Chris Grinter, on August 24th, 2011% A month ago or so the California Academy of Sciences launched a full fledged expedition to the Philippines. Míg a készpénz nagy részét klipperhajóra és búvárcsapatokra költötték, volt egy földi komponens. Miközben nem tudtam menni (és otthon ült és duzzogott), I did talk some of . . . → Tovább: Fülöp-szigeteki rovarok I
Chris Grinter, on August 22nd, 2011% Last week Jim Hayden guessed the moth I posted was an Australian Oecophoridae. It was a good guess because there are so many large and stunning moths in this family from Australia. One of the best has to be this one, Wingia lambertella (Oecophoridae), captured on Black Mountain in Canberra October 23, 1955 (CAS collections). . . . → Tovább: Hétfő Moth
Chris Grinter, augusztus 19-én, 2011% Ez a GOP kisebb a kihívás, és inkább egy egyszerű razzia a nyomorult stock fényképészet. Alex Wild and others have long ago pointed out the massive failings of many stock photo sites – de itt van egy rövid és fájdalmas lep razzia a Google.
Lépés 1: Képkereső “lepke, virág”.
Lépés 2: . . . → Tovább: A sajtó géniusza XX
Chris Grinter, on August 15th, 2011% ANSWER: This wasn’t easy – but this large and beautiful moth was from Australia and is in the family Xyloryctidae (Philarista sp.). We have a handful of representatives of this group here in the US and Ted MacRae over on Beetles in the Bush has a few great photographs of them. Somehow I think we . . . → Tovább: Hétfő Moth
Chris Grinter, augusztus 14-én, 2011% Ezek a nagy és érdekes Lycidae bogarak (Lycus fernandezi) néhány héttel ezelőtt Arizona délkeleti részén bőségesen voltak. Folyamatosan repülnek a virágok és a nedves homok között, amikkel könnyedén fényképezhetnek. Gondoltam magamban “itt egy remek alkalom, hogy elkapjon egy felszálló bogarat!”.
Várni rá…
Lycus fernandezi (Lycidae)
. . . → Tovább: Hálószárnyú bogár
Chris Grinter, on August 11th, 2011% Here is another wonderful video from Warren! I am guessing this is a Choreutidae because of the way the wings are held while dancing – although it’s too fast to really get a clear look. Given that it’s from a fauna I’m totally unfamiliar with I could easily be wrong – so please correct me . . . → Tovább: Táncoló lepke
Chris Grinter, on August 10th, 2011% Fresh off the presses, the Miami Blue Butterfly (MBB) is now listed as federally endangered by act of an emergency provision. Huzzah! (jobbra?)
Miami Blue Butterfly from Butterflies of America
My first thought was “wait, wasn’t this already endangered?”. Igen, turns out the MBB has been state-endangered since 2002 after a previous emergency . . . → Tovább: NABA Turns Fish and Wildlife into Brainless Zombies
Chris Grinter, on August 8th, 2011%
This week’s moth is a video of a dancing micro from the Philippines (taken by Warren Laurde). As you might suspect this is a mating display that ends in a pretty spectacular headstand. There are lots of other microleps that have dancing or display behavior, but there are almost no other videos online . . . → Tovább: Hétfő Moth
Chris Grinter, on August 1st, 2011% Chiricahua multidentata (Araszolók)
This Monday’s moth is a spectacular species from the mountains of Arizona – Chiricahua multidentata, a Geometrid. The only known location for this species is at the very top of the Chiricahua mountains above 9,000 feet (which was just bruned to a crisp). Hopefully the fire was not . . . → Tovább: Hétfő Moth
Chris Grinter, július 22-én, 2011% It’s been a little while since the last GOP challenge, but this is a softball. I’m hoping they were just too lazy to find a more suitable image…