Moth Perfume

Inde litora Pericopinae. Recordantes quod video, situm in septem annis Global. Cumque venissem ad colligunt usque hoc tinea, ad vitare dura animadversione moribus. The tinea, Chetone angularis (Erebidae: Pericopina) ((usus esse Arctiidae)), quia hoc habet a communi defensionis mechanism group – illi . . . → Lege plus: Moth Perfume

Defectum Taxinomia

Recently came across some ridiculously horrible taxonomy from China (.pdf). Si librum usque ad frenum potes videre translationem anglicus. Hoc primo aspectu similis est chartae normae taxonomiae cum descriptionibus osseis nudis speciebus. Etiam te ipsum putare potes, “huh, mirentur cur species ex uno tantum specimine describuntur”. Not the . . . → Lege plus: Defectum Taxinomia

Butterfly of the week

I’ve been a bit remiss at posting regular challenges, so I’ll try to pick up the pace. Who can tell me anything about this butterfly? The most you’re getting is that it is from the Western half of the US. Credit for family, genus or species and ridiculous credit for subspecies and where it is . . . → Lege plus: Butterfly of the week

Capita autem earum cum Off!

(photo promeritum)

Et vere non abscedentes ab aquilone et tyranni quoque inceperunt mox videre (blandit nec, si vos in HI FL, ubi annus-rotundus residentibus, CA, vel in locis ubi sunt illa separata overwintering). Fusce sed lorem in locis, ex hibernis maesti; cum forte ad infimum . . . → Lege plus: Capita autem earum cum Off!

Genius of the press, part II

Published in the Santa Barbara News Press, Winter 2009. Who can tell me what’s wrong with these captions?

Page scan credit: Stuart Wilson.

Butterfly of the week

Not the typical butterflybut this is the protein folding structure from a South American hemorrhagic feverthe Machupo virus. The article was found on Science Daily. A striking resemblance to a butterfly, maybe even a Hesperiidae (photo from Butterflies of America).

. . . → Lege plus: Butterfly of the week

Stupid buttefly of the week

Know this butterfly? It’s OK, no one really does. It is in the genus Apodemia (Riodinidae), but the taxonomy of this group is a disasterand don’t even get me started on the subspecies. This specimen was photographed in September, meaning it is most likely to be Apodemia mormo (mormo) based . . . → Lege plus: Stupid buttefly of the week

Vicis-lapsum papiliones

Quamquam satis esse censet in papiliones, sunt pulchellus aspicere. Hic est magnus in Inferus scio CA video a metus. Temporis lapsu vitae circuitus eius videos de lepidoptera es pulchellus infigo, et hoc praecipue pulchrum. Si ad interficiam de 3:00 in, videte dozens . . . → Lege plus: Vicis-lapsum papiliones