Chris Grinter, 18. marca, 2011%
Morda je edini kraj na svetu, kjer lahko najdete ameriški bizon (vs. buffalo) stoji v bližini plaže zraven palmo. Teden na kraju Santa Catalina je čudovita eno, in kljub hladnem spomladi z nekaj unseasonable zmrzali, nekateri dostojno zbiranje je bilo storjeno. Tu so le . . . → Preberite več: Bison od Catalina
Chris Grinter, on February 17th, 2011% Shockingly, stunningly, amazingly; the monarchs are back (but not co-staring Julianne Moore). v redu, it’s not that amazing; I pretty much predicted this would be the case last March when everyone was running around terrified because the butterflies hit an all time low (since counting started in 1993). Actually I believe I said “I will . . . → Preberite več: Monarchse Are All Right
Chris Grinter, dne 19. januar, 2011% Vedno sem znano, da je v številnih krajih po svetu, predvsem izven utrjenih poti, gosenice za molje in metuljev so na jedilniku. Od Afrike do Avstralije obstaja na desetine vrst, ki bi lahko okus dovolj dobro, da bi bilo smiselno užitno ali celo slasten. Ampak tukaj v žuželkah ZDA redko, če . . . → Preberite več: Entomofagija: Sovice za večerjo
Chris Grinter, 2. novembra, 2010% Oglejte si ta napovednik filma “Nebesa gorijo” – “Nebo gori”. Dokumentarni film o sanaciji deževnih gozdov Guancaste v severozahodni Kostariki. Videti je kot lep film…zdaj moram le najti kopijo.
. . . → Preberite več: Nebesa gorijo
Chris Grinter, na 6. september, 2010% Za redne bralce mojega bloga morda že poznate moje stališče do monarha, but catch up here if you’d like to. Yesterday I came across this article in the LA times – glede prezimovanja kolonij monarhov v Pacific Groveju, CA. Tu zunaj, zahodno od celinske ločnice, there are quite a . . . → Preberite več: Monarhova norost
Chris Grinter, 10. avgusta, 2010%
Pictured is a black-veined white (Aporia crataegi ssp), and it is currently being returned to the Korean Institute of Biological Resources. Loans get returned, as they should be, every day – and can even number in the thousands of specimens. I myself have a few hundred moths out on loan from a handful of . . . → Preberite več: A Disturbing New Trend?
Chris Grinter, 6. avgusta, 2010%
Here is a hill-topping male Papilio zeliacon, ali janežev lastov rep. Ta metulj je zelo razširjen v državah zahodnega Pacifika in je verjetno veliko bolj pogost kot nekoč. Po uvedbi komarčka (Foeniculum vulgare), in kasnejši pobeg iz vrtnarstva, janeževa lastovka se je uveljavila kot navaden kalifornijski metulj. Perhaps before this . . . → Preberite več: Pornografija z metulji
Chris Grinter, na 24. julij, 2010% V vzhodni Lassen občine, na prostrane visoke brinovimi hribih meji California, Nevada, obstajajo črede “wild” konji, ovce in govedo. Par za tečaj, le cvetoče rastline okoli bil lahkotnico (Marrubium vulgare). Kljub tujerodnih rastlinskih in (semi)mega-favna, žuželke so bile še vedno doma. Ker je edini vir nektarja, the small . . . → Preberite več: Samo bar v mestu
Chris Grinter, on June 26th, 2010% Welcome to volume eight of the inconsistently reoccurring series, Genij tiska. I came across this article recently regarding an endemic Puerto Rican butterfly. Who can tell me exactly why this report is misleading? It may be a little trickier than the standard GOP (I suggest discarding any previously associated acronyms with those letters). . . . → Preberite več: Genius of the Press VIII
Chris Grinter, on June 23rd, 2010%
I’ve always wondered how to find the correct terminology for land cover in a given area. Usually, I just ballpark something along the lines of “oak chaparral”. But now I can use this awesome new map brought to us by the USGS/National Biological Information Infrastructure. The level of detail is amazing, and you can . . . → Preberite več: Landscape Cover Map