Ponedeljek Moth

Današnji molj je podcenjena rjava CRAMBIDAE, Loxostege brunneitincta. Čeprav to ni posebej privlačno molj pa ima zanimivo zgodbo, ki kaže na potrebo po znanstvene zbirke in muzejske kreditov. Če ste prebrali sliko nalepke, boste opazili, vešča je bila prvotno zbrani v 1927 s E. P. Iz . . . → Preberite več: Ponedeljek Moth

Stink Bug Stink

CNN has now jumped on the bandwagon of FOX-esque bashing of scientific funding. Reporter Erin Burnett “poročila” on the federal funding of $5.7 million dollars to help fight the invasive Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (Halyomorpha halys). Burnett’s sarcasm is nearly thick enough to break into SNL levels of ridiculousness, but she seems genuine in her . . . → Preberite več: Stink Bug Stink

Narava ugrizne nazaj

Apparently something in the Mazda 6 fuel line is warm and inviting for the yellow sac spider, enough so that they are building webs over the vent systems of the 4 cylinder vehicles (and not the 6!). The problem has been deemed aspider infestationby the car company, in . . . → Preberite več: Narava ugrizne nazaj

Najmanjših moljev

Družina Nepticulidae imajo nekatere najmanjše moljev znanih, segajo od 3-8mm krilnih konico krilnih konico. Za primerjavo sem posnel dve vešče zgoraj: največja znana – Coscinocera hercules that tips the scales at nearly 9 palcev, in eden najmanjših (yes that tiny little speck . . . → Preberite več: Najmanjših moljev

Pokliči me skeptičen…

Sem prišel čez to zanimivo napravo in je imel takojšen črevesja reakcijo.. “Seveda neumen voda žarnica ne odvrača muhe, To je prevara!”…

Globok vdih…

OK, to je grozno skepticizem. Dejansko, to je cinična in to je samo tisto, kar skeptiki sovražim, če se imenuje. To je tudi nekaj, kar se dogaja preveč enostavno – . . . → Preberite več: Pokliči me skeptičen…

I’ve been a little behind

And while I catch up you can watch some creepy Isabella Rossellini re-enact the mating strategies of a bedbug. You should also read, if you haven’t caught it already, the excellent bedbug article written by the distinguished (and my former professor) May Berenbaum.


na srečo, I’m not a beetle

Because I would have been subjected to this. Talk about animal cruelty! v redu, just kidding, but this story is a bit ridiculous. The article states that the scientists had used the voice of Limbaugh because it wasreadily available”, not because they hated him. Well that turns out not to be true, they chose Rush . . . → Preberite več: na srečo, I’m not a beetle