Zelo Hoppy Butterfly raziskovalec

Hop Azure (Celastrina Humulus) je pomanjševalnica in občasni modro najdete na sprednjem območju Skalnega gorovja tukaj v Koloradu. Njegova gostiteljska rastlina je divji hmelj: Humulus lupulus, sorte, ki so seveda ključnega pomena sestavina piva! V tednu ali dveh bom v polje je videti, da . . . → Preberite več: Zelo Hoppy Butterfly raziskovalec

Sexy, Sexy Beer Bottles

The 2011 Ig Nobel ceremony took place yesterday at Harvard’s Sanders Theatre. The award is sponsored by Improbable Research, an organization that gathers fascinating, odd, and outright hilarious research papers that triumph the idea that not all science is boring. Among this year’s distinguished recipients was fellow entomologist and blogger David Rentz, who received the . . . → Preberite več: Sexy, Sexy Beer Bottles

Butterflies for Beer

(Credit: David Cappaert, Insectimages.org)


If you happen to be living out in Yolo, Solano or Sacramento counties you should head out with a net. Dr.. Art Shaprio has offered for the 40th year his cabbage white butterfly competition. If you are the very first person to catch a cabbage white (Pieris rapae . . . → Preberite več: Butterflies for Beer