Butterfly of the week

I’ve been a bit remiss at posting regular challenges, so I’ll try to pick up the pace. Who can tell me anything about this butterfly? The most you’re getting is that it is from the Western half of the US. Credit for family, genus or species and ridiculous credit for subspecies and where it is . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Butterfly of the week

Prentsaren jenioa, v. IV

Genius of the Press-en beste atal bat, eta beharbada softball pixka bat. (Bai, hauek erraz aurki daitezke) Who can tell me whats wrong with this article?

Joan den asteko Genius of Press-en erantzuna

Bozketan abstenitu diren guztientzat (Irakurle batzuek gure beldar misteriotsuaren identitatea ezagutu behar zutela suposatu nahi dut, baina alferegiak ziren komentatzeko), hona erantzuna (atsedenaldiaren ostean).

. . . → Gehiago irakurri: Joan den asteko Genius of Press-en erantzuna

Prentsaren jenioa, v.III

Yet another installment of my favorite series, the genius of the press. This article comes from ABC news, who can identify this caterpillar? It is decidedly NOT a gypsy moth.

Fellow entomology blogger Myrmecos had a similar story last week.

The genius of the press

Came across this article today care of Doug Yanega at UC Riverside, which spurred the search for further information. Who can tell me what thoseflowersactually are? 10 points to the first to guess correctlyor maybe some awesome prize?

OK tximeleta pertsona, nor naiz?

Hau nire irudi zaharra da, beraz, ez da perfektua. Espezieei tximeleta hau esaten badidazu, bost bat lortuko duzu. Azpiespeziea ezagutzen baduzu, pakete berri bat bidaliko dizut #3 altzairu herdoilgaitzezko pinak! Iradokizun bakarra: AEB mendebaldekoa da.

. . . → Gehiago irakurri: OK tximeleta pertsona, nor naiz?