Genius of the Press XII

Another not all that difficult GOP challenge, found here from the Scottish TV website. What’s wrong with the story below?

A Bit of British Humo(u)r

A short clip from the brilliant show, Quite Interesting. The start of the discussion is in regards to cochineal bugsalthough they refer to them as beetles! (see buggirl)

Genius of the Press XI

This genius of the press is extra special, not for its difficulty, but for its redundancy. I found the same story carried on two separate sources, with different imagesand both equally incorrect! I can imagine that it won’t take long for someone to point out exactly what’s wrong with these stories (hint, there . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Genius of the Press XI

I’ve been a little behind

And while I catch up you can watch some creepy Isabella Rossellini re-enact the mating strategies of a bedbug. You should also read, if you haven’t caught it already, the excellent bedbug article written by the distinguished (and my former professor) May Berenbaum.


Prentsa Jeinua X

This one is just too easy. Karteldegia I-35 Burleson hegoaldean dago, Texas.

Ez dakit irudi honen benetako jatorria, baina Omar Bocanegratik etorri zitzaidan Mike Quinn-en bidez Texas Lepidoptera list-serv-en.

Bai, Errepublikanoek ere Gorrotatu behar naute.

Over on Myrmecos Alex Wild just brought to my attention a rather personal attack from a pair of republican senators (Tom Coburn, R-Okla., and John McCain, R-Ariz). Once again I started to comment, but given how close to home this hits, I felt a longer winded diatribe approaching

Apparently, my job is a giant waste . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Bai, Errepublikanoek ere Gorrotatu behar naute.

Albiste alferrikakoa, oraingoan Naturatik

Nature News-en mahaitik atera berria eltxorik gabeko mundu bat hausnartzen duen funtzio bat da (edo -behatzak). Nolakoa da albiste hau? Baliteke denok entzun behar dugun bektore-kontrol berriren bat! Beno, begiratu Nature aldizkariaren azken edizioko artikulua izenburupean “Eltxorik gabeko mundua“. I originally came . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Albiste alferrikakoa, oraingoan Naturatik

Genius of the Press IX

Just about time for another volume of Genius of the Press. Who will be first to spot the error here? Onartua, the information section of the california flat rate moving website is not exactly a source of top notch journalism

Genius of the Press VIII

Welcome to volume eight of the inconsistently reoccurring series, Prentsaren jenioa. I came across this article recently regarding an endemic Puerto Rican butterfly. Who can tell me exactly why this report is misleading? It may be a little trickier than the standard GOP (I suggest discarding any previously associated acronyms with those letters). . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Genius of the Press VIII

Genius of the Press VII

Who can see what’s wrong with this article?