క్రిస్ Grinter గురించి

I am an entomologist and senior collection manager at the సైన్సెస్ California అకాడమీ in San Francisco, CA. My particular interests are tiny moths and I’ve been fortunate to be a regular instructor at the Lepidoptera Course in SE Arizona. I have a passion for encouraging science education, critical thinking, and reason in every day life.  Too often I find myself cringing at the news; always due to a gross inaccuracy, either entomologically or scientifically based.  With so few entomology or skeptical blogs, I decided to get off my lazy butt.

I have also begun, roughly, to pick up some photography and hope to incorporate it more into this blog.  Please do not hesitate to offer constructive criticism of my photos, I probably need it.

If you were wondering about my banner photo, this is the moth Xanthothrix neumoegeni (నోక్తుయిదే).

అలాగే, you should hopefully know where the idea for my subtitle comes form.  If not, smack yourself on the head, and read more కార్ల్ సాగన్.


Comments expressed on this site are those of the author and should be read as personal opinion of his alone.

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