언론의 천재 XII

그리 어렵지 않은 또 다른 GOP 도전, found here from the Scottish TV website. 아래의 이야기가 옳지 않은 것은?

약간의 영국식 휴모(유)아르 자형

화려한 쇼의 짧은 클립, 꽤 흥미로운. 논의의 시작은 코치닐 버그에 관한 것입니다. – 딱정벌레라고 부르지만! (see buggirl)

시에란 거미

나방이 없는 주말은 나비목이 미친 짓을 하도록 이끌 수 있습니다. 거미 사진을 찍을만큼 미쳤어. 주말에 나는 동료 곤충 블로거와 함께 동부 시에라로 갔다., 동료이자 고고학자, 타마스 SZUTA. 나는 당신에게 친숙할 수도 있는 새로운 Hepialidae의 표본을 더 찾고 있었습니다. . . . → 자세히보기: 시에란 거미

주중 미스터리

While I work on a more substantial post, you can name this butterflyand the plant should be pretty easy too. Extra bonus if you can guess the county (state won’t be too impressive) in which I took this photo. This was pre-DSLR, but my old beat up canon point-and-shoot did manage to get . . . → 자세히보기: 주중 미스터리

Genius of the Press XI

This genius of the press is extra special, not for its difficulty, but for its redundancy. I found the same story carried on two separate sources, with different imagesand both equally incorrect! I can imagine that it won’t take long for someone to point out exactly what’s wrong with these stories (hint, 거기 . . . → 자세히보기: Genius of the Press XI

I’ve been a little behind

And while I catch up you can watch some creepy Isabella Rossellini re-enact the mating strategies of a bedbug. You should also read, if you haven’t caught it already, the excellent bedbug article written by the distinguished (and my former professor) May Berenbaum.


불안한 새로운 트렌드?

Pictured is a black-veined white (Aporia crataegi ssp), and it is currently being returned to the Korean Institute of Biological Resources. Loans get returned, as they should be, every dayand can even number in the thousands of specimens. I myself have a few hundred moths out on loan from a handful of . . . → 자세히보기: 불안한 새로운 트렌드?

머펫 몬스터

I stumbled upon (not on stumbleupon) these colored SEM images on the Telegraph webpage today. I especially love this image of a Calliphoridae larva (Protophormia sp.) that seems more out of a C-rated science fiction movie than nature. It reminds me of both a freakish Star Wars character and a Muppet at the same . . . → 자세히보기: 머펫 몬스터

Butterfly Porn

Here is a hill-topping male Papilio zeliacon, or Anise swallowtail. This butterfly is widespread in the western Pacific states and is probably much more common than it once was. After the introduction of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), and subsequent escape from horticulture, the anise swallowtail took hold as a common California butterfly. Perhaps before this . . . → 자세히보기: Butterfly Porn

예, 공화당은 너무 나를 미워해야.

이상 Myrmecos 알렉스 야생 그냥 내 관심 공화당 상원 의원의 한 ​​쌍에서 오히려 인신 공격을 가져왔다 (톰 코번, R-오클라호마., 존 매케인, R-아리조나). 다시 한번 내가 언급하기 시작, 그러나이 안타 얼마나 가까운 가정에 제공, 나는 접근하는 긴 호흡 통렬한 비난의 연설을 느꼈다…

분명히, 내 작업은 거대한 낭비 . . . → 자세히보기: 예, 공화당은 너무 나를 미워해야.