Chris Grinter, 1. marca, 2011%
Družina Nepticulidae imajo nekatere najmanjše moljev znanih, segajo od 3-8mm krilnih konico krilnih konico. Za primerjavo sem posnel dve vešče zgoraj: največja znana – Coscinocera hercules that tips the scales at nearly 9 palcev, in eden najmanjših (yes that tiny little speck . . . → Preberite več: Najmanjših moljev
Chris Grinter, na 23. februar, 2011% Ups, Izgleda, da sem zamudil svoj prvi "blogoversary"! Ponedeljek 21. je bil eno leto prelomno za moj blog; in sem zelo vesel, da je preživel zadnje leto delitev nekaj mojih blodnje z vsemi vami. Sem nekoliko izgubil občutek, koliko zadetkov imam, odkar sem se preselil vse . . . → Preberite več: Leto v pregled
Chris Grinter, dne 19. januar, 2011% Vedno sem znano, da je v številnih krajih po svetu, predvsem izven utrjenih poti, gosenice za molje in metuljev so na jedilniku. Od Afrike do Avstralije obstaja na desetine vrst, ki bi lahko okus dovolj dobro, da bi bilo smiselno užitno ali celo slasten. Ampak tukaj v žuželkah ZDA redko, če . . . → Preberite več: Entomofagija: Sovice za večerjo
Chris Grinter, on January 6th, 2011% Welcome to the new year, and nearly a full year of blogging! It’s amazing how fast the time flew by, but again it always does. As you likely noticed December turned out to be my weakest posting month with a whopping 2 posts. Resolution: more posting!
Now I haven’t started blogging about music (for those . . . → Preberite več: A ghost is born
Chris Grinter, on November 23rd, 2010% Here are some screenshots from one of my favorite podcasts, The Moth! For those who aren’t aware of it, you should check it out – and be surprised that it’s not actually entomology related. True stories told live on stage that range from hilarious to heartbreaking. BUT, they have made an appearance on my GOP . . . → Preberite več: Genius of the Press XIV
Chris Grinter, 21. oktobra, 2010% Jutri se začne faza 1 za delo na terenu / nori vožnji in času dopusta. Se bom osredotočila na zbiranje na tej stopnji potovanja, hitting jugu Teksasa ravno pravi čas za repu padec letečih metuljev v rodu Schinia. Ampak microleps so moj primarni interes, in prepričan sem, da se bom vrnil s stotinami . . . → Preberite več: Nazaj v Polju
Chris Grinter, 5. oktobra, 2010% Wow to je bilo pred nekaj tedni od moje zadnje sporočilo, in sem malo v zadregi, ko je izpustil tako dolgo. Kaj sem počel? Ne cela ne. Ni impresivna zbiranje izleti, nobene nove vrste ali odkritja. Pravzaprav sem sedel na mikroskopom seciranje spolovila ali databasing parazitske muhe. Jaz bom . . . → Preberite več: Čas je letel
Chris Grinter, on September 17th, 2010% Another not all that difficult GOP challenge, found here from the Scottish TV website. What’s wrong with the story below?
Chris Grinter, on September 14th, 2010% A weekend without moths can lead a lepidopterist to do crazy things. Crazy enough to photograph a spider. Over the weekend I was accompanied to the eastern Sierra by fellow insect blogger, coworker and arachnologist, Tamas Szuts. I was on the quest for more specimens of a new Hepialidae of which you may be familiar . . . → Preberite več: A Sierran Spider
Chris Grinter, on August 27th, 2010% This genius of the press is extra special, not for its difficulty, but for its redundancy. I found the same story carried on two separate sources, with different images – and both equally incorrect! I can imagine that it won’t take long for someone to point out exactly what’s wrong with these stories (hint, there . . . → Preberite več: Genij tiska XI