It-tnejn Moth

Oops, Qabejt il-kamla tat-Tnejn li għadda, allura hawn tnejn! These are some stunners from the CAS Philippines expedition and I think I have figured out their names. If you know better, please correct me.


Parasa darma (Limacodidae)


Parotis marginata (Crambidae)


. . . → Aqra Aktar: It-tnejn Moth

Insetti tal-Filippini I

A month ago or so the California Academy of Sciences launched a full fledged expedition to the Philippines. While the majority of the cash was spent on a clipper ship and dive teams, there was a terrestrial component. While I didn’t get to go (and sat at home and pouted), I did talk some of . . . → Aqra Aktar: Insetti tal-Filippini I

Moth Dancing

Hawnhekk hawn video ieħor mill-isbaħ minn Warren! Qed naħseb li din hija Choreutidae minħabba l-mod kif jinżammu l-ġwienaħ waqt iż-żfin – għalkemm huwa mgħaġġel wisq biex tassew tidher ċara. Minħabba li huwa minn fawna li jien totalment mhux familjari miegħu nista 'faċilment niżbalja – so please correct me . . . → Aqra Aktar: Moth Dancing

It-tnejn Moth


Il-kamla ta’ din il-ġimgħa hija filmat ta’ mikro żfin mill-Filippini (meħuda minn Warren Laurde). Kif tista' tissuspetta li din hija wirja ta' tgħammir li tispiċċa fi headstand pjuttost spettakolari. Hemm ħafna microleps oħra li għandhom imġieba taż-żfin jew tal-wiri, but there are almost no other videos online . . . → Aqra Aktar: It-tnejn Moth

L-Araknologi niżlu l-art

kollox sew, not an insect


For the next three weeks my colleagues from the Arachnology lab at the California Academy of Sciences are in the Philippines! (no, not jealous at all…) The trip is part of the CAS Hearst expedition, a massive effort spanning all of our research departments to survey . . . → Aqra Aktar: L-Araknologi niżlu l-art