Av Chris Grinter, on May 5th, 2010% It’s good to throw a changeup every one in a while, and this week here is an article that is actually GOOD. Ja, you read it here first, a positive article about entomology collections. We all need a breather after that Fox news fiasco with the Michigan State collection. The Honolulu Magazine does a really . . . → Läs mer: Genius av Press, v. VI
Av Chris Grinter, den 21 april, 2010% Ett 15 fot grå val precis spolats upp i San Francisco Bay. Nu är vår chans för exploderande whale del 2!
Av Chris Grinter, den 18 april, 2010% Så vad är fel med den här bilden nedan? Låter som en stor show på Krohn Conservatory i Cincinnati. Denna nyhet fick mig ser bara lite närmare…
Av Chris Grinter, den 13 april, 2010% Jag satt försjunken framför min tv på söndag tittar på senaste versionen av BBC / Discovery-serien “Livet”. Det första som kommer att tänka… “VARFÖR var Oprah valt att berätta!?” Naturligt, Jag väntade insekterna speciellt att luften innan jag bloggat om här, men att behöva lyssna på Oprah för . . . → Läs mer: Få ett liv, Upptäckt
Av Chris Grinter, den 6 april, 2010% Another installment of Genius of the Press, and perhaps a bit of a softball. (Yikes these are easy to find) Who can tell me whats wrong with this article?
Av Chris Grinter, on March 25th, 2010% For those who saw the FOX interview with MSU entomologist Dr. Cognato (OK, for those who didn’t, here it is), you will be interested to hear his side of the story.
Take the time to register (förlåt, it’s annoying but I couldn’t find it anywhere else) and read a response to the interview by . . . → Läs mer: Och nu vet du resten av historien
Av Chris Grinter, on March 25th, 2010% For all those who abstained from voting (I want to assume some readers must have known the identity of our mystery caterpillar, but were too lazy to comment), here is the answer (after the break).
. . . → Läs mer: Answer to last week’s Genius of the Press
Av Chris Grinter, den 19 mars, 2010% Yet another installment of my favorite series, the genius of the press. This article comes from ABC news, who can identify this caterpillar? It is decidedly NOT a gypsy moth.
Fellow entomology blogger Myrmecos had a similar story last week.
Av Chris Grinter, on March 13th, 2010% Published in the Santa Barbara News Press, Winter 2009. Who can tell me what’s wrong with these captions?
Page scan credit: Stuart Wilson.
Av Chris Grinter, den 3 mars, 2010% Came across this article today care of Doug Yanega at UC Riverside, which spurred the search for further information. Who can tell me what those “flowers” actually are? 10 points to the first to guess correctly… or maybe some awesome prize?