Key to the Lepidoptera of Canada

A few months ago a magnificent key to the Lepidoptera of Canada (all of them) was published by Jason Dombroskiea PhD student from the U. of Alberta. The program is available for windows users only so I haven’t had a good chance to explore it yetbut the PDF is available online . . . → Lasīt vairāk: Key to the Lepidoptera of Canada

Pirmdiena kode

Gnophaela vermiculata pāris


Šī pirmdiena kode ir Arctiinae, Gnophaela vermiculata. Šie skaisti diena, kas peld kodes bija bagātīgs ar dzelteniem Helianthus ziediem ap 9000′ Santa Fe National Forest, New Mexico. Kāpuri barojas zilos, bet pieaugušajiem dod visaugstākās kvalitātes nektāra avots jomā – which fortunately makes . . . → Lasīt vairāk: Pirmdiena kode

Pirmdiena kode

Trosia nigrorufa (Megalopygidae)


Šo pirmdienu kode ir satriecoša neotropiskās megalopygidae mātīte – Trosia nigrorufa. Eds Ross un Evs Šlingers savāca šo paraugu Peru 1955, un esmu dzirdējis daudzus stāstus par šīm episkajām ekspedīcijām. Es īsti nevaru iedomāties ceļošanu ar kravas kuģi, being gone for six or more . . . → Lasīt vairāk: Pirmdiena kode

Pirmdiena kode

Hmm..., I skipped last monday’s moth, so here are two! These are some stunners from the CAS Philippines expedition and I think I have figured out their names. If you know better, please correct me.


Parasa darma (Limacodidae)


Parotis marginata (Crambidae)


. . . → Lasīt vairāk: Pirmdiena kode

Pirmdiena kode

Schinia villosa


Šī pirmdiena ir kodes ir duets Schinia villosa (Noctuidae) balstās uz to, ko es esmu pieņemot, ka ir viņu mītnes augs (Erigeron sp.). Es snapped šo shot apkārt 9,000 kājām uz augšu uz Kaibab plato ziemeļu Arizona pagājušajā mēnesī. A fire must have burned the area a few years ago . . . → Lasīt vairāk: Pirmdiena kode

Pirmdiena kode

Pagājušajā nedēļā Jim Hayden nojauta kožu es ievietojis biju Austrālijas Oecophoridae. Tas bija labs minējums, jo ir tik daudz lielu un apdullināšanu kodes šajā ģimenē no Austrālijas. Viens no vislabāk ir jābūt šis viens, Ievadiet lambertella (Oecophoridae), notverti par Black Mountain Kanberas oktobris 23, 1955 (CAS kolekcijas). . . . → Lasīt vairāk: Pirmdiena kode

Pirmdiena kode

ANSWER: This wasn’t easybut this large and beautiful moth was from Australia and is in the family Xyloryctidae (Philarista sp.). We have a handful of representatives of this group here in the US and Ted MacRae over on Beetles in the Bush has a few great photographs of them. Somehow I think we . . . → Lasīt vairāk: Pirmdiena kode

Dejošana Moth

Here is another wonderful video from Warren! I am guessing this is a Choreutidae because of the way the wings are held while dancingalthough it’s too fast to really get a clear look. Given that it’s from a fauna I’m totally unfamiliar with I could easily be wrongso please correct me . . . → Lasīt vairāk: Dejošana Moth

Pirmdiena kode


This week’s moth is a video of a dancing micro from the Philippines (taken by Warren Laurde). As you might suspect this is a mating display that ends in a pretty spectacular headstand. There are lots of other microleps that have dancing or display behavior, but there are almost no other videos online . . . → Lasīt vairāk: Pirmdiena kode

Pirmdiena kode

Chiricahua multidentata (Geometridae)

This Monday’s moth is a spectacular species from the mountains of ArizonaChiricahua multidentata, a Geometrid. The only known location for this species is at the very top of the Chiricahua mountains above 9,000 feet (which was just bruned to a crisp). Hopefully the fire was not . . . → Lasīt vairāk: Pirmdiena kode