Visi Naujas, Attack kandys!

It seems like there is a preponderance of urban legends that involve insects crawling into our faces while we sleep. The most famous myth is something along the lines ofyou eat 8 spiders a year while sleeping“. Actually when you google that the number ranges from 4 to 8up to . . . → Skaityti daugiau: Visi Naujas, Attack kandys!

Beprasmiška naujiena, Šį kartą iš gamtos

Šviežias nuo „Nature News“ stalo yra savybė, apmąstanti pasaulį be uodų (arba -To). Kaip šios naujienos? Galbūt yra keletas naujų vektorių valdymo, apie kurį visi turime išgirsti! Gerai, Peržiūrėkite naujausio „Nature“ leidimo pavadinimu “Pasaulis be uodų“. I originally came . . . → Skaityti daugiau: Beprasmiška naujiena, Šį kartą iš gamtos

Medical Research for the Science Fair


I am really at a loss for understanding yet another positive acupuncture study that was as well designed as my 8th grade science fair project. Suteikta, I was a nerdy science kid, but I could do a better job drunk. I think I should conduct a followup study in which I test the . . . → Skaityti daugiau: Medical Research for the Science Fair

NY Times FAIL – Akupunktūra

Today I found this article in NY times healthtouting the benefits of acupuncture used for depression relief in pregnant women. I have a few problems with the journalist, Shirley S. Wang, failing to remain skeptical in her piece. But this comes as no surprise, so I won’t bother to point out obvious flaws . . . → Skaityti daugiau: NY Times FAIL – Akupunktūra