Di Chris Grinter, on July 18th, 2011% I’ll keep the ball rolling with Arctiinae and post a photo today of Ctenucha brunnea. This moth can be common in tall grasses along beaches from San Francisco to LA – although in recent decades the numbers of this moth have been declining with habitat destruction and the invasion of beach grass (Ammophila arenaria). Ma . . . → Per saperne di più: Lunedi Moth
Di Chris Grinter, on July 11th, 2011% Today’s moth is a beautiful and rare species from SE Arizona and Mexico: Lerina incarnata (Erebidae: Arctiinae). Like many other day flying species it is brilliantly colored and quite likely aposematic. After all, the host plant is a milkweed and the caterpillar is just as stunning (sotto).
Lerina incarnata (Erebidae: Arctiinae)
This . . . → Per saperne di più: Lunedi Moth
Di Chris Grinter, il 5 luglio, 2011%
Sembra che ci sia una preponderanza di leggende metropolitane che coinvolgono gli insetti striscianti in faccia mentre dormiamo. Il più famoso mito è qualcosa sulla falsariga di “si mangia 8 ragni un anno durante il sonno“. In realtà quando si google che il numero varia da 4 a 8… fino . . . → Per saperne di più: Tutto il nuovo, Falene attacco!
Di Chris Grinter, on June 20th, 2011% I’m going to keep the ball rolling with this series and try to make it more regular. I will also focus on highlighting a new species each week from the massive collections here at the California Academy of Sciences. This should give me enough material for… at least a few hundred years.
Grammia . . . → Per saperne di più: Lunedi Moth
Di Chris Grinter, on June 15th, 2011% Map/% updated June 20, 6pm.
Updates to the maps and containment percentages have been made to my earlier post. Here is a map of the 4th fire burning in SE Arizona, the Monument fire. This one is only 10% 17% 15% 27% contained and is burning in the southern end of the Huachuca Mountains . . . → Per saperne di più: Arizona followup
Di Chris Grinter, on May 30th, 2011%
Whoops, it’s almost Tuesday! Above is Schinia ligeae (Noctuidae) resting on its host plant Xylorhiza tortifolia, the Mojave Aster. I photographed this about three weeks ago outside the town of Big Pine, California. The asters were thick in the valleys below the snow capped Sierra, and the moths were abundant. . . . → Per saperne di più: Lunedi Moth
Di Chris Grinter, on May 7th, 2011%
Who can tell me what’s wrong below? Not only is it the obvious photo problem, but the author of the article takes some logical leaps to support his premise. Who can tell me what his logical fallacies are? I won’t link to the entire article quite yet because a well known Lepidopterist has already . . . → Per saperne di più: Genio della stampa XVIII
Di Chris Grinter, on April 24th, 2011%
Everyone is familiar with the famous death’s head hawkmoth, but I think it’s a shame we have popularized such a grim character. Above is a much more cheery Neotropical Arctiinae from French Guiana that looks like it’s sporting a clown face. Sadly this isn’t my photograph, ma . . . → Per saperne di più: Domenica Moth
Di Chris Grinter, il 18 aprile, 2011% Qualche settimana fa sono stato invitato a partecipare a una classe di entomologia Berkeley nel campo per il fine settimana. La nostra destinazione era il Blue Oak Ranch Reserve; una delle più recenti riserva alla University of California di sistema situato appena al di fuori di San Jose su Mount Hamilton (mappa qui sotto). E 'stato un . . . → Per saperne di più: Blu Oak Ranch Reserve
Di Chris Grinter, on March 22nd, 2011% Usually I come across horrible entomology articles regularly enough that I save a backlog for future series. This hasn’t been the case over the last few weeks, I haven’t come across the normal array of terrible media crud. Maybe I just get jaded and stop looking as carefully – but this week I even came . . . → Per saperne di più: Genio della stampa XVII