Geni de la Premsa, v. VI

It’s good to throw a changeup every one in a while, and this week here is an article that is actually GOOD. Sí, you read it here first, a positive article about entomology collections. We all need a breather after that Fox news fiasco with the Michigan State collection. The Honolulu Magazine does a really . . . → Llegir més: Geni de la Premsa, v. VI

Ara és la nostra oportunitat…

La 15 foot gray whale just washed up in the San Francisco Bay. Now is our chance for exploding whale part 2!

Geni de la premsa V

So what is wrong with this illustration below? Sounds like a great show at the Krohn Conservatory in Cincinnati. This news story made me look just a little closer

Aconseguir una vida, Descobriment

Em vaig asseure embadalit davant del televisor el diumenge mirant l'última entrega de la sèrie BBC/Discovery “La vida”. El primer que em ve al cap… “PER QUÈ va ser escollida Oprah per narrar!?” Naturalment, Vaig esperar que els insectes especials arribessin a l'aire abans de publicar-hi un blog, but having to listen to Oprah for the . . . → Llegir més: Aconseguir una vida, Descobriment

Geni de la Premsa, v. IV

Another installment of Genius of the Press, and perhaps a bit of a softball. (Yikes these are easy to find) Who can tell me whats wrong with this article?

I ara ja saps la resta de la història

For those who saw the FOX interview with MSU entomologist Dr. Cognato (Okay, for those who didn’t, here it is), you will be interested to hear his side of the story.


Take the time to register (ho sento, it’s annoying but I couldn’t find it anywhere else) and read a response to the interview by . . . → Llegir més: I ara ja saps la resta de la història

Answer to last week’s Genius of the Press

For all those who abstained from voting (I want to assume some readers must have known the identity of our mystery caterpillar, but were too lazy to comment), here is the answer (after the break).

. . . → Llegir més: Answer to last week’s Genius of the Press

Geni de la Premsa, v.III

Yet another installment of my favorite series, the genius of the press. This article comes from ABC news, who can identify this caterpillar? It is decidedly NOT a gypsy moth.

Fellow entomology blogger Myrmecos had a similar story last week.

Genius of the press, part II

Published in the Santa Barbara News Press, Winter 2009. Who can tell me what’s wrong with these captions?

Page scan credit: Stuart Wilson.

El geni de la premsa

Avui he trobat aquest article amb la cura de Doug Yanega a UC Riverside, que va impulsar la recerca de més informació. Qui em pot dir què són “flors” realment ho són? 10 assenyala el primer a endevinar correctament… o potser algun premi fantàstic?