Chris Grinter, 30. septembrī, 2011% The 2011 Hārvardas Sandersa teātrī vakar notika Ig Nobel ceremonija. Balvu sponsorē Improbable Research, organizācija, kas pulcējas aizraujoši, nepāra, un atklāti jautri pētnieciskie darbi, kas uzvar domu, ka ne visa zinātne ir garlaicīga. Viens no šī gada izcilajiem saņēmējiem bija entomologs un emuāru autors Deivids Rencs, kurš saņēma . . . → Lasīt vairāk: Seksuāla, Seksīgas alus pudeles
Chris Grinter, on August 14th, 2011% These large and interesting Lycidae beetles (Lycus fernandezi) were abundant in south eastern Arizona a few weeks ago. Constantly flying between flowers and moist sand they were making for easy photography targets. I thought to myself “here is a great opportunity to catch a beetle taking off!”.
Wait for it…
Lycus fernandezi (Lycidae)
. . . → Lasīt vairāk: Net-Winged Beetle
Chris Grinter, 7. jūnijā, 2011%
Esmu zināms, bet kas vaboles un citi Inverts reizēm ir mugurkaulnieku par to izvēlnē, bet man nav īsti zināt, cik liela dzīvnieka viņi varētu savaldīt! Pat tad, ja nepāra dievlūdzējs greiferi kolibri izmēru atšķirība nav tik būtiska, kā ir parādīts zemāk. This impressive video was . . . → Lasīt vairāk: Pieņemt, ka, mugurkaulnieki!
Chris Grinter, gada 18. aprīlī, 2011% Pirms dažām nedēļām man bija uzaicināta pievienoties Berkeley Entomoloģijas klase, kas šajā jomā, lai nedēļas nogalē. Mūsu galamērķis bija Blue Oak Ranch Reserve; viens no jaunākajiem rezervju Kalifornijas universitātes sistēmas, kas atrodas netālu no San Jose Mount Hamilton (karti zemāk). Tas bija . . . → Lasīt vairāk: Blue Oak Ranch rezervāts
Chris Grinter, on April 6th, 2011% Labi – a few apologies for not having full images *yet* of the larvae in question (I will in a few days!). Over the weekend I was out with a group of Berkeley students on Mount Hamilton and PhD candidate Meghan Culpepper collected a few species of Scaphinotus and a some larvae! So the specimen . . . → Lasīt vairāk: Atklāts noslēpums
Chris Grinter, on August 8th, 2010%
I stumbled upon (not on stumbleupon) these colored SEM images on the Telegraph webpage today. I especially love this image of a Calliphoridae larva (Protophormia sp.) that seems more out of a C-rated science fiction movie than nature. It reminds me of both a freakish Star Wars character and a Muppet at the same . . . → Lasīt vairāk: Muppet Monstri
Chris Grinter, on March 6th, 2010% Because I would have been subjected to this. Talk about animal cruelty! Labi, just kidding, but this story is a bit ridiculous. The article states that the scientists had used the voice of Limbaugh because it was “readily available”, not because they hated him. Well that turns out not to be true, they chose Rush . . . → Lasīt vairāk: Par laimi, I’m not a beetle