Chris Grinter, 14. marca, 2013% Milujem kopanie cez hlbinné jamy internete šialené, pretože som si nájsť skvosty, ako je tento: Mothman na Marse? Súvisí v "článku’ je NASA Curiosity Rover photo, Mastcam Pravá. SOL 194. Fotografie urobená na 21 Február 2013. Skala hovorí o ako “Mothman” is in the upper left . . . → Čítajte viac: Mothman navštívi Mars
Chris Grinter, dňa 19. júla, 2011% Čo by Ježiš robil, keby mal nejaký voľný čas – možno vyliečiť chorobu, ukončiť vojnu, alebo nakŕmiť hladujúcich – ale nie, každý to vidí. Prečo ich nešokovať až do špiku kostí – spáliť si tvár na účtenku od Walmartu! Najmenej, that’s what a couple in South Carolina believe to . . . → Čítajte viac: Ježiš, ulička 4
Chris Grinter, na júli 5th, 2011%
Zdá sa, že existuje prevaha mestských legiend, ktoré zahŕňajú hmyz lezúci do našich tvárí, keď spíme. Najznámejší mýtus je niečo v tomto zmysle “ty ješ 8 pavúky rok počas spánku“. Vlastne, keď si vygooglite, že číslo sa pohybuje od 4 do 8… up to . . . → Čítajte viac: Všetko nové, Attack Moths!
Chris Grinter, 23. januára, 2011% Urobil som, a to znie, ako by to bolo napísané Sarah Palin. V skutočnosti, Narazil som na tento meta analýzy viac ako 22,000 horoscopes over on Information is Beautiful. Je to nádherný – ale budem kritizovať niekoľko bodov tu:
Z týchto 22,000 horoskopy prišiel graf najčastejších slov (spodný), 90% of which . . . → Čítajte viac: Skontrolujte si horoskop dnes?
Chris Grinter, on January 14th, 2011%
Not too long ago I posted about the device above – a cool looking glass bulb which supposedly uses light to scare away flights. Toto tvrdenie hit môj skeptický nervy, a diskutoval som to v mojom predchádzajúcom zamestnaní. Over the past weeks I’ve been researching reasonable methods . . . → Čítajte viac: Nechajte to na Mythbusters
Chris Grinter, on July 14th, 2010% I’m back from the road with thousands of specimens, a little weary and ready to sit still for a bit. In all it was a wonderful trip – but I have lots and lots of processing to do. While I play catch-up, enjoy this clip. Pokiaľ viem, there is no direct relation. . . . → Čítajte viac: (Grinter) Ghost House
Chris Grinter, on June 2nd, 2010%
If there is one thing that I learned in college, it was how to easily distract myself. I tend to keep my TV on in the background while I’m working on my computer, especially late at night when I am usually fighting a winning war against sleep. The other night something did catch my . . . → Čítajte viac: An Uphill Battle
Chris Grinter, on March 3rd, 2010% Came across this article today care of Doug Yanega at UC Riverside, which spurred the search for further information. Who can tell me what those “flowers” actually are? 10 points to the first to guess correctly… or maybe some awesome prize?
Chris Grinter, on February 21st, 2010% I love Ming Tsai and his cooking empire as much as the next 3-am TV viewer. V skutočnosti, his recipes are fantastic and you should make them yourself. But I have noticed an odd tendency for him to say (paraphrased) “you should always use organic, it’s much better for you”. This leaves me a bit puzzled. . . . → Čítajte viac: Ming’s Myth