Chris Grinter, na 5. julij, 2011%
Zdi se, kot da je prevladovanje urbanih legend, ki vključujejo žuželke plazi v naše obraze, medtem ko spimo. Najbolj znan mit je nekaj po vzoru “jeste 8 Pajki leto med spanjem“. Pravzaprav, ko google, da se število giblje od 4 do 8… do . . . → Preberite več: Vse novo, Napad Molji!
Chris Grinter, 9. maja, 2011% v redu, ne žuželka…
Naslednje tri tedne so moji kolegi iz arahnološkega laboratorija na Kalifornijski akademiji znanosti na Filipinih.! (št, sploh ni ljubosumen…) Potovanje je del odprave CAS Hearst, ogromna prizadevanja, ki zajemajo vse naše raziskovalne oddelke . . . → Preberite več: Arahnologi so pristali
Chris Grinter, na 18. april, 2011% Pred nekaj tedni sem bil povabljen, da se pridružijo Berkeley entomologijo razred v polju za vikend. Naš cilj je bil Blue Oak Ranch Reserve; ena od najnovejših rezerv v sistemu Univerze v Kaliforniji, ki se nahajajo tik izven San Jose na gori Hamilton (zemljevid spodaj). Bil je . . . → Preberite več: Modra Hrast Ranch Reserve
Chris Grinter, on March 30th, 2011% Lasia klettii: Photos by April Nobile, CAS
For the most part flies are not an insect I get overly excited about. Vendar, the enigmatic family Acroceridae are the exception. I’ll start sharing some interesting genera from time to time – the morphology of the family is amazingly diverse. Most of my days . . . → Preberite več: Flies can be (res) cool
Chris Grinter, dne 3. marca, 2011%
Apparently something in the Mazda 6 fuel line is warm and inviting for the yellow sac spider, enough so that they are building webs over the vent systems of the 4 cylinder vehicles (and not the 6!). The problem has been deemed a “spider infestation” by the car company, in . . . → Preberite več: Narava ugrizne nazaj
Chris Grinter, on November 1st, 2010% Might be a day late, but still worth a try. Boo!
Aphonopelma species from Western Texas.
Chris Grinter, on September 14th, 2010% A weekend without moths can lead a lepidopterist to do crazy things. Crazy enough to photograph a spider. Over the weekend I was accompanied to the eastern Sierra by fellow insect blogger, coworker and arachnologist, Tamas Szuts. I was on the quest for more specimens of a new Hepialidae of which you may be familiar . . . → Preberite več: A Sierran Spider
Chris Grinter, na 25. maj, 2010%
Za tiste Kalifornijce, ki berejo, predvsem tiste na jugu, bodite pozorni na tega čudovitega malega pajka, Latrodectus geometricus – rjava vdova. Arachnologists at UC Riverside are monitoring the spread of this invasive species. Ironično se izkaže, da ni tako nevaren kot naša domača črna vdova. Kljub temu, it is not . . . → Preberite več: Si me videl?