Astelehena sits

This beautiful animal is a moth I reared from Quercus palmeri down in the Chiricahua Mountains of Arizona. Da familia Gracillariidae eta ziurrenik it generoko Acrocercops batean – Dave Wagner arabera espezie berri bat irudikatzeko daiteke, baina hori ez da arraroa gauza bat moths txikiekin. Nahiko ugaria zen, beraz . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Astelehena sits

Nola Sex sits bat

Astelehena honen Moth For nola zehaztasunez zehazteko moths sexua tutorial labur bat argitaratu nuen pentsatu nuen. Badaude sexu dimorfiko espezie adibide ugari bitartean (non gizonezko eta emakumezkoen jakina ezberdinak dira), moths gehienak ez direla. Saturniidae-k gure bizitza errazten du antena izugarri desberdinak izanik . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Nola Sex sits bat

Astelehena sits

Gaurko sits Rocky Mountains Denver kanpotik espezie eder bat da, Epermenia stolidota (Epermeniidae). Hau benetan bat ale handiagoak agertzen baino, wingtip tik 20mm to wingtip buruz. Horiek planteatu, iluntzen, posterior forewing ertzetik eskalak tufts horretarako pertsonaia handi bat da . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Astelehena sits

Astelehena sits

Aste honetan, txiki-txiki bat partekatzen ari naiz, scruffy, eta erdi-competently zabaldu Nepticulidae generoko Stigmella batean Prescott Arizona tranpan argi beretik iraganeko batzuk Astelehena Moths gisa. Ohi dut ez nuke argazki hori ez da baldintza onenetan sits baten partekatzeko, baina hau erabiltzen dut, adibide gisa . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Astelehena sits

Astelehena sits

Nola beste identificado Gelechiidae buruzko kokapena, aurreko ale gisa bereko (No. Prescott Arizona). I’m taking a stab at this moth being in the genus Chionodesand it is superficially similar to the species C. continuella. Zorionez, ez dago talde honen monografia bat da (America Mexikoko North Moths, Fasciculus 7.6) . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Astelehena sits

Astelehena sits


This moth is a good example of what a lot of my moths are at the momentunidentified! This is certainly a Gelechiidae, you can see the large upturned palps on the front of the head, and a finger-shaped projection on the tips of the hindwings. Just about one of the easiest . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Astelehena sits

Astelehena sits

Today’s moth is a stunning micro and another creature from Barb Bartell’s back yard in the Rockies. To the best of my knowledge it’s a species of Mompha (Coleophoridae), probably claudiella,but I don’t have a positive ID on this bug yet. Once I start digging through the micros from this site there are sure to . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Astelehena sits

Astelehena sits

Astelehena sits serie hemen reignite stunner da: Melemaea magdalena (Geometridae).


Edertasun arraro hau izan aurretik bakarrik izan sakabanatuta herrietatik ateratzen ezaguna mendiko mendebaldean osoan eta soilik gizabanako gutxi barru beste denboraldi guztietatik. That is until Denver Museum volunteer Barbara Bartell began inventorying moths on her property near Golden . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Astelehena sits

Fuzzy Pink Monday Moth

A Monday moth in fuzzy pink – Bat barne (Saturniidae). These rosy maple moths are pretty common in southern Illinois, but always a stunner when they come to light.

. . . → Gehiago irakurri: Fuzzy Pink Monday Moth

Astelehena sits

Today’s moth is an understated brown Crambidae, Loxostege brunneitincta. While this isn’t a particularly captivating moth it does have an interesting story that illustrates the need for scientific collections and museum loans. If you read the label image you will notice the moth was originally collected in 1927 by E. P. Van . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Astelehena sits