Astelehena sits

Astelehena sits serie hemen reignite stunner da: Melemaea magdalena (Geometridae).


Edertasun arraro hau izan aurretik bakarrik izan sakabanatuta herrietatik ateratzen ezaguna mendiko mendebaldean osoan eta soilik gizabanako gutxi barru beste denboraldi guztietatik. That is until Denver Museum volunteer Barbara Bartell began inventorying moths on her property near Golden . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Astelehena sits

Fuzzy Pink Monday Moth

A Monday moth in fuzzy pink – Bat barne (Saturniidae). These rosy maple moths are pretty common in southern Illinois, but always a stunner when they come to light.

. . . → Gehiago irakurri: Fuzzy Pink Monday Moth

Moth Portraiture

Not an uncommon moth, but a distinguished looking one. This is Catocala ilia (Erebidae) ((formerly Noctuidae)), and it feeds on a handful of Oaks. It came into my light over the weekend in Southern Illinois, down in the Trail of Tears State Forest. As with so many other moths this widespread species has a number . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Moth Portraiture

Astelehena sits

Today’s moth is an understated brown Crambidae, Loxostege brunneitincta. While this isn’t a particularly captivating moth it does have an interesting story that illustrates the need for scientific collections and museum loans. If you read the label image you will notice the moth was originally collected in 1927 by E. P. Van . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Astelehena sits

Astelehena sits

Back to the Monday Moth! This beautiful insect is Stiria dyari (Noctuidae) collected on a February trip outside of Cataviña, Baja California Mexico. I believe the host plants are still unknown, but all of the moths in the genus Stiria have these brilliant yellow forewings that help camouflage them on the stem . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Astelehena sits

Prentsa Jeinua XXII

Back from hiatus and back to the Genius of the Press insect-news-failure series! Fresh iaz prentsak off, Ingurumen, Elikagai eta Nekazaritza Gaietako Erresuma batuan itzali zen arropa moths infestation masibo bat egiteko. Hemen erakutsitako irudia bertatik “Nazioa” istorio bat oso urrun dago . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Prentsa Jeinua XXII

Sits Astea nazionala 2012

Urteko lehenengo Aste Nazionala uda honetan izango da, Uztaila 23-29, 2012! AEBetako mota honetako lehen ekitaldia da (Aspalditik ezaguna da Erresuma Batuan) eta jendea kanpora ateratzera eta sarritan ahaztu egiten zaien sitsaren fauna esploratzera bultzatzeko saiakera bat da. AEBek dute . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Sits Astea nazionala 2012

Hortzdun Sitsen Dibertsifikazioa

Litekeena da jende guztiak ezagutzen du sits edo tximeleta baten eredu estandarra – loreen barruan ezkutatuta dagoen nektara heltzeko lasto-itxurako proboscidea. Lepidopteroen gehiengo zabala landare angiospermoen erradiazioarekin batera dibertsifikatu da, lurreko bizi-ordena anitz eta ugarienetako bat bihurtuz. This paradigm however does not . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Hortzdun Sitsen Dibertsifikazioa

Sits bat bezain lanpetuta

That’s how the saying goes, Eskuineko? Two weeks ago I participated in the 5th annual National Geographic BioBlitz over in Saguaro National Park in Tucson, Arizona. It was a great excuse to get back into the field and it was the first time I collected Arizona in the fall. Temps were still pushing the mid . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Sits bat bezain lanpetuta

Astelehena sits

Maroga setiotricha (Xyloryctidae)


Beste australiar erraldoi bat “mikrolep”, (ziurrenik) Maroga setiotricha: Xylorictidae – 60 mm-tan neurtuta. Horrelako hegoekin hegalari ikaragarriak egin behar dituzte. According to the Xyloryctinae Moths of Australia blog the larvae are stem borers into Acacia sp. (Mimosaceae). Ale hau azaroan bildu zen 1962 by Ed . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Astelehena sits