Chris Grinter, na 18. julij, 2011% Over na ARTHROPODA, kolega SFS blogger Michael Bok deliti sliko svojega kolega na terenu, Plugg zeleno drevo žaba. Moja prva misel je bila, podobno drevesna žaba, ki me straši pozdravil povsod sem šel v Santa Rosa narodnem parku, Kostarika. Ni treba posebej poudarjati, Costa Rica preliva nenadno navado dvojnega preverjanja . . . → Preberite več: Frog Surprise
Chris Grinter, on June 14th, 2011% Maps/containment % updated: 16 Junij
As July approaches I being to look forward to the Pacific Coast meeting of the Lepidopterists’ Družba. This year it will take place in Prescott Arizona, približno 2 hours north of Phoenix. And as of this moment it is one of the few places in Arizona not on fire. . . . → Preberite več: Arizona on Fire
Chris Grinter, 2. decembra, 2010% Vem, kaj bom letos upal iz Santa!
Dobro, ni res. V resnici se ne zbirajo metulje, in še posebej ne v teh velikan birdwings. So omamljanje živali, ampak poleg tega, da velik, so tudi draga (povprečni primerki gredo za približno sto dolarjev). Newsworthy del te zgodbe je, . . . → Preberite več: 'Tis sezone za dajanje
Chris Grinter, on November 1st, 2010% Might be a day late, but still worth a try. Boo!
Aphonopelma species from Western Texas.
Chris Grinter, 21. oktobra, 2010% Jutri se začne faza 1 za delo na terenu / nori vožnji in času dopusta. Se bom osredotočila na zbiranje na tej stopnji potovanja, hitting jugu Teksasa ravno pravi čas za repu padec letečih metuljev v rodu Schinia. Ampak microleps so moj primarni interes, in prepričan sem, da se bom vrnil s stotinami . . . → Preberite več: Nazaj v Polju
Chris Grinter, 5. oktobra, 2010% Wow to je bilo pred nekaj tedni od moje zadnje sporočilo, in sem malo v zadregi, ko je izpustil tako dolgo. Kaj sem počel? Ne cela ne. Ni impresivna zbiranje izleti, nobene nove vrste ali odkritja. Pravzaprav sem sedel na mikroskopom seciranje spolovila ali databasing parazitske muhe. Jaz bom . . . → Preberite več: Čas je letel
Chris Grinter, on May 18th, 2010% News in from India, a butterfly photographer has been kidnapped. A local park official who was visiting the north eastern province Arunachal Pradesh was taken at night by a gang of armed youth-rebels. Efforts to find him have been hampered by the weather and remote terrain. India has recently become one of the most difficult . . . → Preberite več: The Dangerous Life of a Lepidopterist
Chris Grinter, on May 4th, 2010%
From a peppermint Pericopinae. I recorded this video on-site in northern Costa Rica a few years ago. When I reached down to pick up this moth, it was hard to avoid noticing the behavior. The moth, Chetone angulosa (Erebidae: Pericopina) ((used to be Arctiidae)), has a common defensive mechanism for this group – they . . . → Preberite več: Moth Perfume
Chris Grinter, na 2. maj, 2010% For the last four weekends now I have been on a goose chase, for one moth, Heliolonche celeris. It’s a beautiful small Noctuidae with pinkish forewings and stunning orange-red hindwings. It isn’t very often encountered and only found along the northern California mountain ranges feeding on Malacothrix floccifera – a CA endemic flower. Every trip . . . → Preberite več: The Art of a Goose Chase
Chris Grinter, 26. aprila, 2010% za ponaredek NLP srečanja? Ta video sem posnel pred dvema letoma preko puščave v Arizoni. Priznam, to je moje srce preskoči utrip na prvi. Obrnila sem se in tam so bili trije žareči luči plavajoče tiho nad mano. Dobesedno sem mislil “Sveti s # @% ne verjamem v to sranje!”. The . . . → Preberite več: Kako enostavno je…