Medical Research for the Science Fair


I am really at a loss for understanding yet another positive acupuncture study that was as well designed as my 8th grade science fair project. Garantido, I was a nerdy science kid, but I could do a better job drunk. I think I should conduct a followup study in which I test the . . . → Leia mais: Medical Research for the Science Fair

Os doutores sairam.

Eu peguei uma breve exibição do programa de TV “Os doutores“, o episódio de hoje foi intitulado “Emergências médicas que você não pode ignorar”. Na maior parte, eles regurgitam afirmações médicas positivas de saúde. Eles também tagarelam sobre “saudável” alimentos e coisas que são boas para você e para o “perigos” of all kinds of common household bacteria/chemicals and . . . → Leia mais: Os doutores sairam.

Compre o novo tônico de cura de Chris!

Bem, I bet if I was selling something it would show up pretty damn low on this chart. Below you can see different alternative remedies ranked in accordance to their scientific efficacy. Follow the link for a more comprehensive explanation of the ratings, but the remedies are ranked based on each claimgreen tea . . . → Leia mais: Compre o novo tônico de cura de Chris!

NY Times FAILAcupuncture

Today I found this article in NY times healthtouting the benefits of acupuncture used for depression relief in pregnant women. I have a few problems with the journalist, Shirley S. Wang, failing to remain skeptical in her piece. But this comes as no surprise, so I won’t bother to point out obvious flaws . . . → Leia mais: NY Times FAILAcupuncture