월요일 엄

To reignite the Monday Moth series here is a stunner: Melemaea magdalena (Geometridae).


This rare beauty has previously only been known from scattered localities across the mountain west and only from a few individuals every other season. That is until Denver Museum volunteer Barbara Bartell began inventorying moths on her property near Golden . . . → 자세히보기: 월요일 엄

월요일 엄

Chiricahua multidentata (Geometridae)

This Monday’s moth is a spectacular species from the mountains of ArizonaChiricahua multidentata, a Geometrid. The only known location for this species is at the very top of the Chiricahua mountains above 9,000 feet (which was just bruned to a crisp). Hopefully the fire was not . . . → 자세히보기: 월요일 엄