Aquamoth chuid 3

A continuation of the aquamoth series, this time with video from Science Friday! Is ea, I have to link it because wordpress won’t embed… Go raibh maith agat Ted, figured it out!

Aibhneacha na Óir

Tá cúpla íomhánna ó mo thuras mothing deireadh seachtaine síos go dtí Shell Creek, San Luis Obispo Contae. Tá an earraigh Luath feadh chósta lárnach néal, agus bhí pacáilte bóithre ar ais le feighlithe bláth. Bhí mórán de na carranna áitithe ag teaghlaigh amach le haghaidh tiomáint deireadh seachtaine, Bhí lónta pacáilte go leor agus shuigh chun féachaint ar an . . . → Leigh Nios mo: Aibhneacha na Óir

I bhfad ró-saor-ama?

Ná huaire tú féin feithidí.

Tá na píosaí ealaíne a chruthú Robert J. Go raibh maith agat. Tá seans má tá tú ag feiceáil roinnt origami dÚsachtach ná mar a bhí siad a chruthú. Is ea, iad siúd atá déanta go hiarbhír as aon phíosa amháin de pháipéar uncut. Soláthraíonn sé an patrún crease don chuid is mó dá chuid dearaí, ach i ndáiríre fillte . . . → Leigh Nios mo: I bhfad ró-saor-ama?

Agus anois tá an chuid eile den scéal ar eolas agat

For those who saw the FOX interview with MSU entomologist Dr. Cognato (OK, for those who didn’t, here it is), you will be interested to hear his side of the story.

[youtube =]

Take the time to register (tá brón orainn, it’s annoying but I couldn’t find it anywhere else) and read a response to the interview by . . . → Leigh Nios mo: Agus anois tá an chuid eile den scéal ar eolas agat

Aquamoth chuid 2

Tháinig mé trasna ar PDF lán-théacs an ailt leamhain amfaibeach agus bhain mé an crann a thaispeánann radaíocht an ghrúpa speiceas seo agus éabhlóid dhóchúil na dtréithe amfaibiacha. Suimiúil cruth an cháis a thabhairt faoi deara, agus tá gach leamhan endemic dá bholcán féin san oileánra Haváí.

This is a Bayesian analysis of . . . → Leigh Nios mo: Aquamoth chuid 2

Answer to last week’s Genius of the Press

For all those who abstained from voting (I want to assume some readers must have known the identity of our mystery caterpillar, but were too lazy to comment), here is the answer (after the break).

. . . → Leigh Nios mo: Answer to last week’s Genius of the Press


Another amazing animal from Hawaiia completely amphibious caterpillar (published in the March 22 PNAS). While there are a few aquatic Lepidoptera, all of them have gills that keep them restricted to the water (mind you, we are talking only about the larval stage). If their stream dries up, so does the caterpillar. . . . → Leigh Nios mo: Aquamoth!

California Earraigh

Tá an Earraigh tagtha chun thuaidh California agus leamhain ar an sciathán. Ghlac mé turas mear suas go dtí an foothills Siarra thar an deireadh seachtaine agus hiked suas na fánaí géara os cionn an Abhainn Mheiriceánach. Os cionn phictiúr Xanthothrix ranunculi f. albipuncta (Noctuidae: Stiriinae). Tarlaíonn sé a bheith ina suí ar California álainn . . . → Leigh Nios mo: California Earraigh

Genius an Phreasa, v.III

Yet another installment of my favorite series, the genius of the press. This article comes from ABC news, who can identify this caterpillar? It is decidedly NOT a gypsy moth.

Fellow entomology blogger Myrmecos had a similar story last week.

Off with their heads!

(photo credit)

The monarchs have started their spring migration north and you might even see one soon (not exciting if you live in FL or HI where there are year-round residents, or in CA where there are separate overwintering spots). Reports from their winter locations in Mexico however are dismal; with possibly the lowest . . . → Leigh Nios mo: Off with their heads!