Kode Smaržas

No piparmētru Pericopinae. Es reģistrē šo video uz vietas, ziemeļu Kostarika pirms dažiem gadiem. Kad es sasniedza leju uzņemt šo kožu, tas bija grūti izvairīties pamanījis uzvedību. Kode, Chetone angulosa (Erebidae: Pericopina) ((pieraduši būt Arctiidae)), ir kopēju aizsardzības mehānismu šajā grupā – viņi . . . → Lasīt vairāk: Kode Smaržas

Taksonomija Fail

Nesen nāca pāri daži smieklīgi briesmīgs taksonomijas no Ķīnas (.pdf). Ja jūs ritiniet uz leju mazliet jūs varat redzēt tulkojumu angļu valodā. No pirmā acu uzmetiena tas izskatās standarta taksonomijas papīra ar kailām kauli sugu aprakstiem. Jūs pat varētu domāt, lai sevi, “huh, brīnums, kāpēc viņi ir nosaukušas sugas tikai no viena parauga,”. Ne . . . → Lasīt vairāk: Taksonomija Fail

Tauriņš nedēļas

I’ve been a bit remiss at posting regular challenges, so I’ll try to pick up the pace. Who can tell me anything about this butterfly? The most you’re getting is that it is from the Western half of the US. Credit for family, genus or species and ridiculous credit for subspecies and where it is . . . → Lasīt vairāk: Tauriņš nedēļas

Nost ar galvām!

(photo credit)

The monarchs have started their spring migration north and you might even see one soon (not exciting if you live in FL or HI where there are year-round residents, or in CA where there are separate overwintering spots). Reports from their winter locations in Mexico however are dismal; with possibly the lowest . . . → Lasīt vairāk: Nost ar galvām!

Genius of the press, part II

Published in the Santa Barbara News Press, Winter 2009. Who can tell me what’s wrong with these captions?

Page scan credit: Stuart Wilson.

Tauriņš nedēļas

Ne tipisks tauriņš – bet tas ir proteīns locīšanas struktūra no Dienvidamerikas hemorāģisko drudzi – Machupo vīruss. The article was found on Science Daily. Pārsteidzoša līdzība ar tauriņš, varbūt pat Hesperiidae (photo from Butterflies of America).

. . . → Lasīt vairāk: Tauriņš nedēļas

Stupid buttefly of the week

Know this butterfly? It’s OK, no one really does. It is in the genus Apodemia (Riodinidae), but the taxonomy of this group is a disasterand don’t even get me started on the subspecies. This specimen was photographed in September, meaning it is most likely to be Apodemia mormo (mormo) based . . . → Lasīt vairāk: Stupid buttefly of the week

Time-lapse butterflies

Despite being pretty disinterested in butterflies, they are pretty to look at. Here is a really great video by a guy I know down in Southern CA. His time-lapse videos of lepidoptera life cycles are pretty impressive, and this one in particular is beautiful. If you cut to about 3:00 iekšā, you will see dozens . . . → Lasīt vairāk: Time-lapse butterflies