Toate New, Moliile atac!

Se pare ca exista o preponderenta de legende urbane care implică insecte târăște fețele noastre în timp ce noi dormim. Cel mai faimos mit este ceva de-a lungul liniilor de “tu mananci 8 păianjeni un an în timp ce doarme“. De fapt, atunci când Google că numărul variază de la 4 la 8… up to . . . → Citeste mai mult: Toate New, Moliile atac!

Arahnologii au aterizat

Bine, not an insect


For the next three weeks my colleagues from the Arachnology lab at the California Academy of Sciences are in the Philippines! (no, not jealous at all…) The trip is part of the CAS Hearst expedition, a massive effort spanning all of our research departments to survey . . . → Citeste mai mult: Arahnologii au aterizat

Rezervația Blue Oak Ranch

A few weeks ago I was invited to join a Berkeley entomology class out in the field for the weekend. Our destination was the Blue Oak Ranch Reserve; one of the newest reserves to the University of California system located just outside of San Jose on Mount Hamilton (map below). It was a . . . → Citeste mai mult: Rezervația Blue Oak Ranch

Zboară poate fi (într-adevăr) rece

Lasia klettii: Photos by April Nobile, CAS

For the most part flies are not an insect I get overly excited about. Cu toate acestea, the enigmatic family Acroceridae are the exception. I’ll start sharing some interesting genera from time to timethe morphology of the family is amazingly diverse. Most of my days . . . → Citeste mai mult: Zboară poate fi (într-adevăr) rece

Natura musca inapoi

Apparently something in the Mazda 6 fuel line is warm and inviting for the yellow sac spider, enough so that they are building webs over the vent systems of the 4 cylinder vehicles (and not the 6!). The problem has been deemed aspider infestationby the car company, și . . . → Citeste mai mult: Natura musca inapoi

Halloween fericit!

Ar putea fi o zi de întârziere, dar încă în valoare de o încercare. Nuu!

Aphonopelma specii din vestul Texas.

Un păianjen sieran

A weekend without moths can lead a lepidopterist to do crazy things. Crazy enough to photograph a spider. Over the weekend I was accompanied to the eastern Sierra by fellow insect blogger, coworker and arachnologist, Tamas Szuts. Am fost pe căutarea pentru mai multe exemplare ale unei noi Hepialidae de care puteți fi familiar . . . → Citeste mai mult: Un păianjen sieran

Have you seen me?

For those Californians reading, especially those in the south, keep an eye out for this beautiful little spider, Latrodectus geometricusthe brown widow. Arachnologists at UC Riverside are monitoring the spread of this invasive species. Ironically it turns out to not be as dangerous as our native black widow. cu toate acestea, it is not . . . → Citeste mai mult: Have you seen me?