Chris Grinter By, on February 17th, 2011% Shockingly, stunningly, amazingly; the monarchs are back (but not co-staring Julianne Moore). Ados, it’s not that amazing; I pretty much predicted this would be the case last March when everyone was running around terrified because the butterflies hit an all time low (since counting started in 1993). Actually I believe I said “I will . . . → Gehiago irakurri: The Monarchs Are All Right
Chris Grinter By, on February 10th, 2011%
A softball for this GOP challenge. This image comes care of the Victoria Advocate (TX paper) – with a poorly written article about butterflies. This image flop is pretty easy, but for extra points who can tell me what else is incorrect in the text?
. . . → Gehiago irakurri: Genius of the Press XVI
Chris Grinter By, on January 24th, 2011% (Credit: David Cappaert,
If you happen to be living out in Yolo, Solano or Sacramento counties you should head out with a net. Dr. Art Shaprio has offered for the 40th year his cabbage white butterfly competition. If you are the very first person to catch a cabbage white (Pieris rapae . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Butterflies for Beer
Chris Grinter By, urtarrilaren 19an, 2011% Beti izan dut ezagutzen munduko leku askotan, batez irabiatutako pista off, moths eta beldarrak tximeleta menuan dira. Afrika aurrera Australiara daude espezie dozenaka nahikoa ona arrazoiz jangarri edo are gozoak izan dastatzeko liteke. Baina hemen US intsektuak oso gutxitan bada . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Entomofagia: afaria moths
Chris Grinter By, on January 6th, 2011% Welcome to the new year, and nearly a full year of blogging! It’s amazing how fast the time flew by, but again it always does. As you likely noticed December turned out to be my weakest posting month with a whopping 2 posts. Resolution: more posting!
Now I haven’t started blogging about music (for those . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Mamu bat jaio da
Chris Grinter By, Abenduaren 2an, 2010% Zer aurten espero dut santa etik ezagutzen dut!
Beno, ez benetan. Actuality ez dut tximeletak biltzen, eta, batez ere birdwings erraldoi hauek ez. Animalia harrigarri dira, baina alde batera erraldoi izatetik, ere garestiak dira (batez besteko ale BUCKS ehun bat joan). Historia honen parte newsworthy da . . . → Gehiago irakurri: 'Emanez denboraldian Tis
Chris Grinter By, Azaroaren 18an, 2010% Up engranaje dudan substantzia-mezu gehiago nahi izanez gero, berriz,, gozatu California Zientzien Akademia tximeleta bildumaren bideo labur honetan. Dr. Arau Penny gure harribitxi batzuk partekatzeko lan bikaina egiten du, da besterik ere txarra bideoa ez da edozein luzeagoa (edo moths buruz!).
. . . → Gehiago irakurri: Cal Academy Tximeletak
Chris Grinter By, on September 17th, 2010% Another not all that difficult GOP challenge, found here from the Scottish TV website. What’s wrong with the story below?
Chris Grinter By, on September 15th, 2010% A short clip from the brilliant show, Quite Interesting. The start of the discussion is in regards to cochineal bugs – although they refer to them as beetles! (see buggirl)
Chris Grinter By, on September 14th, 2010% A weekend without moths can lead a lepidopterist to do crazy things. Crazy enough to photograph a spider. Over the weekend I was accompanied to the eastern Sierra by fellow insect blogger, coworker and arachnologist, Tamas Szuts. I was on the quest for more specimens of a new Hepialidae of which you may be familiar . . . → Gehiago irakurri: A Sierran Spider