Astelehena sits

Chiricahua nuUti.ho (Geometridae)

Astelehen honetan sits Arizonako mendietako espezie ikusgarria da – Chiricahua nuUti.ho, Geometrid bat. Kokapena espezie honen ezagun bakarra Chiricahua mendien gainetik goian egotea da 9,000 oinak (zein izan zen besterik ez crisp bat Bruned). Hopefully the fire was not . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Astelehena sits

Astelehena sits

I’ll keep the ball rolling with Arctiinae and post a photo today of Ctenucha brunnea. This moth can be common in tall grasses along beaches from San Francisco to LAalthough in recent decades the numbers of this moth have been declining with habitat destruction and the invasion of beach grass (Ammophila arenaria). Baina . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Astelehena sits

Komisarioak Harrituta!

Baita asmatu ahal izango duzu gaia ez da hunkigarriak nire izenburu gisa iradokitzen, baina ezin dut lagundu, baina Guardian article spin. Benetan barregarria iruditzen zait zientzialariak direla dioen edozer topatzen dudanean “Harrituta”, “nahasia”, “harritu”, “harrituta”, – Uste dut, denbora beste gai bat… Hala ere a . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Komisarioak Harrituta!

Astelehena sits

Gaurko sits SE Arizona eta Mexiko espezie eder eta arraroa da: Lerina jasotako (Erebidae: Arctiinae). Like many other day flying species it is brilliantly colored and quite likely aposematic. After all, ostalari landare milkweed bat da, eta beldarra da bezain harrigarri (azpitik).

Lerina jasotako (Erebidae: Arctiinae)


This . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Astelehena sits

Astelehena sits

Baloia serie honekin errodadura mantentzeko eta erregular gehiago egiten saiatu naiz. I will also focus on highlighting a new species each week from the massive collections here at the California Academy of Sciences. This should give me enough material for… gutxienez, batzuk ehun urte.

Grammia . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Astelehena sits

Arizona followup

Map/% updated June 20, 6etan.

Updates to the maps and containment percentages have been made to my earlier post. Here is a map of the 4th fire burning in SE Arizona, the Monument fire. This one is only 10% 17% 15% 27% contained and is burning in the southern end of the Huachuca Mountains . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Arizona followup

Astelehena sits

Whoops, it’s almost Tuesday! Above is Schinia ligeae (Noctuidae) resting on its host plant Xylorhiza tortifolia, the Mojave Aster. I photographed this about three weeks ago outside the town of Big Pine, California. The asters were thick in the valleys below the snow capped Sierra, and the moths were abundant. . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Astelehena sits

Misioko tximeleta urdina


Gizonezkoa – Marin Headlands

Like so many other urban animals, the Mission Blue Butterfly (Plebejus icarioides missionensis) is one that is gravely imperiled. This small blue lives in tiny fragments of habitat alongside multi-million dollar development in and around the San Francisco Bay. A century ago this butterfly . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Misioko tximeleta urdina

Igandeko Sitsa


Everyone is familiar with the famous death’s head hawkmoth, baina uste dut pena bat dela halako pertsonaia latz bat popularizatu izana. Goian Guyana Frantseseko Neotropical Arctiinae askoz alaiagoa dago, pailazo aurpegia daramala dirudiena. Zoritxarrez, hau ez da nire argazkia, baina . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Igandeko Sitsa

Sits txikiena

Nepticulidae familiak ezagutzen diren sits txikienetako batzuk ditu, 3-8 mm-ko hegal-muturretik hegal-puntura bitartekoa. Konparazio baterako goiko bi sits irudikatu ditut: ezagutzen den handiena – Coscinocera hercules that tips the scales at nearly 9 zentimetroak, eta txikienetako bat (yes that tiny little speck . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Sits txikiena