 species photographed and identified (by Meghan) – and the larvae will have to be sequenced for species ID. Stay tuned.



跨越這傢伙來了,而在現場的一天, 什麼是怎麼回事? 分獲訂單/家庭/屬 – 但即使是專家在這組想不通的品種相當,但.



蒼蠅可以是 (真) 涼爽

玻璃klettii: 照片由四月Nobile相關, 中國科學院

在大多數情況下過得並不昆蟲,我過於興奮. 然而, 高深莫測的的家庭Acroceridae,是例外. ,我將開始共享了一些有趣的的的屬從的時間來時間的 – 的家庭的形貌是令人驚訝的多樣化的的的的. 我大部分時間都在博物館裡盤點著我們大量的藏品 16,000 cor (又名小頭蒼蠅). 當您將其與其他較富裕的家庭進行比較時,聽起來可能並不令人印象深刻 (與過去相比,它確實顯得蒼白 17,500,000 其他 我們在博物館裡有的標本); 但結果卻代表了很多, 如果不是大多數, 的 所有 整個家庭的已知標本. 雖然這些蠅類可能在其他機構中聚集在一起, 自收到博士收藏以來,加州科學院就可以輕鬆索取該記錄. 驅逐我. 滾 (偶爾來博物館工作的人).

由於自然界中稀有的雜技演員,因此很難研究, 他們的寄生生物學, 以及他們很難追上側翼. 他們的大胸部擠滿了肌肉,使空中飛舞 – 因此,如果您不將它們捉在花朵上,那您就渴望有一個Malaise陷阱. Ev確實告訴了我一個有關在哥斯達黎加學習如何捕捉這些故事的故事. 您站在外地的同事那裡順風而下 – 一旦有人聽到有東西滑過, 你瘋狂地揮舞著,希望偶然抓住網羅… 它確實偶爾工作. 這些蒼蠅也是成年蜘蛛唯一已知的體內寄生蟲 (可能有Tachinid的記錄…). 以上屬, 玻璃, 是Theraphosid狼蛛的寄生蟲 (就像是 無聲桿捕鳥). 作為幼蟲,蒼蠅沿著蜘蛛的腿向上行進,鑽入腹部,然後在其附近的書肺中安頓下來,並戳了一個小呼吸孔. 然後耐心地等待蜘蛛接近成熟. 與雌性狼蛛, 蒼蠅可能會休眠數十年. 最終發生類似於電影《外星人》的事情,幼蟲以蜘蛛的內臟為食,然後化為化膿。. 但是要弄清蜘蛛是否有寄生蟲是不可能的 – 因此必須維護大量的活蜘蛛以獲得主機記錄. 寄生生物是如此的酷.

以上標本 (玻璃klettii 一個新的, 未命名, 種) 被收集在 1977 由Schlinger在阿拉莫斯鎮附近, 墨西哥 – 在帶有可能模仿模型的花朵上, 甲蟲 (甲蟲人, 家庭以外的任何想法?).


Better be careful of what you do while out in the countryside. 農場可以是危險的地方, 特別是如果你是一個攝影師. 在佛羅里達州的立法建議, 簡單地題為 “農場”, 試圖使攝影或圖紙, on or a farm without explicit written consent a first degree FELONY (截至 30 年徒刑). What could possibly be the justification for this legislation? Journalist Barry Doyle suggests the good Senator is tightly in the pockets of Agribusinesslooking out for those poor farmers who are targeted by animal rights groups or even worsehuman rights groups! I tend to concur, this legislation is a disgusting piece of corruption. It gets pretty bad:

(2)  A person who photographs, video records, or otherwise produces images or pictorial records, digital or otherwise, at or of a farm or other property where legitimate agriculture operations are being conducted without the written consent of the owner, or an authorized representative of the owner, commits a felony of the first degree

I strongly encourage any of my Florida readers to write to Senator Norman and express your absolute disgust in his legislation.

14031 ñ. Dale Mabry Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33618
(813) 265-6260
Senate VOIP: 41200

I also encourage everyone else everywhere else to write to your US representative and exclaim your outrage over this possible violation of first amendment rights (only a proposed violation at this moment).

And just for good measure, here is a bad cellphone picture I took while in Oregon with lots of farms.



通常我遇到可怕的昆蟲學文章經常不夠,我節省了積壓的未來系列. 這還沒有過去幾週的情況下, 我還沒有碰到過的可怕的媒體污物正常陣列. 也許我只是得到厭倦望而止步一樣仔細 – but this week I even came across a moth related correction from the Maui News. They fixed their error, but must have deleted the original article

And for this week I found 本文 with the image below. Should be pretty easy to spot the weirdness (他們 do at least manage to point out that the moth is the LBAM (light brown apple moth)).



也許在世界上唯一的地方,你可以找到一個美洲野牛 (VS. 水牛) 站在靠近旁邊的棕櫚樹海灘. 本週在聖卡塔利娜是一個美妙的1, 儘管一個清涼的泉水有一些不合時宜的霜凍, 一些體面的收集已完成. 這裡只是一些有趣的圖片,您會立即註意到一件事: 沒有野花的田野! 事實證明, 近一個世紀的山羊, 豬和野牛的放牧導致島上大部分都是草和仙人掌. 一度超過了 1000 野牛和無數的山羊群; 任何事物都能倖存下來真是個奇蹟! 今天, 值得慶幸的是,只剩下約 200 頭野牛仍在節育 (你猜對了, 你不能拍攝那些該死的東西,因為人們 “愛” 他們 – 就像你無法砍伐的愚蠢的尤加利樹一樣). 在 1924 一個小聽說的野牛被帶過來拍這部電影 消失的美國人. 自然, 該項目超出了預算, 場景被剪掉,動物被釋放,而不是花錢送它們回家. 80 多年後,你只剩下一座島嶼,你只能為此奮鬥 “養護” 並且不恢復. 可悲的事實是我們不知道這個島曾經是什麼樣子. 甚至有人推測,當地特有的島嶼狐 (我們看到的 6!) 幾千年前由原住民從鄰近島嶼帶來. 我想破壞環境是我們的本性.


當我拍攝上面的照片時, 這頭野獸走到我身後. 它沒有運行, 我是!


[cetsEmbedGmap SRC = HTTP://maps.google.com/maps?LL = 33.393039,-118.416824&SPN = 0.359452,0.715485&噸= H&Z = 11寬度= 600高度= 330 MARGINWIDTH = 0 MARGINHEIGHT = 0 FRAMEBORDER = 0滾動=汽車]

明天早上我關了 10 day collecting trip down to 卡塔利娜島. 我已經幸運地被邀請加入博士. 加州大學伯克利分校的一個蛀蟲調查傑里·鮑威爾, 這將是我第一次到任何島嶼. The Channel Islands are known for their high levels of endemism, and none is more famous than the Channel Island Fox. There are also a handful of endemic butterflies and moths that I’ll be hoping to find, but at the very least I know it’s wildflower season and I’ve got my camera primed.

I will likely have little or no access to the internet while staying on the island, so hang tight for a week. Had I planned ahead I would have scheduled posts or a guest author! Please do stay tuned for some of my first images of the 2011 field season.




似乎 馬自達的東西 6 輸油線 對黃囊蜘蛛來說是溫暖而誘人的, 夠使它們結網過的通氣系統 4 缸車 (而不是 6!). 這個問題已經被當作一個 “蜘蛛出沒” 由汽車公司, 堵塞的排氣管可能會導致油箱破裂並引發火災.


到目前為止只有 20 確診病例, 但是這個問題非常多產,以至於它導致了超過 52,000 轎車! 我認為現在是主要汽車公司聘請昆蟲學顧問的時候了 – 畢竟, 我的聘用人會比召回的成本低很多…

我諮詢了我們的常駐蜘蛛學家團隊 中國科學院, 上面的圖片確實是一隻囊蜘蛛. 從圖片上很難分辨, 但這可能不是一個令人震驚的分類失敗.