En kamp op ad bakke

If there is one thing that I learned in college, it was how to easily distract myself. I tend to keep my TV on in the background while I’m working on my computer, especially late at night when I am usually fighting a winning war against sleep. The other night something did catch my . . . → Læs mere: En kamp op ad bakke

Søndag aften rant: den måde, tingene bør arbejde.

I came across this article today and it put a smile on my face. En rejse malaria forsker kom på tværs af en “elektronisk myggebalsam” til salg i sin in-flight katalog. At være en intelligent mand, han indså dette var alt og totalt BS. He also realized this product probably sells best while in-route to malaria ridden . . . → Læs mere: Søndag aften rant: den måde, tingene bør arbejde.